Even the healers of ancient China knew the beneficial properties of tincture of trepang with honey, which helped in the cure of many diseases. The extract from this inhabitant of the seas was taken by the ancient emperors as an elixir of youth, and as an effective means of prolonging life.
Modern healers are convinced that trepang (sea cucumber) can heal patients who have already lost hope of recovery. In this article we will talk about this amazing animal. You will find out how trepang on honey is useful, for which diseases this remedy can help. Of course, we will talk about how to prepare medicinal formulations.

Trepang: what is it?
An invertebrate that lives in the Yellow, South China and Okhotsk Seas, resembling a thick, slightly flattened caterpillar. Belongs to the genus of echinoderms, the Holothurian family, reaches a length of 50 cm and a weight of up to 1.5 kg. His body, elongated in shape, is covered with thick skin and soft growths, which are calledspicules. They protect the animal from predator attacks in the deep sea.
The trepang feeds with the help of near-mouth tentacles, with which it captures the decaying remains of organic origin from the upper layer of the bottom soil. Life expectancy is about 11 years. In the second year of life, by the onset of puberty, the weight of holothurians reaches 1.2 kg, and the length is about 40 cm with a width of not more than 10 cm. Despite their fecundity, the number of trepangs in the Far East is rapidly declining. The natural enemies of these animals are some varieties of predatory fish. However, humans pose the greatest danger to trepang populations. In order to prevent their numbers from falling to a critical level, fishing is either prohibited or significantly limited in many areas.
For a long time, the meat of this invertebrate has been used as a source of nutrition, and is also used in traditional medicine for medicinal purposes.

Useful properties
Residents of Japan and China, the islands of New Guinea and Oceania, some Asian countries know about the benefits of meat of this variety of holothurians and the healing properties of trepang with honey. They are sure that this remedy can prolong life and preserve youth. It should be said that at the end of the last century, scientists confirmed these statements by conducting numerous studies of an exotic underwater inhabitant.
Researchers have been able to prove that the extract from trepang tissue has biological activity. Because of this, it is usedonly in folk medicine, but also in pharmacology. It is used to produce agents that restore joint tissues, and Japanese scientists have managed to isolate a substance from trepang tissues that inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

Fabrics contain many useful substances:
- riboflavin;
- iron;
- acids;
- fats;
- magnesium;
- phosphorus;
- calcium;
- proteins;
- iodine;
- thiamine;
- copper and others.
This composition helps to cleanse harmful blood impurities, regenerate cells and tissues, normalize glucose levels and blood pressure. In addition, the use of trepang meat slows down aging, promotes rejuvenation, improves performance, relieves irritability, fatigue and insomnia. It is an excellent prophylactic of many gynecological diseases, facilitates the course of tuberculosis, restores vision.
The rich vitamin and mineral composition of this product allows you to use it with reduced immunity and beriberi. It normalizes the work of internal organs, increases the body's resistance. Doctors equate trepang with medicinal properties to ginseng.
Honey tinctures
This is an amazing remedy - honey trepang. Reviews of people who used it to treat various diseases indicate that the healing properties of these drugs are due to the harmonious combination of products. Natural honey is known for its healing properties, and inin combination with trepang, they appear even more pronounced. You can also use ready-made tincture of trepang with honey. According to reviews, it is in no way inferior to the compositions prepared independently. However, traditional healers recommend to be patient and prepare a remedy according to old recipes with your own hands. We bring to your attention two recipes for such a tincture from fresh meat and one from dried meat.

