Due to the fact that many people today lead a sedentary lifestyle, only a few can form the correct posture. But the main problem is not only in the beauty of a person, but in the work of the whole organism, since the curvature of the vertebra directly affects the functionality of all organs.
No matter how trite it may sound, but each person must take care of his own he alth and beauty, and for this you do not need to do anything supernatural, it is enough to devote only ten minutes a day to simple exercises. Properly selected exercise therapy for posture disorders will help both adults and children achieve high results. If you do such exercises constantly, then you can forget about posture problems for a long time.

The danger of bad posture for a person
Bad posture is not considered such a harmless deviation in the body, as it affects daily lifeperson. With incorrect posture, it is often difficult to take even a normal deep breath, while it is often accompanied by pain, and wrinkles begin to appear on the neck, which only add age. Thus, the whole body does not already look as attractive as we would like. Adult women may also note such a disadvantage as a change in the shape of the breast. The disease does not spare children either. Starting from a young age, some begin to stoop, and if parents do not pay attention to this in time, then the skeleton will soon deform, the normal functioning of the respiratory system will be disrupted, and blood circulation and digestion will deteriorate.

Slowly slouching becomes a habit that becomes almost impossible to get rid of. The main reason for such deviations is a sedentary lifestyle, so each person needs to do exercises on an ongoing basis. To date, doctors and scientists themselves have developed a huge number of exercise therapy exercises for correct posture, which are separately suitable for children and adults.
How to diagnose posture
You can also learn about problems with your posture at home, for this there is a special diagnosis. You need to find a corner in your room and lean against it with your whole back. The feet should be straight and also touch the wall. In order to properly assess your spine, you need to take an assistant with you, he will have to try to squeeze his hand between the lower back and the wall. If there are noproblems, then the palm should pass quietly. If you can only squeeze your fingertips, then most likely the person has a serious pathology. What exactly, will show already medical diagnostics. Particular attention should be paid to the shoulder blades, they cannot lag behind the vertical line of the wall.
Today, many adults and children are faced with such a pathology as pterygoid scapulae. Such a change in the body is just a symptom, but it is simply impossible not to pay attention to it. If a person has a chest stoop, then in this case the head will lean forward. Naturally, it will be very difficult for a person to be constantly in this position, because the main tension is on the cervical vertebra, so headaches appear. Many adults prefer not to do exercise therapy for posture, but simply take analgesics, but in this case, the effect can only be temporary. To recover and correct your posture, you will definitely need the help of a specialist who can develop a set of exercises.
How to eliminate pathology
If you pay attention to the problem in time, you can safely avoid complications. When the absence of structural changes in the spine is diagnosed, then exercise therapy for scoliotic posture will actually be effective. But every patient should remember that all doctor's recommendations should be followed without question.

In order for the result to be stable, complex therapy should be used, the basis of whichwill make therapeutic exercises using special movements. In addition to exercises, some other methods are used:
- Massage.
- Physiotherapy course.
- Swimming.
- Correction with a special corset.
You need to carefully control your posture while sitting, you will need to give up bad habits, adjust your diet and exercise regularly. If we are talking about a child, then parents should control.
Basic methods of dealing with bad posture
The exercise therapy complex for violation of posture in the initial stages does not require much effort, but movements should be done constantly. All exercises are recommended after the muscles are warmed up.

