"Dysentery bacteriophage": instructions for use, active substance, indications and contraindications, reviews

"Dysentery bacteriophage": instructions for use, active substance, indications and contraindications, reviews
"Dysentery bacteriophage": instructions for use, active substance, indications and contraindications, reviews

What kind of medicine is this - "Dysentery bacteriophage"? In what cases is it prescribed, does it have contraindications and side effects? Already from the name of the drug it becomes clear that it is used to treat various kinds of bacterial infections. But the main purpose remains the therapy of dysentery of a bacterial nature.

dysenteric bacteriophage
dysenteric bacteriophage


"Bacteriophage dysenteric polyvalent" is an immunostimulating agent, available in liquid form and in tablets for oral administration, as well as in the form of suppositories for rectal administration. Sold in vials of 100 ml (liquid form), in tablets of 50 mg in packs of 10, 25, 50 pieces. Candles for administration are sold in packs of ten. "Dysenteric bacteriophage" is an immunobiological preparation, which is also called a phage. It effectively destroys the causative agents of bacterial dysentery - Shigella Sonne andFlexner.

"Bacteriophage dysentery" in tablets is a specific tool that fights bacteria that cause infectious diseases. The basis of this medicine is a type of microorganism called bacteriophages. They belong to viruses, infect specific types of bacteria, leading to their death. How do phage and microorganism interact? A virus approaches a bacterium, clings to it, injects its DNA / RNA inside. After that, its doubles are reproduced inside it, numerous copies that tear the bacteria cell from the inside.

bacteriophage dysentery polyvalent
bacteriophage dysentery polyvalent

How does it work?

This scheme involves only a bacterium and a bacteriophage - the active substance. This property of bacteriophages makes it possible to effectively fight various infections without the use of antibiotics. After all, the latter affect not only infectious agents, but also the he althy microflora of a person, his immune, nervous, digestive, genitourinary and other systems. As for solutions of bacteriophages, they have practically no contraindications and side symptoms.

For example, there are specialized drugs that destroy specific strains of bacteria. These include "Staphylococcal bacteriophage" against Staphylococcus aureus. "Polyvalent" means that the medicine is universal, acts against pathogens of intestinal infections, bacteria that cause purulent lesions. The drug in question acts against shigella, the causative agents of dysentery, so it is polyvalent. Produce medicinalremedy in the form of suppositories, liquid solutions and tablets. The instructions detail how to take the medicine for different groups of patients.

bacteriophage dysenteric liquid
bacteriophage dysenteric liquid

Instructions for use

According to the instructions, "Dysenteric bacteriophage" is prescribed for children from 6 months of age, as well as adults. The main condition for its use is early use, high sensitivity of the pathogen to the bacteriophage. That is why it is so important to start treatment early, that is, from the moment the problem appears.

"Bacteriophage dysenteric" liquid and tablets are taken orally three times a day one hour before meals. The duration of treatment is 5-7 days. If dysentery is characterized by a mild colitis syndrome, then during therapy, together with oral administration, it is recommended to administer suppositories rectally or do enemas once a day.

Taken by mouth a few hours before meals. Children over 8 years of age and adults are usually prescribed 2 tablets 4 times a day. For young children, bacteriophage is recommended in liquid form. Up to 3 years should be taken one tablet 2 times a day, up to 8 years - 2 tablets 2 times a day. If the patient has dysentery, which is characterized by mild symptoms, then it is recommended to double the dosage, that is, take the medicine orally and in the form of an enema.

Use bacteriophage for the prevention of dysentery in children and staff in preschool children's institutions, 1-2 tablets per day. The duration of the reception is set individuallyOK.

bacteriophage dysenteric polyvalent liquid
bacteriophage dysenteric polyvalent liquid


"Bacteriophage dysenteric polyvalent" liquid, like other forms - a sterile medicine consisting of a filtrate of phagolysates, it is active against dysentery pathogens - Shigella Flexner of various types and Sonne. Concentrated liquid product, lyophilized or in tablets, suppositories, has an additional base consisting of hydronol or polyethylene oxide.


When does a specialist prescribe "Dysenteric bacteriophage" to a patient? It is taken for bacterial dysentery caused by a number of pathogenic microorganisms for the rehabilitation of convalescents, the prevention of bacterial dysentery. With the help of the drug, children from 6 months of age and adults are treated.

dysenteric bacteriophage instruction
dysenteric bacteriophage instruction


"Dysentery bacteriophage" is not an absolutely safe drug. Its main contraindication for use is individual intolerance to the components that make up the composition. The drug is prescribed with caution to patients who have a severe form of dysentery with severe intoxication of the body. The drug can strengthen infectious agents, which will lead to the ineffectiveness of subsequent antibiotic treatment. Side effects of the drug are not described in practice.


"Bacteriphage dysentery" in tablets, as well as in another form of release, does not exclude the simultaneous use of othermedicines, including antibiotics. In order for the treatment to be successful, it is necessary to determine the patient's phage sensitivity, as well as start timely treatment. If "Bacteriophage" is prescribed in liquid form, it must be shaken before each use. The peculiarity of the drug is that it can be successfully combined with other drugs during the treatment of dysentery.

It combines well with antibiotics. If "Bacteriophage" is prescribed for children under 6 years old, then it is recommended to first crush the tablet, and then dissolve it in water at room temperature. The drug does not affect the ability to drive a vehicle, as well as mechanisms that require increased concentration. It is recommended to take "Bacteriophage" in families and large groups for the prevention of the disease, as well as if cases of dysentery have been identified.

Before opening the medicine, you need to thoroughly wash your hands, disinfect the cap, remove it, do not leave the vial with the solution open, store the drug in the refrigerator. After the expiration date, it must be disposed of immediately.

bacteriophage dysentery in tablet
bacteriophage dysentery in tablet


What do patients say about the drug? Many note that the remedy is really effective, it can even be taken as a vitamin to strengthen the immune system and to prevent dysentery. However, abuse of the drug is still not worth it. Those patients who were prescribed "Bacteriophage" fortreatment of dysentery, were satisfied with the result. It is important to note that a few days after the start of the medication, patients experience a deterioration in their he alth. The reason for this is the mass death of bacteria, the release of toxic substances by them. In this case, do not stop treatment with Bacteriophage. Over time, the condition will normalize. As stated in numerous reviews, the drug is really excellent. The only downside is the high price. It costs more than 1000 rubles. In some pharmacies of the capital, its price exceeds 2500 rubles. In addition, it is not sold in every pharmacy.
