Do you guys want to know how to make your dick fatter? Please read our article

Do you guys want to know how to make your dick fatter? Please read our article
Do you guys want to know how to make your dick fatter? Please read our article

Friends, you can't even imagine! I don't know where these statistics come from, but it turns out that we - women - consider a thin penis one of the most unattractive male features! Blimey! And what about the poor guys who have just such a penis? They probably need to urgently take care of how to make the dick thicker!

What if they fail? All? Psychological trauma for life? Apparently, these guys will only have to amaze their partners with intelligence and quick wits, as well as a sparkling sense of humor! Okay, it's all lyrics. In this article, I will give two effective ways to make the penis thicker. Guys, read this for you!

how to make dick thicker
how to make dick thicker

How to make your penis thicker at home

Don't risk it!

There are all sorts of different ways to help "pump up" the penis to the desired size, both in length and in diameter. However, I want to warn you that usingspecial pumps, extenders, as well as hanging weights on the penis is fraught with serious consequences - injuries. You can bring your body to such a state that you have to amputate … the head! Yes, I'm not kidding! The fact is that such sophisticated methods provoke squeezing of capillaries and vessels on the penis. This, in turn, leads to local anemia (ischemia), which causes the death of the skin on the penis.

Beware of scammers!

Poor guys are trying to figure out how to make a penis thicker, looking for possible solutions to this problem … And the scammers are not asleep - they are cashing in on them. Now some pills and ointments have been invented, supposedly lengthening and thickening manhood to unimaginable sizes! Nonsense! Do not believe what they write on such boxes and vials! The composition of these "miracle ointments" is petroleum jelly, and the tablets are generally empty (placebo). If you are lucky, you will only lose money, if you are not lucky, you will lose potency…

how to make a penis fat
how to make a penis fat

How to make a penis fat at home

Guys, remember that the only true and at the same time safe method for thickening the penis is stretching its ligaments. It includes special exercises and massage. Here I will give two basic exercises on how to make the penis thicker.

  1. This exercise is done on a relaxed penis. I recommend using lube. Take the cock in your hand and stretch it out as far as you can. Press the thumb of the second hand down and slide from the base of the penis to its head. Visually, your sexual organ shouldlook like a checkmark. Do this exercise for about three to five minutes several times a day.
  2. how to make penis thick
    how to make penis thick
  3. Be careful before doing the next exercise. Strong pressure on the penis can cause capillaries to break, resulting in small bruises. Apply lubricant to a nearly erect (80-90%) penis. Grasp it with both hands at the very base. With one hand we clamp the organ so that it becomes hard, like a stone! With the other hand, slowly pull it towards the head. The bottom line is that we distill blood from the base of the penis to its head. The exercise is performed about 15 times.
