According to statistics, a third of the inhabitants of our planet snore. 5% of children suffer from this phenomenon, approximately 15-30% of young people, as well as middle-aged people, and more than 40% of the elderly population.
The rattling low-frequency sounds that accompany a person in a dream are not as harmless as it might seem at first glance. Even in the case when he lives alone, and the sounds he makes at night do not bother anyone, the question of how to get rid of snoring should also concern him. After all, such a phenomenon is considered a disease that can lead to a very serious condition, which is called “obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.”

More often than not, though, people don't take their snoring seriously. After all, the unpleasant sounds made by him in a dream do not interfere with the person himself. That is why the question of how to get rid of snoring in a dream is of most concern to those who are disturbed by these nightly roulades to have a normal rest. After all, falling asleep if there is a person nearby who makes annoying sounds is simply impossible. Most of all, this problem affects maritalcouples. Sometimes a wife or husband who can't sleep tries to establish silence by turning their significant other on their side or giving them a light pat on the back. However, such actions do not always allow you to get the desired effect. Based on the data of the same statistics, almost 10% of divorces occur precisely because of the snoring of a spouse.
A bit of history
Tried to "treat" snorers back in the days when Peter the Great ruled. In this case, a fairly simple method was used. A stone was tied to the back of a person who made annoying sounds in his sleep. The heavy mineral made it impossible to roll over. This allowed the person not to snore until the morning.
Today, a similar method of treatment is used, but in a somewhat lighter version. So, snorers can buy special pajamas, on the back of which there is a pocket. Before going to rest, a person must put a ball into it (it is attached to the suit). A round object on the back prevents the person from rolling onto their back and snoring.
In addition, researchers around the world are making a lot of efforts to find effective ways to eliminate this pathology. There are countries where the patient is relieved of snoring at the expense of public funds. There are also various laboratories and clinics studying this problem.
Causes of snoring
A rattling low-frequency sound occurs in people during sleep due to the weakening of the tissues of the muscles of the soft palate, as well as the pharynx. Their tissues block the airways. This does not allow the air stream to fully performmovement from the nose to the nasopharynx, and then to the oropharynx and larynx. A similar reason leads to snoring.

Poor air circulation in the human body does not allow the tissues to be saturated with oxygen in the amount necessary for them. This phenomenon negatively affects the he alth of snorers. They begin to develop oxygen deficiency, which primarily leads to damage to the nervous tissue.
The list of reasons that lead to snoring are:
- deviated septum;
- adenoids;
- hypertrophied tonsils;
- elongated soft palate, as well as the uvula and some others.
Elimination of pathology
Is it possible to get rid of snoring without resorting to surgical treatment? Yes, the problem is fixed on its own, at home, if it is caused:
- overweight;
- taking certain medications;
- chronic fatigue;
- drinking or smoking;
- wrong body position during sleep;
- chronic respiratory diseases;
- age-related changes affecting the tone of the muscles of the nasopharynx.
As a rule, unpleasant sounds occur due to the appearance of not one, but several reasons at once. That is why the question of how to get rid of snoring will need to be approached comprehensively.
How to get rid of snoring in your sleep? To do this, you should bring your body weight back to normal. After all, oftenthe cause of annoying sounds at night is the presence of a fatty layer in the throat and neck. A similar problem, as a rule, worries men. After all, fat in women accumulates mainly in the hips and abdomen.
How to get rid of snoring in a dream for a man, if the cause of this phenomenon was precisely overweight? To lose weight he will need:
- diet;
- stick to a certain diet;
- exercise.
When following a diet, you will need to exclude sweets and sugar, confectionery and products that contain a high content of fat (lamb, pork, high-fat dairy products) from the diet. In this case, you will also need to refuse fried and smoked dishes, food additives and spices. Do not use carbonated drinks and flour products while following such a diet.
To solve the problem of how to get rid of snoring, food rich in proteins (chicken or veal fillets, etc.) should be present in the diet. It is necessary to eat fruits and vegetables that contain a high percentage of fiber (apples, bananas, cabbage), whole grains (wild rice, pasta, which contain only durum wheat, etc.), as well as foods that contain complex carbohydrates (white beans, lentils, wheat and buckwheat).
While following the diet, a person who decides to get rid of excess mass will need to adhere to the rules stating that:
- the amount of fat in the volume of meals should not be more than 30%;
- daily diet should be 5-6 fractional meals, which are made at strictly defined hours;
- dinner should not be later than a couple of hours before bedtime.
An important condition that a person who wants to lose weight must adhere to is the complete rejection of small snacks with chocolates, sandwiches and similar foods. If you are very hungry, it is recommended to eat low-fat yogurt, an apple or a banana.
Remove extra pounds and help yourself answer the question of how to get rid of snoring, it is recommended with:
- fast walking (120 steps in a minute);
- active games (basketball, volleyball);
- aerobic activities (exercises on a stationary bike or cycling);
- run at a slow or medium pace.
Any of these types of loads should be applied in stages in order to allow the body to adapt.
Taking drugs
How to quickly get rid of snoring? To solve the problem, it must be borne in mind that taking certain sedatives leads to relaxation of the muscles of the respiratory tract. This is what causes snoring.

