Symptoms and treatment of conjunctivitis in a child

Symptoms and treatment of conjunctivitis in a child
Symptoms and treatment of conjunctivitis in a child

Conjunctivitis is a very common disease in children. Pathology occurs due to hypothermia of the baby, a cold, as well as allergic reactions. The disease is characterized by inflammatory processes of the conjunctiva of the eyes and is accompanied by an unpleasant treatment for the child.

treatment of conjunctivitis in a child
treatment of conjunctivitis in a child

Symptoms of pathology are determined quite simply. At the same time, the signs of the disease in adults and children are the same, only the reaction of babies is more violent and painful. As a rule, children become restless and lethargic. They are naughty and often cry. The main manifestations of conjunctivitis are as follows:

  • eye swelling and redness;
  • fear of light;
  • appearance of yellow crusts on the eyelids;
  • teary;
  • gluing eyelids after sleep;
  • deterioration of sleep and appetite;
  • discharge of pus from the eyes.

Older children complain of blurry and blurred vision. They are uncomfortable with burning in the eyes and the sensation of a foreign body in them.

conjunctivitis in children symptoms treatment
conjunctivitis in children symptoms treatment

If it is clearly indicated that conjunctivitis has occurred in children, symptoms, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor who needs to be consulted. The course of therapy will depend on the type of pathogen. In addition, the ophthalmologist will determine the causes of inflammation, which may be caused by an eyelash that has entered the eye, or reactions to any irritant, and will not require specific treatment. A specialist will check intracranial and ocular pressure, an increase in which can also cause inflammation.

Treatment of conjunctivitis in a child on the first day of manifestation of pathology consists in periodic washing of the eye with a solution of furacilin or chamomile. This procedure is carried out every two hours. The direction of the movements must certainly be towards the nose from the temple. In the following days, washing can be reduced to three times a day. When crusts form, they should be removed. In this case, a cotton pad is used. Parents should remember that the treatment of conjunctivitis in a child with an inflammatory process in one eye should be done on both. This is necessary to prevent infection from entering a he althy organ of vision.

conjunctivitis in children treatment drugs
conjunctivitis in children treatment drugs

In the event that conjunctivitis occurs in children, treatment (drugs can also be prescribed) is recommended by a doctor. The ophthalmologist will usually prescribe disinfectants. These drugs must be instilled at the initial stage of the pathology every three hours. Used for breastfeedingten percent solution of the drug "Albucid". For older children, the following remedies are recommended: Levomycetin, Kolbiocin, Futsitalmic, Vitabact or Eubital. Treatment of conjunctivitis in a child can also take place with the use of eye ointments (erythromycin or tetracycline). These products should be applied to the lower eyelid.

Treatment of conjunctivitis in a child, if done correctly and in a timely manner, gives excellent results. The disease passes quickly enough. However, parents should not self-medicate, risking the he alth of the baby. Only a doctor, after conducting an examination and laboratory tests, will be able to establish the causative agent of the disease and prescribe the necessary course of therapy.
