Probiotic "Saccharomyces Boulardii": instructions for use, description, composition and reviews

Probiotic "Saccharomyces Boulardii": instructions for use, description, composition and reviews
Probiotic "Saccharomyces Boulardii": instructions for use, description, composition and reviews

The human body is an amazing, absolutely interconnected system. In order to establish he alth in general, one should start from where immunity originates. That is, the first thing to do is the condition of the intestines. Disturbed beneficial microflora, or even its absence, has an extremely negative effect on overall physical he alth. It is the intestinal bacteria that form the general and local defense of the body against a variety of threats, including pathogenic organisms. Studies have shown that a strong immune system is able to cope with any bacteria, not only influenza or acute respiratory infections, but also tuberculosis, plague and smallpox.

Good intestinal microflora largely determines the level of human he alth. It can be adjusted in many ways. One of the most effective is proper nutrition, which excludes any foods that suppress the immune system or clog the intestines (such as white sugar, white flour, semolina, etc.), and includes plenty of clean drinking water and fermented milk products. However, for this method to be effective,perseverance, regularity and a long time.

This method allows you to achieve he alth. But proper nutrition alone is not enough. As a rule, the body needs additional support and the intestines need to be seeded with beneficial bacteria, which, multiplying, create an effective microflora. This result is achieved through the use of specialized preparations - probiotics. However, how to make the right choice? The drug "Saccharomycetes Boulardii" gained great popularity. What is its action? Is it effective enough? Is it dangerous to take these probiotics? This will be discussed in this article.

Saccharomyces boulardii
Saccharomyces boulardii


Means "Saccharomyces Boulardii" belongs to the group of microbial antidiarrheal drugs. Microorganisms have been isolated from tropical fruits and found to be effective against the cholera pathogen.


Each capsule contains about ten billion viable saccharomyces Boulardii per unit volume. A working serving is two probiotic capsules.

Saccharomyces boulardii preparations
Saccharomyces boulardii preparations

Pharmacological properties

How does the drug in question work in the human body? Consider further.

The microorganisms in question are probiotic yeasts. This fungus is not destroyed by the action of gastric juice, which allows them to fully reach the intestines and fully fulfill their role.

Microorganisms,which are part of the drug, actively restore the intestinal microflora, disturbed by taking a course of antibiotics or long-term malnutrition. According to reviews, the remedy also effectively and gently stops diarrhea and speeds up blood flow.

Thanks to the substances in question, the secretion of immunoglobulin A is activated in a certain area - and the intestines.

These microorganisms do not inoculate the intestines for a long time. As a rule, they are excreted already three to five days after the end of the drug. Saccharomycetes Boulardii always remain within the intestines and do not affect the state of the mucous membranes of the body.

The substances that form the basis of the drug provide high activity of enzymes that break down sugars in a certain part of the intestine, such as m altase, lactase and sucrase.

The considered probiotics actively affect pathogenic or opportunistic microorganisms (including dysentery amoeba, Candida, Escherichia, Clostridium, Yersinia, Giardia, Shigella dysentery, Klebsiela, Salmonella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus), providing an active antimicrobial action.

Microorganisms actively affect a variety of bacterial toxins.

These microorganisms have amazing resistance to any kind of antibiotics, which does not prohibit the simultaneous administration of these two groups of drugs.

The drug "Enterol" has a similar composition. Saccharomyces Boulardii, which are part of the product, in this case have an effective antidiarrheal effect.action.

The product does not pose any danger to the fetus, therefore it is approved for use during pregnancy.

Buyers claim that after a few days of treatment with the drug in question, they felt a significant improvement in their condition.

Enterol Saccharomyces boulardii
Enterol Saccharomyces boulardii

Indications for use

According to the reviews, the effectiveness of probiotics, which include the considered strain of microorganisms (Saccharomycetes Boulardii), becomes apparent within a short time after the start of the intake. The same idea is confirmed by experts. A particularly noticeable effect is noted in the treatment of diarrhea.