The main part should be aimed at stretching the spine. It should be remembered that in order for classes to give positive results, one must adhere to special rules:
- Before you begin to perform a set of exercise therapy exercises for violation of posture, you need to ventilate the room well.
- It is recommended that you wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that will not restrict movement during class.
- In no case should you start classes on a full stomach or immediately after waking up.
- The complex of such exercises does not include any power movements or jerks, on the contrary, this can adversely affect the patient's he alth.
Sometimes a person may experienceexacerbation of chronic diseases that are somehow related to the spine, in which case the set of exercises will need to be temporarily suspended. Although experts recommend gradually increasing the duration of such exercises, you should not do it too abruptly.
The exercise therapy technique for posture defects will be much more effective if a massage is also performed in the complex. The fact is that in this way it is possible to improve blood circulation, which will regulate metabolic processes in the body and tissues. Proper massaging of problem areas significantly activates the work of the muscles and ligaments of the spinal column, this will further improve posture. A specialist can prescribe massage in special courses, which will be several sessions, usually at least 12. Usually, the condition of patients begins to improve if both exercises and massage are used in the complex at the same time. It also happens that progress comes very slowly, or complications begin to appear, then the doctor has every right to prescribe physiotherapy as well. Going to the pool and wearing a corset will be useful.
Physiotherapeutic procedures will only enhance the effect of therapeutic exercises and massage, it also helps to normalize metabolic processes. This type of therapy includes magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, heating. Very often, in violation of posture in children, exercise therapy also complements the wearing of a corset. Thus, it is possible to fix the spine in the correct position and remove the load from it. Doctors do not recommend for a long timewear a corset, as this can cause muscle atrophy, leading to even more complex pathologies.
As a preventive measure, it is advisable to go swimming. The fact is that classes in water are useful, they have a positive effect not only on the human spine, but also on the entire body. If there are other diseases of the back, then all exercises should be performed by the patient under the strict guidance of the instructor.
A set of exercises for preschool children
The main tasks of exercise therapy for violation of posture in adults and preschoolers are almost the same, but the main difference is that very young children are not available for targeted training. That is why the exercises are designed in such a way that the baby is engaged as if in a game. Consider the basic exercises that a small child under 6 years of age should perform:
- Any exercise therapy for preschoolers in case of violation of posture should begin with walking, this at the same time serves as a good warm-up to reproduce further movements. It is desirable that the baby just marches for the first 20 seconds, but the instructor must ensure that the child's back is absolutely even during walking. Then the baby marches for the next 20 seconds, already rising high on his toes. Finish this exercise with a step with your knees high.
- When all the muscles of the body are already prepared and warmed up, you can gradually move on to movements aimed at stretching the spine. The kid should be offered to stand up, legs apart shoulder-width apart. As soon as the child takes a breath,he will have to raise his hands up, and stretch well, as he exhales, his arms slowly lower. This type of movement must be performed at least six times. It is important to remember that this exercise is done with a completely flat back, and in no case should the child be allowed to bend back.
- Some exercises are recommended to be performed only in the prone position, it is necessary to invite the child to lie down on the rug, and freely stretch the arms along the body. It is proposed to simultaneously raise the left arm and thus pull the right leg to the stomach. The same is repeated with the other leg. You must alternate each position at least three times.
- From the prone position, another movement is made, which is considered the basis of exercise therapy for posture defects. While the child exhales, the leg rises to a vertical position, so it should be held for about two seconds and slowly lowered. Further, the same is done with the other leg. The specialist must carefully ensure that the leg does not bend at the knee.
- There are separate exercises that are done in a pose lying on your stomach. One of these movements is called "Boxer". In this position, lying on his stomach, the baby is invited to raise his body as far as possible and beat with his hands, as if imitating boxing strikes. Three minutes will be enough to complete.
- The baby, lying on his stomach, should stretch his arms along the body. Gradually tensing the muscles, the child raises the chest, arms and legs. Thus, the body is fixed in an elevated position for 4 seconds. It is recommended to do 5approaches.
- The last exercise can be compared to the pose of a child's favorite animal, in order to make it more interesting to perform. The kid is invited to kneel down, lower his hands, and bring his legs together. The arms are spread apart in different directions, they must be straight, at the same moment the leg is straightened and moved to the side. After the child returns to its original position, everything is done with the other leg. Each exercise on one side is recommended to be done at least 5 times.
Given that these exercises are designed for very young children, it is necessary to dilute them with a game, in this case it would be appropriate to make some comparisons with animals so that the baby can imitate their habits.
Prophylactic exercises for children of six years using objects
The exercise therapy complex for violation of posture in children can be carried out with different objects. This will diversify the exercises and the child will like it.

