Placental polyp after childbirth: symptoms and treatment

Placental polyp after childbirth: symptoms and treatment
Placental polyp after childbirth: symptoms and treatment

Carrying and giving birth to a child is a rather complicated process for the female body. Often it can be accompanied by complications. One of the possible negative consequences of the birth of a baby is the formation of a placental polyp.

placental polyp after childbirth
placental polyp after childbirth

What is this?

After the conception of a child, the placenta begins to form in the body of the expectant mother. Her full education ends by the 14th week of pregnancy. With the help of this inner shell, the baby receives nutrition and the necessary substances. After the birth of the baby, the placenta leaves the body of the woman in labor. However, there are cases when the placenta is not completely rejected by the uterus and its small particles remain in the body. Over time, blood clots can linger on them. This new formation is called the "placental polyp after childbirth."

placental polyp after childbirth symptoms
placental polyp after childbirth symptoms

Formation cases

A placental polyp can form in three cases:

  • For natural childbirth.
  • Completing an operationcaesarean section.
  • Aborting.

In all three cases, the cause of the polyp is incomplete removal of the placenta.

Main causes of occurrence

There are several reasons for the formation of a polyp:

  • Poor-quality abortion or caesarean section, after which the doctor did not completely remove particles of the placenta.
  • Too strong attachment of the placenta to the uterus, which may cause incomplete discharge of the placenta after childbirth.
  • Unusual formation of the placenta, which is characterized by the formation of an additional part. After childbirth, this lobule is very difficult to separate from the uterus.
  • Development of the inflammatory process during pregnancy.
  • Hormonal failure in the body.

Placental polyp after childbirth: symptoms and treatment

After the birth of a child, the female body is in a weakened state and all the attention of the mother is focused on the baby. This often leads to the fact that a woman does not pay attention to the problem that has arisen in time. Diagnosis of this negative effect of childbirth is a rather complicated process.

It is not possible to determine the presence of a polyp on your own, but you can identify some symptoms, in the presence of which you need to contact your doctor to exclude the possibility of a problem.

removal of a placental polyp after childbirth
removal of a placental polyp after childbirth

A placental polyp after childbirth has the following symptoms:

  • Bleeding. After the birth of a baby, a woman has a few daysexcretion of blood. With each passing day, the discharge becomes less intense and soon completely ends. You need to be wary if, against the background of decreasing secretions, blood suddenly begins to be released with renewed vigor and such bleeding does not stop for a long time. This symptom may be accompanied by dizziness, nausea, pallor, and loss of energy.
  • Increased body temperature. If an infection has got into the uterus and inflammation has begun, then the woman's temperature rises.

Gynecological examination

For an accurate diagnosis by a doctor, the following examination methods and methods can be used:

  • Ultrasound examination.
  • Hysteroscopy.
  • Doppler examination.


If you have formed a placental polyp after childbirth, then you should not hope that the problem will disappear by itself. You can’t try to stop the bleeding, and the neoplasm just won’t resolve. Moreover, drug treatment in such situations also does not work.

Removal of the placental polyp after childbirth is performed surgically. Do not be afraid of the process itself, the operation is always performed with anesthesia or under anesthesia. Currently, doctors practice several ways to remove neoplasms:

  • Scraping is the most commonly used. It can be carried out either in the old fashioned way, when only standard instruments are used, or it is possible to use a hysteroscope. It allows you to avoid making incisions, and the doctor can observe the process on the screenmonitor. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia.
  • Removal with a laser.
  • Use of radio wave equipment.
  • A placental polyp can also be removed with electricity after childbirth.

The last three types of neoplasm removal involve cauterization of the base of the polyp. They are also characterized by common features: painlessness, short operation time (no more than an hour), absence of scars.

placental polyp after childbirth treatment
placental polyp after childbirth treatment

If you've been diagnosed with a placental polyp after giving birth, don't hesitate to see your doctor to get the treatment you need. If the neoplasm is not removed within a reasonable time, then it can lead to other unpleasant consequences.

Placental polyp after childbirth: treatment

After the surgery, the woman is under the supervision of the attending physician for some time. During this period, the following necessary procedures are carried out:

  • The removed polyp is sent for histological examination. This is done in order to determine its characteristics (the presence of anomalies or oncological cells).
  • When there is massive blood loss, sometimes a woman needs a transfusion.
  • The necessary tests are being done, including a complete blood count.
  • The disease itself is accompanied by blood loss, and if necessary, the doctor may prescribe iron supplements to increase hemoglobin levels.
  • Drugs prescribedpreventing the development of a bacterial infection (including antibiotics and hormonal agents).
placental polyp after childbirth symptoms and treatment
placental polyp after childbirth symptoms and treatment

The long period of complete recovery and the subsequent drug treatment, unfortunately, negatively affect the ability of a woman to feed her baby naturally. Used medications, getting into the body, enter the mother's milk. For this reason, a woman will have to refuse breastfeeding for the duration of treatment, while maintaining natural feeding is still possible. It is necessary during this period to constantly express milk, thus maintaining lactation.

Possible consequences of the development of the disease

If you do not seek the necessary treatment in time, the disease can have the following consequences:

  • Inflammatory process in the uterus.
  • Excessive blood loss can cause anemia.
  • There may be changes in the functioning of the ovaries.
  • Development of an infectious disease, including sepsis.
  • Infertile because a polyp can cause the egg to fail to attach to the uterine wall.

How to avoid this disease?

In order not to encounter such a problem, you need to use preventive measures. Among them are the following:

  • Timely registration of a pregnant woman and regular examination.
  • Careful monitoring of the body and condition after childbirth and abortion.
  • Timely request for receiptmedical assistance in case of detection of typical symptoms of the disease.
  • Compliance with the norms and rules of personal hygiene.
polyps after childbirth
polyps after childbirth

If, nevertheless, after giving birth, alarming symptoms are found, then you should immediately contact your doctor in order to prevent the development of more serious consequences and diseases.


Thus, polyps after childbirth are quite common, but knowing the signs and symptoms of the disease, you can avoid the development of negative consequences.
