Cholesterol is an organic substance, a lipophilic fat-soluble alcohol, which is part of the cell wall and is involved in the body's metabolic processes. However, if its level is elevated, then there may be consequences. What exactly? What causes cholesterol levels to rise? And how can this be fixed? These and many other questions should now be answered.
They must be studied before talking about how to lower high cholesterol. The reasons, in fact, can be many. The likelihood of an increase in this indicator increases the presence of a hereditary predisposition. If a person has one of the closest relatives who suffered from arterial hypertension, coronary artery disease or atherosclerosis, then he will most likely have high cholesterol.
Face this problem, as a rule, at an older age. It usually occurs in men, but women who are faced withmenopause, are susceptible to this pathology.
But this, of course, is not all the reasons. How to lower high cholesterol? To begin with, deal with the prerequisites. Often one of the following factors plays a significant role:
- Bad lifestyle: alcohol and nicotine abuse, physical inactivity, constantly arising stressful situations.
- Comorbidities: systemic connective tissue disease, diabetes mellitus and obesity.
- Unhe althy eating habits: high in fatty foods, animal foods, and lack of fresh fruits and vegetables.
If a person has an increase in the amount of cholesterol in the blood, then he begins to worry about angina, pain in the legs, ruptures of blood vessels, as well as yellow spots that appear on the skin (mainly in the eye area).

Tests detect the presence of blood clots, and as part of the diagnosis, narrowing of the coronary arteries and plaque rupture can be detected, which can be fraught with heart failure.
So, above it was told about the reasons. How to lower high cholesterol? Only a doctor can answer this question. But most often, doctors prescribe statins, chemicals that help reduce the production of enzymes that are necessary for the synthesis of fat-soluble alcohol.
In general, medicines in this group have the following effects:
- Decrease plasma cholesterol levels by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase.
- Decrease its level in people who havediagnosed with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia. She is not treated with lipid-lowering drugs.
- Helps reduce total cholesterol by about 30-45%, and "bad" - by 40-60%.
- Reduce the likelihood of ischemic complications by about 15%. According to the conclusions of cardiologists, the risk of myocardial infarction and angina is reduced by 25%.
- Increase apolipoprotein A and HDL cholesterol levels.
At the same time, drugs of this group do not have a carcinogenic and mutagenic effect.
Best statins
The purpose of a particular drug depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the causes of high cholesterol. How to reduce it quickly, safely and effectively, the doctor will tell after an individual examination and study of tests.
But the following drugs are recognized as the best statins:
- "Akorta". It contains rosuvastatin. Dosages of the drug start at 5 mg, so it is convenient to prescribe it even with minimal changes in cholesterol levels. Interestingly, the effect of this drug is much more pronounced on the representatives of the Mongoloid race than on others.
- "Crestor". It has a high degree of purification of the active component. This has the best effect on its effectiveness, and also causes the absence of adverse reactions.

- Tevastor. The drug is produced in Israel. The tool is powerful, it can even change the ratio of hormones in the body andgive serious side effects. Therefore, it is not recommended for people undergoing hormonal treatment, as well as for women taking oral contraceptives.
- "Roxera". This is a new statin drug that also contains calcium. This causes a much more intensive absorption of the main active substance. The drug is suitable even for people with dysfunction of the bile ducts and liver.
- Rozulip. Another drug in an easily digestible form, since the active substance is supplemented with zinc.
- "Livazo". One of the newest drugs of the 4th generation. Its active ingredient is pitavastatin, which has very few contraindications. The list of possible side effects is also short. Effective even at low dosages, approved for use in old age.
- Rozucard. A new preparation of Czech production, which can be used even by people with diabetes. Appointed, regardless of gender and age. However, on representatives of the Mongoloid race, as well as "Akorta", it acts more intensively. Exceeding the dosage can provoke its accumulation in the body.
- "Mertenil". It acts on mevalonate, thereby lowering high cholesterol in women and men. Within 10-14 days after the start of application, 90% of the maximum effect is achieved. It can be drunk at any time of the day, but always with a glass of cold water. It is important to note that the remedy acts on the liver, and therefore its condition must be checked every two weeks.
- "Atorvastatin". Considered to be the most frequently purchased drug of the newgenerations. Popularity is due to the high results of clinical trials. The daily dosage of the drug is 40-80 mg, so that fine adjustments can be made in any particular case.
- Rozuvastatin. The most effective drug of the group. A dose of 40 mg has a much more pronounced effect than the maximum amount of Atorvastatin. Available in 10, 20 and 40 mg. They always prescribe a dose from the minimum dose, and with changes in the analyzes, they can even reduce it to 5 mg. It is important to know that this is a hydrophilic drug, so its negative effect on the liver is reduced significantly. And the tool has no effect on muscle tissue.
- "Simvastatin". This drug is rarely prescribed to treat high cholesterol in women and men because it is a first generation drug. However, the tool is cheap, and therefore popular. With long-term use, it really changes the ratio of "good" and "bad" cholesterol, as a result of which plaque formation stops and the risk of blood clots is minimized.
Of course, these are not all cholesterol-lowering drugs. However, they are more often used in medical practice, and therefore their names should be remembered.
Lipipidemic drugs
Talking about the causes and treatment of high cholesterol in women and men, it is necessary to discuss the use of these remedies. Lipid-lowering drugs are designed to reduce the concentration of certain lipid fractions in body fluids and tissues.
The most commonly prescribed drugs are:
- Zokor. Effectively reduces cholesterol in the blood plasma and increases the content of high-density lipoproteins. A noticeable therapeutic effect is observed after two weeks of use.
- "Symvor". Reduces total cholesterol levels. The nature of the action is exponential. The drug also has a positive effect on endothelial dysfunction, improves the rheological properties of blood and the condition of the vascular walls. In parallel, it produces an antioxidant and antiproliferative effect.
- Revital. A herbal remedy that effectively lowers cholesterol, improves digestion and bile secretion, and also has a positive effect on metabolism. Another drug normalizes the cardiovascular system, stimulates hematopoiesis and produces a slight diuretic effect.
- "Leskol forte". A drug of synthetic origin that effectively inhibits the biosynthesis of cholesterol and reduces its content in the kidney cells.
- "Liprimar". It contains atorvastatin, thanks to which it is possible to reduce the concentration of cholesterol in plasma and blood. Also, as a result of the application, the number of hepatic LDL receptors on the cell surface increases.