So, you should use "Saccharomyces Boulardii" in cases of toxic infections (that is, various kinds of food poisoning); restoration of normal intestinal microflora of the patient after a course of antibiotics of any duration; so-called travel diarrhea; irritable bowel syndrome; the occurrence of any inflammatory bowel disease (such as ulcerative colitis, including non-specific, as well as Crohn's disease).

How to use

Children 3 years of age and older and adults can take two capsules two or three times a day (the intensity of the course depends on the individual needs of the patient). The duration of treatment should be from one week to ten days. The most effective would be to take the drug about an hour before a meal and drink plenty of clean water (at least one glass).

Children whose ages are betweenyears to three years, should take just one capsule twice a day. The course of therapy in this case should not exceed five days.

If the remedy is to be taken by a small child who cannot swallow the capsule, the capsule can be opened and the contents drunk with a glass of water.

It is important not to stir the contents of the capsule in hot water or in any of the alcoholic beverages of any strength. Also, you should not drink these drinks "Saccharomycetes Boulardii". Side effects may occur as a result of such misuse of the medicine.

The use of the drug during childbearing and during breastfeeding should take place under the constant strict supervision of the woman's attending physician.

Saccharomyces boulardii price
Saccharomyces boulardii price


In general, probiotics are fairly safe drugs, just like the Boulardi Saccharomycetes itself. Contraindications to it are few and consist of individual sensitivity to any of the components of this medication.

Saccharomycetes boulardii harm
Saccharomycetes boulardii harm

Side effects

According to reviews, the probiotic "Saccharomyces Boulardii" does not cause any side effects. Harm to the body can only be done if the patient has an individual intolerance to the components of the drug. There may be a sharp aggravation of symptoms that should be treated locally.

Issue form

The drug "Saccharomycetes Boulardii", as a rule, is produced inthe form of capsules that allow you to maintain the viability of beneficial microorganisms. They are convenient to receive and store.

and lyophilized Saccharomyces boulardii
and lyophilized Saccharomyces boulardii

Application features

It is important never to use a probiotic together with too hot or cold liquid. This kind of temperature can reduce or even neutralize the activity of microorganisms that make up the probiotic Saccharomycetes Boulardii. Drugs of this kind require careful handling.

For children under six years of age, a special form of taking the drug (powder) and lyophilized Saccharomyces Boulardii is preferable.

There are no restrictions on admission for the elderly.

Interaction with other drugs

There are some restrictions in terms of taking the drug at the same time with certain drugs. Namely: Do not use the strong probiotic "Saccharomycetes Boulardii" along with any antifungal medicines, regardless of the type of application.

Saccharomyces boulardii contraindications
Saccharomyces boulardii contraindications


The use of probiotics is considered by experts to be one of the most effective methods for improving the condition and functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, and this is the only right way to start strengthening the body's immunity. A good result directly depends on the quality of the drug that is taken. If the capsules are formed according to the wrong technology or with its non-compliance, the product willabsolutely ineffective. That is why it is important to ensure the good reputation of the company and the quality of its products. Fortunately, this is easy to do by reviewing the reviews of real buyers, assessing the weight of their claims. Diversity of opinion helps to make an informed decision.

A lot of positive reviews about the drug "Saccharomyces Boulardii" have been found on the Web. The price of the drug corresponds to its quality and varies depending on the manufacturer and the number of capsules in the package (taking into account these indicators, it varies from 740 to 5500 rubles). However, the cost of the drug is fully offset by its unique effect. A wide range of effects of these beneficial microorganisms on the human body includes trophic, antitoxic, antimicrobial, antidiarrheal effects. Also, the drug effectively contributes to the normalization of the human intestinal microflora, which is able to actively perform its functions, including participating in the formation of immunity.

Do not be afraid to delve into the study of treatments unfamiliar to you, but do not take anything for granted. Use only proven products. Your he alth is too precious to be easily trusted to strangers. Probiotic "Saccharomyces Boulardii" can be exactly the drug that will improve your he alth and change your life. Make the effort to learn more about him. Caring for one's own well-being and he alth has not yet been justly blamed on anyone. It's worth it to youspent their time looking for the right probiotic.

Take care of yourself and be he althy!
