The period of breastfeeding is the most tender and touching time, the basis of a he althy relationship between a mother and her baby. The first months of life, the mother's breast for a child is food, drink, and comfort at the same time. Eating mother's milk, the child receives all the vitamins and microelements necessary for he althy development, develops intellectually and forms a basic trust in the world around.
In addition, this method of breastfeeding reduces a woman's risk of developing breast cancer by three times, and ovarian cancer by two.
Therefore, for a woman, the opportunity to feed her own milk to a child is a unique and amazing gift of nature.
However, there are times when a woman who has given birth notices that milk is produced in boring quantities, and the baby is not full, worried and screaming. In such cases, there is no need to rush to transfer it to artificial or mixed feeding. According to AKEV, only 3% of women have little milk by nature, in other cases, a woman just needs a little help to produce a valuable product.

To do this, there is a drug from the pharmaceutical company "Grindeks", produced by CJSC "VIFITECH" (Russia) called "Apilak", which belongs to the group of biogenic stimulants.
Below we will talk about the content of the instructions for use "Apilak", price and reviews.
Apilak received a wide range of applications and positive reviews due to its unique composition.
The main active ingredient is lyophilized royal jelly in the amount of 10 mg per tablet.
Also includes a complex of excipients:
- lactose;
- talc;
- calcium stearate;
- potato starch.
What is royal jelly? This is a secret that is formed in the body of the worker bee and is produced by its allotrophic glands.
This substance contains a number of useful components:
- vitamins (group B, ascorbic acid);
- macronutrients (potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus);
- micronutrients (zinc, manganese, copper, cob alt, sulfur, chromium and others);
- amino acids (including essential ones - histidine, methionine, tryptophan);
- other biologically active substances.
When using Apilak tablets, patient reviews contain many indications of the beneficial properties that appear on the body. So, for example, the drug:
- provides stimulation of lactation;
- helps improve breastfeeding;
- accelerates metabolic reactions in the body;
- fights chronic fatigue;
- facilitates the course of colds and acute respiratory infections;
- normalizes the work of the endocrine and nervous systems;
- helps boost immunity.
Indications for use
Apilac oral tablets are indicated in the following cases:
- Anorexia, malnutrition.
- Various disorders of the digestive process in children from 0 to 3 years.
- Great blood loss in a woman in the postpartum period.
- Violation of the process of producing breast milk in the amount necessary for the child.
- Low blood pressure.
- The period of menopause in women.
- Current use of "Apilac" is also relevant for men with a decrease in potency, which can be caused by chronic fatigue, being under stress, male menopause.
Contraindications for use
- The drug should not be taken by patients under the age of 18, since at the moment there are no clinical studies whose results could guarantee the safety of taking the drug in this group of people.
- Increased sensitivity to any component of Apilac.
- Having an allergy to bee products.
- Addison's disease is a disease of the endocrine system in which the adrenal glands cannot synthesize such a vitala hormone like cortisol.

Unwanted adverse reactions
Like any other drug, "Apilak" in some cases can have a negative effect on the human body. Due to a number of side effects, reviews of "Apilaka" are not always positive.
However, the list of possible adverse reactions to drug treatment is very small. Includes:
- Development of an allergic reaction (in this case, stop taking this drug immediately).
- Sleep disorder. Since royal jelly has a tonic effect, taking it can affect sleep. If any of these disorders occur, the dosage should be reduced or the drug should be completely discontinued.
Use during pregnancy and lactation
Many pregnant and lactating women used "Apilak". The reviews that they left after the course of treatment confirm the safety of taking the drug by this group of people. However, this is possible only after a preliminary consultation with the doctor and the appointment of this remedy.
Method of application and dosage
The drug has a convenient form of administration, which also provides positive reviews for Apilak.
To get a therapeutic effect, just put the pill under the tongue, and it will dissolve in a few minutes. This should be done three times a day for 10-15 days. A detailed regimen of administration is indicated in the instructions for use for "Apilak". Reviewspatients contain information that some forgot to take a tablet three times a day, skipping a dose. Some would like the drug to have a simpler regimen for taking the drug. However, royal jelly must be dosed into the body, at regular intervals, in order to constantly circulate in the blood and exert its beneficial effect on humans. Therefore, in order to obtain the maximum therapeutic effect, the conditions for taking Apilac should be strictly observed.
To date, not a single case of overdose with Apilak tablets has been officially registered. The reviews also do not contain any information about the occurrence of such situations.
Issue form
Pills are available in 25 or 50 pieces in aluminum foil blisters. They are placed together with instructions for use in cardboard packs.