As a rule, if scoliosis has not formed, but the first deviations have already become noticeable, experts recommend developing a special simple complex that the baby can perform at home. Consider some of these movements using a gymnastic stick:
- The main subject with which all exercises are connected is a gymnastic stick, so it should be comfortable for the child. The kid is invited to take the object so that the hands are in front, below. While the hands with the object will rise up, one leg should be retracted inside, with the next raising of hands, the position changes. Change of position of the legs must occur at least eight times. It is important that the instructor or the person who conducts the complex carefully monitors that the baby bends back properly while moving the arms up.
- The next exercise assumes that the stick is in the hands from behind. Hands must be lowered down, and legs brought together. While the child will rise on his toes, the hands are taken further and further back. This exercise should be repeated six times. In the process of execution, be sure to pay attention to the elbows, they should not bend.
- The baby holds the object in outstretched arms in front of him. You need to raise your hands and lower them to your chest, and then turn in one direction, then in the other. During this movement, you must ensure that the posture is even.
It is necessary to pay attention not only to the correct execution of each exercise therapy exercise in violation of posture, but also to its correct completion. At the end, the kid must walk, the pace is chosen calm. It will be enough for the child to march with knees high for 30 seconds.
Exercises for schoolchildren
As soon as children at school begin to undergo medical examinations, doctors immediately detect violations of their posture. The main reason for this problem is that parents and schools may not pay enough attention to protecting the he alth of the baby and its development. But, even while at school, it is possible to fight the development of an early stage of scoliosis, in this case there is exercise therapy in case of violationposture in children from 7 to 16 years. For correction, exercises can be carried out at home, the main thing is to be able to teach the baby to devote twenty minutes to his he alth in the morning. It is important to remember that any complex should begin with a warm-up, for this, as in the previous case, regular walking is suitable. Therapeutic exercise may include the following movements:
- As in preschool, students will be interested in using any objects in their exercises, so it is recommended to take a ball. The starting position should be standing, legs apart shoulder-width apart, and the ball is raised in the hands in front of you. While the object will rise up, the child should look at it. Then the ball falls on the chest, and in this position the baby turns to the sides. There are five such turns on each side. All exercise therapy exercises in violation of posture are recommended to be carefully monitored, otherwise there is a risk that the child will perform them incorrectly, which means that this will not bring positive results.
- The child is invited to take the ball in one hand and try to put it behind his back in this position, and then transfer this object to the other hand. During the exercise, it is important to monitor the initial posture, it should not change. Several such movements should be performed.
- Hands with the ball are raised above the head. Gradually, the elbows are bred to the sides, and then, as it were, crossed. In this position, you should try to make 6 tilts in each direction.
- The exercise therapy complex for violation of posture in children involves frequent changes of postures, this is doneso that the child does not get tired. The baby is recommended to take a prone position. The legs simultaneously rise up at an angle of 90 degrees and spread as far as possible to the sides, after which they cross. This exercise must be performed 8 times.
- In addition to the fact that the exercise is aimed at correcting posture, it is also important to strengthen muscles and ligaments in every possible way, which is why the "Bicycle" remains popular. The legs should be raised in a bent position and pretend as if the child is pedaling a bicycle. The instructor can dictate how to simulate a "trip", indicating - slowly or with acceleration.
- The conclusion of an exercise therapy session to correct a child's posture may be the familiar "Swallow".
Additionally, many doctors recommend developing not only the back muscles, but also paying attention to the legs, so every day the child must squat at least 15 times. This type of movement can also be carried out with objects in your hands, for example, take a gymnastic stick, put it behind your neck and squat in this position. Or you can just straighten your arms forward during the squat itself. The latter option is considered the most acceptable, since the child will have to independently control their own movements.
Exercises for posture correction for adults
Due to the fact that many adults have recently had to lead a sedentary rather than an active lifestyle, such a pathology as a violation of posture is becoming quite common.

