Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs. Inhalation is one of the methods of physiotherapy, which is actively used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Shall we sort it out? whether it is possible to do inhalations with pneumonia, whether such therapy is expedient. What do pulmonologists say about this and are there any contraindications to the procedure?
What is pneumonia?

Pneumonia, or pneumonia, refers to an infectious disease during which certain parts of the lungs are affected. The disease is characterized by the fact that inflammatory exudate accumulates in the alveoli. Most often, pathology occurs against the background of exposure to bacteria (Hemophilus influenzae, pneumococcus, staphylococcus aureus).
Any viral infection that enters the respiratory tract creates certain conditions in the upper respiratory tract for the development of pathogenic bacteria.
You are more likely to develop pneumonia if you:factors:
- oncology;
- lowered immunity;
- disturbances in the work of the central nervous system;
- lung, kidney or heart disease in remission;
- age - over 60.
Pneumonia can be recognized by x-rays, by listening to the chest area, and also by certain symptoms. The patient suffers from shortness of breath, weakness, cough, loss of appetite, excessive sweating regardless of the weather and chest pain. The disease may be accompanied by a slight increase in body temperature or, conversely, its critically low value.
Inhalations and features of their use

Before you figure out whether it is possible to do inhalation with pneumonia, it is worth understanding what this therapeutic method is. In general, we can say that this is the inhalation of steam. But if earlier they breathed, bending over a pot with boiled potatoes or boiling water, now modern devices (nebulizers) with the addition of medicines are used for this.
What are inhalations:
- alkaline - mineral water is used in therapy (Borjomi is best, which helps with expectoration of sputum);
- with mucolytics - it can be Ambrobene, Lazolvan or Ambroxol (the therapeutic effect is to thin the sputum and remove it naturally);
- with antiseptics ("Dioxidin") - kill pathogenic microorganisms that have become causative agents of the disease;
- with essential oils – most commonly usedfor home therapy (using a nebulizer is not recommended, as the oil can damage the device).
The advantage of inhalation lies in the fact that drugs are delivered exactly to the breeding site of infections, thereby effectively killing them and contributing to a speedy recovery. At the same time, medications do not affect the gastrointestinal tract, as can be the case with pill therapy. The painlessness of the procedure is considered a big plus, since it does not violate either the mucous membrane or the skin. Most often, therapy is used in children.
Do they do inhalation for pneumonia?

Since inflammation of the lungs causes tissue damage by infection, the basis of therapy is precisely antibiotics that actively affect pathogenic microorganisms. But in order to achieve a speedy recovery, physiotherapy procedures are also used, including inhalations.
According to many pulmonologists, steam inhalation therapy is effective in diseases of the upper respiratory tract. But it must be applied with caution in each specific case. In addition, the drugs used in therapy should be directed exclusively to the respiratory organs and not affect other systems in the body.
Still doubting whether inhalation is possible with pneumonia? Pulmonologists are unanimous in their opinion: even necessary, they note. Moreover, the effectiveness of inhalation in pneumonia has been proven, which is as follows:
- manifestations decreaseinflammatory process;
- mucosa recovers faster after exposure to pathogenic microorganisms and is moisturized;
- sputum comes off much faster and better;
- spasms and swelling go away.
The main advantage is that these therapeutic procedures can be performed not only in a hospital, but also at home.
Inhalations for pneumonia with a nebulizer

Inhalations, which are indicated for various lung diseases, are done using a special device called a nebulizer. The principle of operation of the device is to disperse the medicine that the patient receives through a tube or mask.
There are three groups of nebulizers:
- ultrasonic - the aerosol is driven by ultrasonic vibrations;
- compressor - the liquid becomes a vapor using compressed air pressure (they are universal devices, and, according to pulmonologists, these are the most convenient devices);
- electronic-mesh - the drug is sifted through a mesh-membrane that vibrates.
Pulmonologists note that with the help of inhalations, pneumonia can be cured even in infants, using a nebulizer while the baby is sleeping. But for children, a small and sparing dosage is used, which is prescribed only by a specialist. Ultrasonic devices are considered the simplest, quietest, safest and most effective, but compressor devices are universal.

Having decided whether it is possible to do inhalation with a nebulizer for pneumonia, you should familiarize yourself with the drugs that usually treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It is worth noting that such physiotherapy procedures are carried out when there is no elevated body temperature. Pulmonologists advise monitoring not only the patient's condition, but also the dosage of drugs used for inhalation.
Drugs that can be used for pneumonia as inhalation are divided into the following groups:
- bronchodilators - prescribed to relieve spasms and improve the drainage function of the lungs;
- anti-inflammatory - this group includes antibiotics, the treatment of which is directed directly to the source of reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, their use prevents the development of complications and sanitizes the entire respiratory system;
- expectorants - used to loosen phlegm.
Saline solution is used to dissolve drugs in inhalations.
Rules for inhalation
Many people know that treatment in the form of steam inhalation is indicated for bronchitis, but is it possible to do inhalation with pneumonia? Pulmonologists note what is needed for a speedy recovery, but only when there is no high temperature and in compliance with certain rules.
What rules should be followed when conducting inhalation?
- The last meal should be a couple of hours before the procedure.
- Breathing should be even and calm.
- Clothesduring manipulation should not constrain movement.
- Knowing whether it is possible to do inhalation with pneumonia for an adult, it is worth discussing the duration of the procedure with the doctor. For children, the steam treatment should last no more than 4 minutes, for an adult - 12 minutes.
- For one hour after the procedure, do not go out, eat, smoke or engage in physical activity.
Inhalations at home

With pneumonia, inhalations can be carried out at home, even in the absence of a nebulizer. For these remedies, a kettle or a small saucepan is used, and natural preparations are used instead of medicines.
Folk remedies for inhalation for pneumonia at home:
- Essential oils. It can be juniper or coriander, which have anti-inflammatory properties. You need 10 drops per glass of water. You can carry out therapy twice a day, lasting about 10 minutes per session for two weeks.
- Calendula. The flowers of this plant have expectorant and bactericidal properties. 2 tsp goes to 250 ml of water. flowers that are brought to a boil are removed from the heat and used as a therapy. Apply twice a day for 10 days. Breathe for no more than eight minutes.
- Honey. An excellent anti-inflammatory agent if the patient does not have an individual intolerance to the product. It relieves inflammation in a week. 1 tbsp dissolves in boiling water. honey, therapy should not last more than eight minutes.
- Soda andsea s alt. This mix contributes to the liquefaction of sputum and its removal. For 300 ml of water - 2 tbsp. soda and s alt, the duration of the procedure should not exceed 8 minutes.
Contraindications to the use of a nebulizer for pneumonia

So, we found out whether it is possible to do inhalation with pneumonia. However, the doctor is obliged to check if the patient has any contraindications to the procedure. Since the disease is infectious, it is often accompanied by an increase in body temperature. If it is above 38 degrees, it is better to refuse physiotherapy inhalation of steam. It can lead to a worsening of the patient's condition.
What other contraindications are there to using a nebulizer for pneumonia?
- Cardiovascular diseases (heart attack, chronic insufficiency, arrhythmia).
- Sputum contains pus or blood.
- Nosebleed.
- Difficulty breathing.
- Allergic reaction to inhalant drug.
Physiotherapeutic procedures, namely inhalations, for pneumonia are prescribed only by a doctor. In general, they contribute to the speedy recovery of the patient. But the procedure should be applied, adhering to certain rules, as well as in the absence of contraindications.