Using fresh sea cucumbers: recipe 1
Cut the carcass into rings about 1 cm wide and place them in a glass or ceramic dish with a tight lid. Fill raw materials with vodka in the following ratio:
- 1 piece of trepang;
- 2 parts vodka.
After that, close the composition tightly with a lid and leave to infuse in a dark place for 21 days. Shake the container daily. Three weeks later, natural honey is added to the tincture in a ratio of 1: 1, and the mass is thoroughly mixed. The course of treatment is designed for a month, then it is necessary to interrupt the treatment for 10 days, after which the course can be repeated. Take this tincture once a day before lunch for a teaspoon.
Recipe 2
Another tincture made from fresh produce. To do this, holothurian meat is placed in a glass container and poured with natural honey (1: 1). Then the container is tightly closed and infused for a month in a cool place. The composition is filtered, the finished tincture is poured into small bottles. Take a remedy, as in the previous recipe.
This is awesomeproduct - trepang on honey. The recipes for its preparation are simple, take a little time, but, undoubtedly, these remedies have powerful healing properties.
Using dry product
In Russia, trepang can be purchased frozen, canned or dried. In the latter case, it is soaked in cold water for a day and a half before use, cleaned and the insides removed.
Dry tincture recipe
Take 100 grams of dry sea cucumber, which corresponds to two kilograms of fresh product, place in a container and fill with chilled boiled water. It should be changed three times a day. Water should cover the raw material. Leave it for a day to soak. Then drain the liquid, and chop the trepang as finely as possible. Add 40% alcohol to the finished raw material at the rate of: 1 liter - per hundred grams of the product. Place the container in a cool place, shaking it every day. After 20 days, the extract will be ready.

What treats trepang on honey
Traditional healers claim that trepang tincture can cure or improve the condition of many diseases. Here are just a few:
- disturbances in the endocrine system;
- diabetes mellitus;
- avitaminosis;
- some gastrointestinal diseases;
- lupus erythematosus;
- multiple sclerosis;
- tuberculosis;
- mastopathy;
- respiratory diseases;
- impotence,
- frigidity;
- helminth infection;
- adenomaprostate.
Rules for taking tincture
How to take trepang on honey? This folk remedy, prepared according to any of the recipes presented, should always be drunk before meals. It is necessary to check the body for the presence of an allergic reaction before starting treatment. To do this, take ½ teaspoon of the product and observe the reaction. If there are no signs of allergy (redness, shortness of breath, itching), treatment can begin. This applies not only to the internal, but also to the external use of compounds based on trepang.

Using tincture
We found out what treats trepang with honey. It's time to learn how to use therapeutic compounds for various diseases.
- Rinse the mouth 3-5 times a day with tincture, diluting 10 grams of the drug in 100 ml of water for mucosal disease, after undergoing dental operations.
- Tincture heals purulent wounds, scratches, eliminates fungal skin lesions, eliminates acne. Lubricate with tincture or make compresses three times a day.
- Infected burns, psoriasis, bedsores, boils are wiped with a 10% tincture solution twice a day. With advanced skin problems, the concentration of the therapeutic composition is increased: the solution is prepared in a ratio of 1: 1 or the tincture is mixed with sea buckthorn oil in the same ratio. To enhance the effect of the treatment, along with compresses, it is necessary to use the tincture inside (a teaspoon in the morning and evening).
- Tonsillitis, sinusitis,angina and other diseases of the nasopharynx are treated with a 10% solution, which is instilled into the nose and gargled.
- When fighting impotence, take two tablespoons (tablespoons) of tincture twice a day half an hour before meals.
- Judging by the reviews, honey trepang is an effective remedy for the treatment of many women's diseases. Its use must be agreed with the gynecologist. A cotton swab dipped in a mixture of sea buckthorn oil and trepang tincture (1:1) is inserted into the vagina. The procedures are carried out for 10 days at night.
- For colds, take one tablespoon (tablespoon) of trepang tincture with honey half an hour before meals twice a day.
For preventive purposes, to prevent colds, to improve the general condition after serious illnesses, operations, with weakened immunity, you should take a teaspoon of tincture for 30 days half an hour before meals. Then the treatment is interrupted for 20 days, after which the course can be repeated.
Is it possible to give tincture to children
This product is not recommended for use on children under 15 years of age. This is due to the fact that no clinical studies have been conducted on the effects of drugs on the child's body.

It must be taken into account that trepang tincture with honey is an allergenic product, therefore its use should be excluded for people with a tendency to allergic reactions and hypersensitivity.
With extreme caution and after mandatory consultation witha doctor can use this method of treatment for pregnant and lactating mothers.
The risk group includes patients with hyperthyroidism, as well as hypotension.
Patient testimonials
Get rather conflicting reviews of sea cucumbers on honey. Some patients consider this remedy a panacea, others claim that they did not feel any special changes in their state of he alth. Usually such reviews are left by people who took the finished composition. In addition, many complain about the very unpleasant taste of this remedy.
Despite this, people who prepared the tincture on their own note that the remedy really strengthens the immune system - colds began to bypass them even during epidemics, the digestive tract is getting better, the skin is cleansed.