Storage conditions and expiration date
Out of the reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees, away from sunlight.
The expiration date is 2 years, do not take the drug after this time.
Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
"Apilak" refers to over-the-counter drugs, therefore it is freely available to the buyer. When selling it, the pharmacist (or pharmacist) will not ask about the presence of a prescription from a doctor.

The cost of the drug depends on the chosen drugforms. As a rule, in terms of one tablet, a large package is more profitable to purchase.
A pack of 25 pieces will cost the buyer 200-250 rubles. It turns out that a person will pay 8-10 rubles per pill, that is, 24-30 rubles per day of treatment.
A pack of 50 pieces will cost from 300 to 350 rubles. In this case, the price of one tablet will be equal to 6-7 rubles, and the daily rate - 18-21 rubles.
Among other things, when buying a small package, the question inevitably arises of purchasing a second one. It should be recalled that the minimum course of treatment with the drug is 10 days. This means that 30 tablets will be required according to the information in the Apilaka instructions. Patient reviews recommend purchasing large packages at once for their own benefit, because there are 25 tablets in one small package.
On the pharmaceutical market, there is also such a drug as Apilak ointment. It will be discussed below. The cost of the ointment is in the range from 150 to 200 rubles for a tube of 50 grams.

Reviews about the drug
Studying this drug, you should stop in detail and analyze the question of what reviews the use of Apilac has.
1. The use of "Apilac" as a means of modeling immunity.
People often buy the drug to strengthen their immune system and protect themselves from infections during the epidemic season. Some every cold season opt for "Apilak", trusting its natural, safecomposition and beneficial properties of the active substance.
In addition to all the others, this drug helps pregnant and lactating women not to get sick. Many women are grateful to the manufacturer of "Apilaka" for creating such an assistant during the difficult period of pregnancy and breastfeeding, when the immune system is especially vulnerable. Patients claim that by taking the drug, they managed to protect themselves from colds throughout this time.
2. As a lactagon.
What are the reviews "Apilak" for lactation? Here they are very contradictory. Some write that only thanks to this tool they were able to establish the process and feed their children with valuable mother's milk for a long time. Others note the positive effect of the drug, but only in combination with other measures to enhance lactation (frequent breastfeeding, warm drinking, etc.). The third of the advantages of the drug is called only its not very high price, while they claim that they did not notice any therapeutic effect. Most likely, this is due to the neglect of the rules for taking pills, the insufficient duration of the course, or the natural aspects of a lack of milk. In such cases, attention should be paid to the correct capture of the nipple by the lips of the child. Because it is extremely important that the baby suckle the breast correctly, stimulating the areola of the nipple, thereby increasing the production of oxytocin in the mother's body. Oxytocin, in turn, promotes the production of milk by the glands of a woman.

3. howtonic.
There is a group of people who used "Apilak" for a different purpose, namely to increase the overall tone of the body. In this case, almost everyone notes a noticeable surge of strength and energy, as well as an improvement in mood and normalization of the emotional background. True, a small percentage of such reviews contain information that the drug helps only for a short period of treatment, and after its termination, patients begin to feel tired again.
4. As a dermatological agent.
In addition to tablets, royal jelly is also available as an ointment for external use.
Apilak ointment received many reviews due to its healing effect. The drug is used for various skin defects:
- acne;
- acne;
- scratches;
- irritation;
- dry.
Royal jelly accelerates the synthesis of new skin cells, preventing its aging and wilting. Many people use "Apilak" for the face. Reviews about this tool in the vast majority of cases are positive. It is especially recommended for those with oily skin prone to acne. The fact is that the drug normalizes the production of sebum, thereby eliminating the shine on the face and preventing the appearance of acne. Also, patients note that when purchasing Apilak ointment, you can get a tangible therapeutic and cosmetic effect at an affordable price.

"Apilak"-an amazing drug with a wide list of medicinal properties for the human body. The product is also rich in useful vitamins and minerals composition. All this explains the wide scope of "Apilak". The price and reviews, which in most cases confirm the positive effect of treatment with this remedy, are another reason to, if necessary, opt for the use of Apilac.