All of the listed cholesterol-lowering drugs have proven themselves in practice, however, the patient also receives the dosage and recommendations on an individual basis from the attending physician.
Fish oil
So, the above was about the use of medications in order to solve the problem. Now you cantalk about how to effectively lower cholesterol at home. And the first remedy actively used by the people is fish oil.
It contains docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids that help reduce triglyceride levels in the body. By regularly using the supplement, you can achieve a reduction of up to 20%. To get this result, you need to take fish oil in the amount of 4 grams daily.
In parallel, the amount of high-density lipoproteins increases, which also favorably affects the he alth of the heart and circulatory system. Even with the help of this supplement, you can normalize blood pressure, improve the condition of the nervous system, even get rid of depression and psychosis.
As part of the topic concerning the causes and treatment of high cholesterol in women and men, we need to talk about the use of this natural component. Flax is a very useful plant, the seeds of which can really help get rid of the problem.

They contain polyunsaturated fatty acids that help to eliminate cholesterol and maintain normal metabolism. Using them regularly, you can normalize blood pressure, prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis in particular), and also strengthen the immune system.
Seeds also contain selenium, potassium and vitamin E, A, B. The supplement helps to make up for their lack, as a result of which the blood thins, metabolism speeds up and the formation of blood clots and vasculardiseases.
You can use the healing supplement in different ways:
- You can add 1 tsp. crushed seeds into fermented milk products - into natural yogurt or kefir. Drink a glass once a day.
- You can also add 1 tsp. whole seeds in jelly. You just have to wait until they swell. Take this elixir in a glass 2-3 times a day for three weeks.
- Drink 1 tsp. linseed oil about 30-40 minutes before meals, also three times a day.
- Use an infusion of seeds. First, 2-3 tbsp. l. three times a day, you can gradually increase the dosage to ½ cup. It is prepared simply: you need to pour 3-4 tbsp. l. seeds with boiling water (500 ml), then cover, wrap, and leave to cool completely. Then be sure to strain.
And women are recommended to chew 2-3 tsp. seeds crushed in a coffee grinder. Because in this form, phytohormones similar to estrogen are absorbed much faster and in greater quantities. They are necessary for the female body.
Continuing to talk about how to lower blood cholesterol levels, this product should also be noted with attention. Propolis has a complex chemical composition, which includes 16 organic compounds. Thanks to him, it disinfects, removes toxic substances and free radicals from the body, kills bacteria, constricts blood vessels, and also reduces inflammation. Also, the components of the composition inhibit the growth and further development of pathological cells, while simultaneously stimulating the restoration of the affected area.
How to lower the levelcholesterol in the blood with propolis? You can make a tincture from it. You just need to pour 80 grams of bee glue with medical alcohol (300 ml) and send the entire composition, placed in a dark bottle, to infuse for 14 days in a dark place.
Then filter and take - three times a day, 7 drops, diluting them in two tablespoons of water. Be sure to drink on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals. The recommended course of treatment is 1 month.
This phyto-component is widely known for its healing properties. It contains vitamins K, C, E, PP and B, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, carbohydrates, proteins, essential oils, organic acids.