In order not to worsen their he alth, adults, as well aschildren, it is recommended to perform a certain set of exercise therapy in violation of posture.
- Special attention for adults should be given to stretching the back. For the whole complex, you will definitely need a rug on which you can comfortably sit. The first exercise is carried out in a standing position, while the legs should be spaced hip-width apart. When inhaling, hands should be raised up, at the same time rise on toes and make sure that the back is absolutely even. On exhalation, the hands go down, and the person himself stands on a full foot. It will be enough to repeat the exercise several times, then to smoothly move on to the slopes.
- Exercise therapy for violations of posture necessarily include tilts to the sides. It is necessary to raise one hand up and, when exhaling, tilt the body to the side, while inhaling, return to your initial position. It is advisable to bend as deep as possible so that all the muscles of the back work.
- In the complex, it is recommended to use the rotation of the pelvis. The palms should be placed in such a way that the fingers are directed to the sacrum. In this position, you need to begin to slowly rotate the pelvis, making a small circle. At the moment when the pelvis comes forward, it is advisable to bend slightly and take a breath. When the pelvis is retracted, an exhalation is made. The rotation of the pelvis must be performed correctly, the legs must be kept straight, and the hips must be tensed. It is worth making four turns and making sure that the tailbone registers a circle.
Such a complex of exercise therapy for posture in adults takes a little time, which means that it can be done even during the working day, taking onlyten minutes to your body.
Special complex for posture
There is a more complex set of exercises that will suit many adults. Like any gymnastics, it begins with a good warm-up, after which you can proceed to the main part:
- The “Wave” is considered to be an effective exercise. It should be done slowly and correctly. Initially, a breath is taken, and the pelvis moves forward; straining his legs as much as possible, a person tries to push his stomach and chest forward. On exhalation, a deflection is made, so the body, as it were, goes down, almost standing in parallel with the floor. Such waves must be made at least 6. It is important to make sure that the head does not throw back.
- Exercise therapy for violations of posture includes slopes. When exhaling, a forward bend is made so that the body becomes parallel to the floor. At this time, it is important to rest your hands on the front of the thigh, gradually starting from it, it is possible to stretch the spinal column. When performing the tilt, make sure that the chest is as close as possible to the legs. It is important to lower yourself into a full tilt position and from here take your hands on your shoulders. In this position, try to relax and hang as much as possible.
- A set of exercise therapy exercises for violation of posture includes many effective actions. For example, the “Fold” is considered effective, in which a person tries in every possible way to pull the body to straight legs; in this way, you can permanently get rid of stoop.
- Women love the Cat exercise. To do this, you should kneel down, while inhaling, bend as smoothly as possible to the floor,practically touching with the chest, and at the exit, bend the back up, rounding it as much as possible.
- Special attention is paid to stretching the legs and back, this contributes to the correction of posture. Starting position on all fours. In this position, it is recommended to stretch the legs, but in no case should you swing, as this can adversely affect the muscles of the back.
- Exercise therapy for violations of posture requires relaxation. When the stretching of the legs and back is done, you can relax by lowering your chest and stomach to your hips, while pressing your forehead to the floor. This pose resembles the pose of a child and is widely used in yoga.
- Cross twine can also be an excellent option for posture correction. The hips should be opened as wide as possible, bring the feet together and in this position lower the pelvis on the heels. It is important to keep your back straight. If posture correction is required, this type of exercise will help strengthen both muscles and ligaments.

It must be remembered that the result can be obtained only if you perform a set of exercises constantly. Some movements were taken from yoga, they are all aimed at developing the mobility of the spinal column as much as possible. It is also recommended by experts to alternate strong muscle tension with relaxation. It is advisable to supplement exercise therapy in violation of posture with a certain balanced diet.
Prevention measures
Naturally, it is easier to prevent a curvature of the spine than to correct it. For this, there are certain preventive measures. by the mostthe first condition for a beautiful posture is an attentive attitude to the postures of the child. The body must be in the correct position while walking, sedentary work, watching TV or even playing games. Oddly enough, it is important to pay attention to the position in which the child is during sleep. The fact is that a soft mattress contributes to excessive deflection of the spine, which negatively affects the he alth of the baby. Therefore, it is better to choose a moderately hard mattress for the bed.
Exercise therapy for curvature of posture may not be required if, from early childhood, you form the skeleton correctly and monitor your child, his position during the game. It is necessary to take care that the growing organism receives the necessary amount of vitamins and microelements. The products should contain a sufficient amount of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and vitamins of different groups. If a person responsibly treats such moments, then you definitely won’t have to take care of the he alth of your posture.