In the article, we will look at how to prepare a 2% soda solution.
Soda solution is widely used among the population, as it is a fairly cheap, affordable and simple product used in various fields, for example, in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, medicine, cooking, as a household antiseptic.

Modern methods of obtaining soda
Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is an acid s alt of carbonic acid, a white, finely crystalline powder with a s alty taste. The chemical formula is NaHCO3. This powder is non-explosive, non-flammable and non-toxic.
Currently, the production of purified sodium bicarbonate is carried out by two methods: "wet" and "dry". The overall process is based on a carbonization reaction where the solution is saturated with carbon dioxide. Due to this, recrystallization is carried out, the methods themselves differonly in the preparation of the solution. So, in the first method, ready-made soda ash is taken and dissolved in water, in the second, technical bicarbonate is used.
How to prepare a 2% soda ash solution at home is of interest to many.

Eating and pharmaceutical soda
Pharmacy products differ in composition from food products, and therefore the methods of their use are somewhat different. Drinking soda includes:
- sodium bicarbonate as the main active ingredient;
- iron;
- soda ash;
- arsenic;
- sulfates;
- insoluble s alts (as additional impurities);
- chlorides.

It can be used externally to gargle your mouth and throat, but you need to be careful when using it internally, as frequent use can cause problems with the deposition of phosphate stones, blood pressure, intestines and stomach.
How to prepare a 2% soda solution, it is important to find out in advance.
The pharmaceutical product is more purified from impurities, and therefore it can be used externally, internally, and intravenously. How to properly use intravenous solutions, powders, rectal suppositories and tablets is described in detail in the instructions for use.
Depending on the scope and use of sodium bicarbonate, you need to choosepharmacy or baking soda.
So how do you make a 2% baking soda solution?
Recipe, dosage
To prepare a 2% soda solution, you need to use the universal formula: take 98 parts of ordinary water to 2 parts of soda.
When you need to make 100 ml of solution, you should mix:
- 98ml plain water;
- 2g soda.

A teaspoon contains approximately 7 g of the substance without a slide. But modern spoons have differences in volume (depending on the manufacturer), and therefore it is advisable to measure the amount of soda using scales.
Knowing how to prepare a 2% soda solution will definitely come in handy in practice.
Useful properties
Soda is a rather weak and yet widely available antiseptic. Therefore, rinsing the mouth with it, with the indications available for this, is perceived by doctors rather favorably. A soda solution can also be used against heartburn, but here the likelihood of an “acid rebound” increases - a phenomenon in which, some time after taking soda powder dissolved in water, gastric acidity sharply increases. In medicine, this is explained by the fact that if too much alkali enters the stomach, the formation of hydrochloric acid is accelerated.

However, when other medicines are not available, soda is allowed to be used to achieve a certain therapeutic effect. So, at home sodiumbicarbonate will help with:
- diseases of the mucous membranes of the mouth, gums and throat (perhaps the use of soda to rinse the teeth and throat is one of the most effective and safe methods of its use);
- heartburn (in this case, soda should be used carefully, as an "acid rebound" may occur);
- insect bite (the affected area is smeared with gruel of water and soda);
- cough with too viscous sputum to dilute it (first of all, the patient needs to be provided with proper care and only after that give him a small amount of warm milk with soda and honey, but if we are talking about treating babies, this drink is allowed to be taken only in the first half of the day, before going to bed it is forbidden to use it);
- plaque on the teeth (whitening with soda will necessarily thin the enamel, cause discomfort from cold and hot food, and in the future can lead to damage to the teeth);
- rough skin on elbows, feet, etc.

Use in horticulture
For the garden and the garden, a 2% solution of soda ash is indispensable. Thanks to him, you can:
- to cope with powdery mildew - a disease of a number of cultivated plants that destroys young shoot leaves;
- remove small grass breaking through the crevices of paths in the garden;
- rejuvenate rose bushes by adding a small amount of ammonia to the bicarbonate solution;
- eliminate caterpillars that eat young cabbage leaves;
- fertilizing tomatoes, and the fruits become even sweeter and meatier;
- acidify the soil to grow some crop plants;
- clean your hands from heavily ingrained dirt after work;
- protect grapes from gray berries, add sugar to berries.
Contraindications and harm
The main reason for the negative impact of baking soda on the human body is its alkaline composition. If this product is not used correctly, it may cause harm to he alth. A lot of girls these days are just crazy about losing weight with baking soda. However, it not only cleanses the body of various toxins, but also spoils the gastric mucosa. It can be taken by mouth, but no more than twice a week.
Baking soda is contraindicated for those people who suffer from ulcers and gastritis. Also, this product may be harmful during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
How to make a 2% soda solution, now it's clear.

For the successful use of soda, you need to pay attention to how to make the solution correctly. You can not mix the proportions by eye and assume that the tool will become a universal assistant. It is the excess of the amount of active substance in many cases that causes a deterioration in the patient's condition and the appearance of allergic reactions. In gardening, too strong a solution of soda can ruin the crop altogether.
We looked at how to make a 2% baking soda solution.