The use of wild rose helps to normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, relieve high blood pressure, accelerate the removal of harmful substances from the body and improve blood quality.
How to lower high cholesterol folk remedies based on rose hips? You can make and use the following medicines:
- Decoction. It is necessary to skip the rose hips through a meat grinder, then half fill with water (ratio 1: 3) and send to the fire. Boil for 15 minutes, then strain, cool, and you can take - twice a day for half a glass.
- Infusion. Pour into a thermos 4 tbsp. l. berries and pour a liter of boiling water. Close tightly and let it brew overnight. In the morning, strain and take - three times a day for a glass. You can store the composition for no more than two days.
- Tincture. Half fill a liter jarcrushed rose hips and fill the container completely with vodka. Cork and insist for two days, shaking occasionally. After the time has elapsed, strain and you can use: drip 20 drops per sugar cube, and then slowly dissolve it.
And the symptoms of high cholesterol in the blood helps to soften rosehip tea. It is prepared in an elementary way: you need to take a handful of fruits, pour into a teapot, and pour boiling water over it. Strain after 5 minutes of infusion. Then you can drink. The taste can be improved by adding honey.
In order to avoid the consequences of high cholesterol, you need to include this valuable product in your diet. The composition of garlic includes allicin, which destroys a large number of pathogenic bacteria, as well as fatty and essential oils, vitamins C and B, chlorine, iodine, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, carbohydrates, phytoncides and lysozyme - in general, everything that has a high biological activity.

The tincture from this product has proved to be excellent. Easy to make:
- Peel the garlic to make 300 grams of fruit.
- Chop the cloves well.
- Pour with alcohol (250 ml) or vodka (500 ml).
- Infuse for 3-4 weeks in a dry, warm and dark place.
- After the time has elapsed, squeeze the garlic and strain the tincture.
It should be consumed before meals, in accordance with a certain scheme. Start like this: in the morning - 1 drop, in the afternoon - 2, in the evening - 3. Daily increase the dosage of each dose by 3drops. On the 11th day, it should be 25 drops in the morning, afternoon and evening. In this mode, take until the tincture is over.
You can also make garlic vodka. If you conduct a blood test for high cholesterol after its regular use, it turns out that the level has become significantly lower. The remedy is prepared like this:
- Pour 4-5 large garlic cloves into the bottle, always chopped coarsely.
- Pour two glasses of quality vermouth. Rum, brandy, gin or vodka are good alternatives.
- Infuse for at least three weeks. Be sure to shake the container in the morning and evening.
- After time, filter the garlic using a thick cloth or filter paper.
Drink 10-15 drops of this elixir twice daily.
Eating high cholesterol
No remedy will be most effective if a person does not follow a diet. Its goal is to improve lipid metabolism and reduce the patient's weight.
The main principle of nutrition for high cholesterol is to reduce the amount of animal fat consumed. The diet needs to be diversified with polyunsaturated fats, complex carbohydrates and fiber - it is she who helps to remove this substance from the digestive tract.
So here are the key rules:
- The amount of bread - no more than 200 grams per day. It is better to replace with diet bran bread.
- S alt should be limited or completely abandoned.
- Reduce fluid intake to 1.2 liters per day.
- Vegetables are inraw, or stew.
- It is recommended to boil or bake fish and meat.
- Dinner should mainly consist of vegetables.
- The daily energy value of the diet is 1400-1500 calories.
- Approximately 60% of the diet should be fruits, vegetables, grain products.
- Any fats should be replaced with he althy vegetable oils.
- Dairy products are allowed, but in moderation.
- Priority is turkey, chicken and fish. Beef is in second place.
- You can eat 2-3 whole eggs a week, but protein is unlimited.
- Never allow hunger to occur. To do this, it is recommended to arrange fruit snacks.
What foods lower blood cholesterol? The best way to cope with this task:
- Wheat germ.
- Flax, sunflower and sesame seeds.
- Grape seed and olive oil.
- Avocado.

To prevent high cholesterol risks, it is recommended to consume foods rich in pectin. These are apples, natural juices from vegetables, watermelons, beets, citrus fruits.
It is recommended to lean on vegetables and fruits of red and purple hue - they contain polyphenols that stimulate the production of "good" cholesterol. Therefore, the diet should be diluted with such products:
- Eggplant.
- Plums.
- Red and purple grapes.
- Garnet.
- Cowberry.
- Rowan.
- Cranberry and its juice.
- Raspberry.
- Strawberry.
- Blueberries.
But that's not all. What foods lower blood cholesterol besides those listed? Lettuce, cabbage, green onion, dill, parsley, artichoke, sorrel, spinach. And legumes, which are high in fiber and protein.
Approximate diet
The menu for a week with high cholesterol will help a person to make his doctor. It is calculated for 5 meals a day, and may look like this:
- Breakfast: a glass of grapefruit juice and muesli with bran, drenched in yogurt.
- Snack: vegetable salad and natural apple juice.
- Lunch: lean borscht, a piece of boiled beef and fresh, coarsely chopped vegetables, seasoned with olive oil.
- Snack: two loaves of bread and an apple.
- Dinner: boiled green beans seasoned with corn oil, cheese bread and green tea.
And here is another option:
- Breakfast: protein omelet with one whole egg, sweet peppers and zucchini, a piece of rye bread toast, a glass of coffee with milk.
- Snack: fruit salad and bran bread.
- Lunch: vegetable soup, baked pike perch, salad with linseed oil and a glass of compote.
- Snack: natural bran yogurt.
- Dinner: salad with uns alted cheese, bread and tomato juice.
Based on this, you can understand how to eat with high cholesterol. The diet may well be varied - good thing, there are many recipes for interesting dishes that have excellent taste,undeniable benefits and ease of preparation.