Psychosomatics of a polyp in the uterus. What is dangerous polyp in the uterus

Psychosomatics of a polyp in the uterus. What is dangerous polyp in the uterus
Psychosomatics of a polyp in the uterus. What is dangerous polyp in the uterus

Some pathologies appear due to psychological problems. This is especially true for the female sex, since girls are more sensitive natures. They take a lot to heart and withdraw into themselves. It is the inability to release their emotions outward that most often causes the development of psychosomatic diseases. This is a fairly common occurrence. A vivid example is a polyp in the uterus. We will consider the psychosomatics of this pathology later in the article.

What is psychosomatics?

polyp on the cervix psychosomatics
polyp on the cervix psychosomatics

What is hidden under this concept? Psychosomatics is a science that combines medicine and psychology. It studies the influence of psychological factors on human he alth. Research has been going on for more than one year, and scientists have concluded that many diseases develop against the background of a disorder of the nervous system. Women are more sensual beings, which is why they are more likely to develop psychosomatic illnesses.

Psychosomatics of gynecological problems

The female body is very vulnerable and reacts sharply to various stresses and troubles. As a result, first of all, his sexual functions suffer. Gynecological problems are often associated with a psychological factor. When diagnosing a disease, a woman first of all looks for causes in the external environment, but in fact they lie in her head and are called psychosomatics.


psychosomatics polyp in the uterus
psychosomatics polyp in the uterus

The psychosomatics of this disease originates from the female essence of procreation. Or rather, a misperception. If a girl does not have a family and children before a certain age, then she is reproached for this. And if she is already over 30, then many perceive her as an inferior creature.

In view of this, a young woman develops psychosomatic problems that stem from a lack of understanding on the part of society and loved ones, an inferiority complex, and a negative attitude towards oneself. As a result, psychosomatic uterine fibroids develop.

The same condition occurs due to a negative attitude towards the male sex. For example, because of a bad communication experience, a rude attitude on the part of a husband, a complex of a bad wife or mother. At an older age, this may be an insult to their own children. This is especially observed in women who are too power-hungry, who drive children into a corner with their authority, which leads to their early departure from the family or tobroken destinies. These negative emotions accumulate in the uterus and are manifested by the growth of fibroids.

Ovarian cyst

polyp in the uterus causes psychosomatics
polyp in the uterus causes psychosomatics

Very often emancipated women, trying to stand on the same level with men, suffer from ovarian cysts. With frequent stress, the adrenal glands begin to produce androgens (male hormones) in large quantities. This circumstance leads to dysfunction of the uterine appendages. The psychosomatics of cystic formations explains this phenomenon as follows: it is a bag in which not liquid accumulates, but negative human emotions.

Uterine polyp

Before proceeding to the psychosomatics of a polyp on the cervix, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the physiological causes. First things first.

Causes of the appearance of a polyp in the uterus of a physiological plan

polyps in the uterus psychosomatics louise hay
polyps in the uterus psychosomatics louise hay

Until the end, the causes and psychosomatics of a polyp in the uterus have not been studied. There is an assumption that the culprit is a failure in the hormonal background of a woman, when an increase in estrogens is observed. Another suggestion is inflammatory processes in the organs of reproduction.

Predisposing factors are:

  • metabolic disorder;
  • violation of contraceptive rules;
  • past intrauterine surgery;
  • incomplete separation of the placenta during labor;
  • past miscarriages or abortions;
  • sexual infections;
  • decreased immunity;
  • stressful situations.

The danger of a polyp inuterus

What is the danger of this pathology? The risk is that under certain conditions there is a chance of developing cancer.

Psychosomatic techniques

psychosomatics of a polyp in the uterus causes
psychosomatics of a polyp in the uterus causes

Relationships with men play an important role in a woman's life. Conflict situations, feelings of inferiority are stored in the minds of the fair sex.

Therefore, the psychosomatics of a polyp in the uterus also occupies its niche in the treatment of the female reproductive system. The basis of the technique is the knowledge of esotericism. Science studies the relationship between man and the cosmos.

If you program your thoughts in the right way, you can easily solve he alth problems, which will be a huge help to doctors dealing with your problem.

Louise Hay

Psychosomatics of polyps in the uterus according to Louise Hay is to eliminate the problem empirically. She studied the experience of many people who got rid of the problem through psychological knowledge.

Louise Hay's theory of recovery consists of the following steps:

  1. Think about the cause of the disease, the negative thoughts that interfere with recovery.
  2. Say out loud the wish to get rid of the disease, do it several times a day.
  3. Speak clearly and distinctly about your desire to restore your he alth again.
  4. As soon as you remember your illness, repeat the previous steps.

Do not hold a grudge against men and do not resist your femininity. Even if the sexual experiencethe past was unsuccessful, remember your partner with joy. Only love and harmony can restore he alth.

Liz Burbo

endometrial polyp in the uterus psychosomatics
endometrial polyp in the uterus psychosomatics

She advocates the idea of a metaphysics of disease, that is, a blockage inside a woman prevents her from getting rid of diseases. Including from polyps in the uterus. Liz Burbo calls for harmony of body, spirit and mind. Every illness is a signal that something needs to be changed in life.

A woman's womb is the birthplace of new life. All diseases associated with this organ (polyps, cysts, fibroids, erosion, etc.) are considered the result of emotional experiences.

This could include:

  1. Fear of having a baby.
  2. Guilt to your child, born or unborn.
  3. Ideas that failed to materialize.
  4. Feeling like a bad mother, wife, daughter, etc.

What to do in this case? When the causes of the disease are determined, it is necessary to change the attitude towards them and towards life in general.

Mental blocking is as follows:

  1. Develop your femininity, and then a worthy man will appear in your life.
  2. Believe in yourself, be the director of your life.
  3. Leave fear and guilt behind.


Problems of psychosomatics of the endometrial polyp in the uterus arise due to disagreements with the husband, sexual dissatisfaction or other psychological problems. If we talk about traditional medicine, then the doctor will prescribe the removalneoplasms by surgery. But after a certain time, the growths will appear again. After this, the decision is often made to remove the uterus in order to avoid the occurrence of cancerous tumors. Emerging erosion is cauterized, driving the disease inside, but not completely solving the problem.

To avoid such disastrous consequences, you need to know how to behave:

  1. Learn to forgive, especially your husband and previous partners.
  2. Don't you dare feel sorry for yourself.
  3. Forget what remorse is.
  4. Set goals and strive for them.

This position is held by a doctor with many years of experience Valery Sinelnikov. He believes that psychoanalysis and homeopathy can get rid of all kinds of diseases. You should change negative thoughts to bright and positive ones. If you constantly work on your subconscious, you can achieve a long and happy life.

Speaking about the psychosomatics of a polyp in the uterus, it should be understood that it does not exclude medical intervention in a woman's body. Because nothing can replace traditional medicine. But simultaneously with conservative or surgical therapy, it is necessary to change your attitude to life. Only such a tandem will lead to a complete cure.
