If you don't know if bronchitis is contagious, then this article is for you

If you don't know if bronchitis is contagious, then this article is for you
If you don't know if bronchitis is contagious, then this article is for you

Your child caught a cold and you took him to the doctor. At the district clinic, you tasted the delights of state medicine, such as long hours of waiting, and also stood in an endless line, consisting mainly of people sneezing and coughing. It is quite natural that you are occupied with the question of whether bronchitis is contagious. Consider another option - this diagnosis was made to you. Is it possible to go to work at the risk of infecting colleagues, or is it better to rest at home? In autumn and winter, the question: “Is bronchitis contagious?” - becomes especially relevant. After all, everyone around - on the street, in public transport, in stores - has a cold to one degree or another.


First of all, you need to figure out what kind of disease it is. So, bronchitis is a disease of the respiratory system.

is bronchitis contagious
is bronchitis contagious

It differs from the common cold with a cough in that with it the inflammation passes into the bronchi, and it is quite difficult to cure it. In the vast majority of cases, the disease is caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Experts distinguish between two typesdiseases: acute and chronic bronchitis. The cause of the acute form is usually influenza viruses and various kinds of bacteria. The average duration of illness is about ten days, during which the person suffers from high fever and a wet cough with copious sputum. If the latter lasts longer than three months, it is considered that the disease has become chronic. Bronchitis is able to progress, so it should never be started. As you can see, the disease is quite serious.

Is bronchitis contagious

Periodically, on Internet forums devoted to medical topics, the idea is expressed that this disease is not contagious. This view is wrong.

bronchitis treatment with antibiotics
bronchitis treatment with antibiotics

Ask any general practitioner if bronchitis is contagious and you will no doubt get a positive answer. In most cases, infection occurs by airborne droplets. If you are in close contact with a carrier of the disease, you involuntarily inhale droplets of saliva containing the pathogen, which are released when he sneezes, coughs, yawns, and even just speaks while standing close to you. If the patient is in a room with a large number of people, then everyone around them is at risk, because air is released from the human bronchi at a speed of 150 km / h. The worse the room is ventilated, the higher the likelihood of catching an infection. Since it is impossible to completely isolate your child or yourself from society, you should remember that there is a prevention of bronchitis.

Prevention measuresdisease

A room, study or auditorium that could theoretically contain sick people should be ventilated as often as possible.

bronchitis prevention
bronchitis prevention

In general, ventilation should be good. During periods of epidemics, the best option is to constantly wear a medical mask. Wash your hands thoroughly after visiting public places. If you feel that you are starting to get sick, try not to become a source of infection for others. Cover your mouth with a handkerchief or tissue and try to avoid crowds. Don't ask yourself, "Is bronchitis contagious?" Just don't put others at risk. Until you are sure that you are completely he althy, it is better to spend a few days at home. Eat garlic and onions. Whether you get infected depends only on your immunity. If you do get sick, remember: treating bronchitis with antibiotics is the most effective method. However, self-medication is useless and even dangerous.