A similar effect is exerted, for example, by the drug Phenazepam, as well as its analogues such as Fenzitat, Tranquezipam and Frezanef. Some of the antihistamines also have a relaxing effect on the muscles of the larynx. Avoiding them or reducing the dosage can help eliminate snoring.
How to get rid of snoring? The reviews of many people confirm the fact that an unpleasant phenomenon occurs during those periods when they work hard, are subject to stress, or in their body there are all signs of a decrease in immunity. That is why eliminating annoying night sounds will help:
- alternating mental and physical activity;
- 5 minute breaks every hour of work;
- even distribution of household and work duties during the day;
- daily half-hour outdoor walks;
- mastering the technique of muscle relaxation and relaxation;
- going to bed until 23:00;
- avoid watching movies or TV shows with negative content in the evening.
Alcohol and smoking
How to get rid of snoring? When taking alcohol, it is worth remembering that alcohol relaxes the muscle tissues of the pharynx, tongue and palate. This leads to the vibration of tissues during sleep, which is why a person has snoring. To prevent this unpleasant sound phenomenon, drinking alcohol should be stopped a couple of hours before going to bed.
Lead to snoring and those toxic substances that are contained in tobacco smoke. They negatively affect the mucous membrane of the larynx. As a result, during sleep, the muscles relax. The tissues swell and reduce airway patency. In this regard, people suffering from snoring should reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day by completely giving up 2 hours before a night's rest.
Sleep position
If a person suffers from snoring, how to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon at home? Sleeping on your back is often the cause of annoying sounds. When the human body is in this position, the muscles of the pharynx relax, which begin to impede the free flow of air. Staying on your side all night will help the pajamas described above, in the back of which there is a pocket with a ball.

Another factor in the occurrence of annoying sounds during sleep is the wrong position of the head. Get rid of snoring at home will quickly allow a special pillow. It will ensure the correct position of the head due to its design that supports the neck. Thanks to this simple adaptation, the airways remain open throughout the night. At the same time, the tongue does not fall. Models of some anti-snoring pillows have a special recess in the center. It allows you to keep your head in the correct position.
Chronic respiratory ailments
How to get rid of snoring at home? In people suffering from chronic ailments, a large amount of mucus accumulates in the airways. These masses lead to a narrowing of the lumen, which causes night sounds. To fix the problem, you will need to apply the following measures:
- rinsing the mouth and nasal cavity;
- inhalation therapy;
- nose instillation.
Saline is used for rinsing proceduressolution. Preparing it is quite simple. For this, 1 tbsp. l. s alts are poured into 1 liter of boiled warm water and wait for its complete dissolution. When gargling, 2 or 3 tablespoons are placed in the mouth. solution, throw back their heads and begin to make growling and gurgling sounds for 30-40 seconds. The duration of the entire procedure is within 5 minutes. When rinsing the nose, the solution is drawn in through the nostrils and passed through the mouth.

How to get rid of snoring at home? Reviews of many people confirm the fact that an unpleasant phenomenon can be eliminated by dropping sea buckthorn or olive oil into the nose. It is drawn into a pipette and 2 drops are injected into each nostril, while taking a deep breath.
The problem of eliminating snoring will be solved by inhalation therapy. To carry out such procedures, a container is prepared by filling it with hot water, in which a glass of herbal infusion of thyme, eucalyptus or mint is dissolved. Dry plants in a volume of 100 g are steamed with a glass of boiling water and infused for 20-30 minutes. After preparing the solution, the person should tilt their head over the container and begin to inhale the steam through the nose and mouth.

Inhalation therapy is also possible with the use of an aromatic lamp. To do this, pour water into it with a few drops of essential oil obtained from eucalyptus. After that, a lit candle is placed in the lamp and a similar device is left for 20-30 minutes.
Performing special exercises
How to get rid of snoring for a man or woman? Judging byreviews of many people, an excellent way to eliminate this phenomenon is the implementation of some exercises, including:
- Daily exercise, during which the lower jaw needs to be moved back and forth 20 to 30 times.
- Pronouncing aloud the sounds "y", "s", "and" with a strong tension in the muscles of the throat. It is recommended to repeat the exercise 10-15 times during the day, pronouncing each vowel from 7 to 10 seconds.
- The location between the jaws of the pencil to be clenched between the teeth. In this position, a person should be 2-3 minutes.
- Fifteen circular movements with the lower jaw, first clockwise and then against its movement. The position of the mouth should be half open.
Strengthens the muscles of the larynx and palate normal whistling.

He will become one of the ways to get rid of night snoring. You need to whistle your favorite tunes systematically for 30 minutes daily.
Grandma's recipes
How to get rid of snoring folk remedies? For a long time, this unpleasant phenomenon in Russia was fought by using a drug made from cabbage and honey. The vegetable contains a large amount of vitamin E, which helps to restore the mucous membranes. Honey has excellent tonic properties. The combination of these two ingredients makes for an excellent remedy for annoying night sounds.
Cabbage leaves (only a few pieces) are well ground in a mortar, blender or meat grinder. The result is a puree that must be mixed witha teaspoon of honey. This remedy for snoring is taken a month before bedtime. It relieves inflammation of the throat and is an excellent expectorant.
In Asian countries, snoring has long been treated with turmeric. The ground root of this plant helps to reduce inflammation in the throat and the waste of mucus. Turmeric for the preparation of a medicinal drug is taken in a volume of 2 tsp, adding them to a glass of warm milk. Take this remedy 0.5 hours before bedtime.
They say baked carrots help with snoring. One large root crop must be washed, peeled and put in the oven. Roast carrots until soft. This will take approximately 30 minutes. It is necessary to eat such a product before dinner. The course of such treatment for snoring should be 2-4 weeks. The unpleasant phenomenon is eliminated by supplying the body with the vitamins it needs.
Quickly get rid of the night phenomenon will allow oak bark infused with vegetable oil. For this drug, take a glass of each of the ingredients, mixing them thoroughly with each other. The resulting product is infused for 2 weeks in a dark place. Then it is used for gargling. A similar preparation, prepared at home, allows you to relieve inflammation, while increasing the tone of the muscle tissue of the larynx and pharynx. It is also recommended to lubricate the nostrils with this remedy and bury it in the nose.