The better to increase lips: types, options, rating of the best means, safety of use and reviews

The better to increase lips: types, options, rating of the best means, safety of use and reviews
The better to increase lips: types, options, rating of the best means, safety of use and reviews

Currently, plump and pronounced lips are considered quite popular. Previously, girls tried to highlight their appearance and deliberately went for a lip augmentation procedure. The question of the procedure continues to be quite relevant, but it should be noted that its goal is now to create more natural and natural-looking lips. Many women want to undergo the procedure, but not all of them understand how it is carried out correctly and which remedy is best to choose. It is important to decide on the best for lip augmentation.

Indications for the procedure

Improve the appearance of the lips, making them more, seek not only because of the fashion trend. Many people go to a beautician for contouring in the following cases:

  • add volume to lips that are too thin from birth;
  • make them plumper by adjusting a clear Cupid's arc;
  • fillers are installed in order to eliminate natural or acquired asymmetry and disproportion during life;
  • older women spendsuch a procedure in order to refresh the appearance, eliminate pronounced signs of aging, such as wrinkles above the upper lip or changes in the shape of the corners of the lips;
  • Some want smoother, younger looking skin.
Indications for the procedure
Indications for the procedure

It should be remembered that by nature the lips most often have a proportion in which the upper lip is anatomically smaller than the lower. When making adjustments, it is important to take this rule into account, then the result of the procedure will look natural and natural.

Lip augmentation with fillers

What is the best way to increase lips? Fillers are a good and effective remedy. Many people think that fillers and implants are two identical things. But everything is not so simple. Fillers are preparations with hyaluronic acid in the composition, which are injected into the tissue by injection. Such gel fillers can be either natural or synthetic. Use them to eliminate pronounced wrinkles and folds.

Filler use
Filler use

The principle of the filler is as follows: the injected injection enters the skin, then evenly passes over neighboring tissues and fills the empty areas. After such a procedure, wrinkles on the face are quickly smoothed out, and collagen fibers bind together and form a more elastic and smooth skin.

The effect of the procedure
The effect of the procedure

Which drug is better for lip augmentation? Today on sale you can find a large number of different fillers, for example, Restylane,Surjirdem, Juvederm. If the cosmetic products are of good quality, then after being injected into the skin, they will give a beautiful and long-lasting effect.

Means' merits

The main advantages of such fillers include the following:

  • do not lead to intoxication;
  • does not provoke allergic reactions;
  • body tissues respond well to injected substances;
  • minimum side effects;
  • stay at the injection site, do not move to other areas;
  • are of low cost.


This method of lip augmentation is based on the introduction of the client's own fat deposits into the desired area. The technique is considered inexpensive and provides almost complete safety. But it should be noted that the effect of it remains for a short time, since adipose tissue has the property of resorption.


What is the best way to increase lips? In modern cosmetology, there are a large number of different lip implants that help to significantly increase their volume. But many of these agents do not have a resolution for incorporation into tissues. Other drugs can be used, but not to improve the aesthetic appearance of the lips.


On the territory of our country, implants are almost never used when increasing the volume of the lips, since in cold conditions they quickly harden. In addition, if a woman goes to a beauty salon with a desire to increase the size of her lips for the firsttime, then she is most often prescribed the introduction of fillers.

Filler Injection

Which hyaluronic acid is better to increase lips? The most popular and popular are products based on hyaluronic acid, which is part of human tissues. The prevalence of the drug can be explained by its unique properties. Hyaluronic acid has the ability to attract and retain fluid in the tissues, which helps the skin of the lips to acquire a beautiful and he althy appearance, as well as an attractive swelling and pronounced borders.

Filler Injection
Filler Injection

Many fillers have a US organization resolution that allows the use of medical devices and specialized devices. Of course, this authority is not the only one that controls security, but it is considered prestigious to receive permission from it to sell. Unfortunately, the resolution cannot cancel all contraindications and possible complications after the introduction of hyaluronic acid into tissues.

Popular products

Which filler is better to increase lips? Reviews highlight the following funds:

  1. "Juvederm" is a filler presented in the form of "Ultra 3" and "Ultra Smile". The tool is evenly distributed over the tissues and fills all the voids, the effect of the procedure lasts for a year.
  2. "Restylane" is a lighter action filler. The biogel contains hyaluronic acid, which provides the lips with the desired shape and volume. It should be noted that the effect of such a procedure persists forthroughout the next six months.
  3. "Surgiderm 24 XP" in its composition and effect is not similar to the medicines described above. It contains a three-dimensional matrix network of hyaluronic acid, which is resistant to absorption. The effect lasts for eight months.

