Pricks under the breast on the right: what is and what can hurt

Pricks under the breast on the right: what is and what can hurt
Pricks under the breast on the right: what is and what can hurt

If you have a prickle under your breast on the right, then this is a symptom of many diseases. When pain is localized near the heart, this adds anxiety to patients. Therefore, if it pricks under the breast on the right, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. Only in this way can you avoid possible complications with your he alth.

General information

When pricks under the breast on the right, then most often it is a symptom of diseases that are accompanied by impaired pulmonary and cardiac blood flow. These include unstable angina, pulmonary thrombosis, myocardial infarction. Timely hospitalization, as well as proper therapy, can save the life of a patient with these diseases.

prickly under the chest
prickly under the chest

In addition, if it pricks under the breast on the right, then this may indicate problems with the digestive organs, rib muscles, and nerves. Despite the fact that they rarely pose a danger to people, they still cause a lot of trouble and problems. That is why it would also be advisable to seek help from a specialist.

Problems with the cardiovascular system

So, now let's take a closer look at why the pricks are on the right under the chest. First of all, it is necessary to mention the ailments associated with the improper functioning of the cardiovascular system. Soreness that occurs after mental and physical exertion, and also subsides as the impact of an external factor decreases, indicates a lack of oxygen in the heart muscle.


If it hurts on the right under the breast, then this may indicate the development of angina pectoris, which occurs due to the narrowing of the arteries in the heart. Despite the fact that angina pectoris in most cases makes itself felt in the central region of the chest or on the left side, sometimes it happens that the pain is localized in the region of the right sternum. If such soreness lasts about 15 minutes, no more, while receding after taking nitroglycerin or rest, then it is customary to talk about stable angina. If the pain changes its character, lasts more than 20 minutes, and manifests itself even during rest, then this is a symptom of unstable angina.

why pricks on the right under the chest
why pricks on the right under the chest

Myocardial infarction

If there is insufficient blood supply to the myocardium for a long time, this can lead to a heart attack. An attack of sharp pain begins absolutely suddenly, and a spasm that comes from the region of the heart, in some cases, begins to cover the entire chest. Atypical formheart attack often manifests itself without a pronounced connection with the muscles of the heart. For example, the abdominal form is similar in many ways to acute pancreatitis. At the same time, a person feels nausea, vomiting appears, as well as pain in the upper abdomen, including the area under the breast on the right.

Pulmonary embolism

What is right under the breast? Of course, it is necessary to mention the lungs. If you have pain on the right under your chest when you exhale, then this may indicate the development of thromboembolism. During breathing, wheezing also begins to be heard, hemoptysis, coughing appears. If the thrombus penetrates into the smallest branches of the artery, then the signs are not so pronounced. This makes the diagnosis much more difficult. As for acute embolism, it often causes sudden death.

pain under the breast on the right under the ribs
pain under the breast on the right under the ribs

Nerves and injuries

We continue to consider for what reasons pains appear under the breast on the right, under the ribs. Most often, the cause of such an unpleasant symptom is traumatic pain, which is caused by chest bruises, overstrain of muscles, chest ligaments, as well as their sprain, fractures and cracks in the ribs.

Drawing soreness in the chest, left or right, which increases with inhalation or with a sharp contraction of the diaphragm, for example, when laughing, sneezing, coughing, is observed quite often after exhausting physical exertion. Muscles begin to increase in size due to the release of lactic acid, as well as partial damage.

A hematoma appears at the site of the bruised sternum,which is also present when the ribs or cartilage located on the chest are injured. In the latter case, the aching pain in the side from the slightest movement becomes piercing.

piercing under the chest on the right
piercing under the chest on the right

Intercostal neuralgia

Quite often, heart tenderness is confused with symptoms of intercostal neuralgia. They occur due to compression or irritation of nerve endings. The symptoms are similar to those of a broken rib. Infringement is observed most often after physical exertion, an awkward movement or turn, which cause sharp pain, after which the patient's painful condition persists for a long time. There is a feeling of squeezing the chest, soreness begins to encircle the chest both on the left and on the right, while it comes to the back. The pain becomes more acute when exhaling or inhaling, as well as during palpation of the site of the pinched nerve.

Intercostal neuralgia can be triggered by diseases of the spine, such as thoracic osteochondrosis, as well as changes in the chest, colds or muscle strain. A sedentary lifestyle, weakness of the muscular frame increase the likelihood of nerve compression.

Infectious colds

Infectious colds of the respiratory system are often the cause of soreness, which is localized in the chest area on the right. Although this symptom is not the leading one, it often accompanies the inflammatory process in the organs of the diaphragm. Pleurisy and pneumonia are accompanied by fever, characteristic wheezing andcough, in which there is pain in the sternum on the right, if the inflammatory process has affected the lower zone of the lungs.

what is right under the breast
what is right under the breast

You should also pay attention to the fact that painful spasms do not allow a person to take a deep breath in case of oncological diseases of the lungs, as well as in the case of a severe form of tuberculosis. The mucus itself, which is excreted with a cough, also contains a bloody admixture in its composition.

Diseases of the digestive system

Many people know that organs such as the gallbladder, liver, and part of the intestine are located on the right side under the breast. Injuries and diseases of these organs are accompanied by unpleasant sensations that are localized in the right lower region of the sternum.

The abundance of spicy and fatty foods in the diet has a negative effect on the condition of the gallbladder, which, as a rule, starts to get very sick after eating. A sharp pain of a paroxysmal nature may indicate the presence of stones in the bile ducts.

Cholecystitis, inflammation of the liver, hepatitis provoke pulling or stabbing pain, localized on the right side of the chest. The pain can go to the back, as well as to the right shoulder. Signs are aggravated by pressing on the diseased organ, as well as by trying to bend at the waist.

right under breast pain
right under breast pain

Pancreatic dysfunction and pancreatitis provoke pancreatic pain that is felt in the right hypochondrium. The gland is located across the abdomen, which is why the patient feels pain of a girdle character in case of problems withby this body. Pain is also accompanied by vomiting and nausea, if the acute stage of the disease is diagnosed. In the chronic course of the disease, aching soreness becomes permanent.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the appearance of such an unpleasant symptom as pain in the sternum on the right is a reason to see a doctor. Ignoring the sign can provoke very serious consequences.