Means "Juvederm" and "Restylan" are almost the same in their effect, so their injections can be combined if necessary.

What drugs should I avoid?

The modern cosmetology market is represented by a large number of different cosmetic fillers, but not every such preparation is designed to correct the shape and size of the lips. So what is the best way to increase lips? Reviews of experts suggest that it is not recommended to use the following tools for such a procedure:

Prohibited funds
Prohibited funds
  1. "Botox". Such a drug can not be called either a filler or an implant. It is used only to eliminate pronounced age-related changes on the face. Its effect extends to the muscles and blocks nerve impulses in them, which leads to the effect of smoothing mimic wrinkles near the eyes and forehead. Using Botox for the lips will not give any effect and may even worsen their shape.
  2. "Radiesse". It contains chemical compounds contained in human bone tissue. It is for this reason that the remedy is considered safe and does not provoke allergic reactions. It is used to smooth wrinkles in the corners of the mouth, eliminatenasolabial folds, modeling the shape of the face, but not for the tissues of the lips. The drug is completely eliminated from the body after several years.
  3. Dense consistency gel "Juvederm", "Volift", "Wolbella" and "Voluma" - all of them are designed to smooth age-related changes on the face, eliminate wrinkles in the cheeks, neck, forehead and nose.
  4. "Restylane Vital" and "Juvederm Hydrate" are used for the purpose of skin biorevitalization. They enhance its elasticity and moisture, help improve the color of the lips, but do not affect their size and shape. It is allowed to combine with fillers.

The best drugs in the cosmetology market

Which hyaluronic acid is best for lip augmentation:

  1. Princess Volume is a filler with synthetic hyaluronic acid that helps to significantly reduce the risk of complications after the procedure. The manufacturer is located in Australia. New creation technologies make it possible to reveal cellular voids, providing the most natural result. Such a drug is considered the best and ensures the safety of each client. The composition is evenly distributed over the tissues of the lips and retains its effect for a period of 6 months to one year. The recovery period lasts only a week, while swelling or redness may appear on the lips. The cost reaches 3500 rubles per milliliter.
  2. Juvederm is made in France, contains hyaluronic acid, the molecule of which is connected by modern technology into a 3D matrix. For quick and convenient administration, the drugs are available with lidocaine. The effect after the procedure lasts for 6 months. The price for the drug is 7500 rubles 0.55 milliliters.
  3. Surgiderm 30 XP is a filler from a French manufacturer with hyaluronic acid in its composition. The gel is plastic, which helps to achieve maximum naturalness. The result lasts from 12 to 18 months. The cost for packaging the product is 9500 rubles.
  4. Restylane Lip Volume is made in Sweden, except for hyaluronic acid, it contains lidocaine, which helps to secure the procedure as much as possible. Due to the high degree of stabilization, the chance of developing inflammation or allergies is minimal. The effect after the procedure lasts for 6-10 months. The cost for one milliliter is 5500 rubles.
  5. Teosyal Kiss is a mild filler used to improve the shape and volume of the lips. The composition includes hyaluronic acid of high concentration. Produced in Switzerland, it is distinguished by the plasticity of substances and the safety of use. The effect of the procedure lasts for 9 months, there is a cumulative effect.

Main contraindications to the procedure

Fillers to increase the volume of the lips with hyaluronic acid in the composition cannot harm if the doctor has not established contraindications for their use. The main prohibitions for the lip correction procedure include:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • tumor formations in the body;
  • bearing and breastfeeding;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • menstruation;
  • exacerbated processes of chronic diseases;
  • reducedprotective activity of the immune system.

Feedback on the procedure

Widely asked question among women: "Advise what is best to do, I want to increase the lips?" To do this, you should first go to an appointment with a cosmetologist who will help you choose the best drug for administration in order to avoid possible complications.

Reviews about the procedure
Reviews about the procedure

There are a huge number of reviews on which drug is better to increase lips. In many comments, women describe the good effect of the procedure, which lasts a long time. Where is the best place for lip augmentation? The lip reshaping procedure can be performed in Moscow, where clinics offer a wide range of procedures, which will give the client a chance to find the most suitable technique.
