Do you know what cancer is?

Do you know what cancer is?
Do you know what cancer is?

People think they know exactly what cancer is. At the same time, under such a term, not one disease is hidden, but several, and they differ to a large extent from each other. It is believed that the word "cancer" and the word "death" are synonyms, but many tumor diseases do not end in human death. Moreover, it has long been established that oncological formations (proto-oncogenes) are systematically formed in the body, but it successfully copes with them thanks to the existing immunity. And at the same time, cancer continues to inexorably mow down humanity.

So what is cancer? This is a violation of the process of reproduction and cell renewal. The body, in principle, has a system aimed at preventing errors that occur at the cellular level. However, this mechanism in the presence of some negative circumstances may not work. If there is only one cell with an erroneous program (or there are very few of them), the body will destroy them. But if these cells multiply uncontrollably, a tumor appears. While its cells are only growing, the neoplasm is considered benign, andA scalpel can easily deal with this problem. But if mutant cells penetrate nearby organs and tissues, the body will learn what cancer is.

cancer disease stage
cancer disease stage

The main danger of this disease is that the "wrong" cells can "infect" their he althy neighbors with wrong behavior - that is why cancer is difficult to treat, using methods that are in themselves dangerous to he alth. But nothing can be done about it: cancer is a disease, the stages of which in most cases are accompanied by severe pain, and without strong drugs a person can die from pain shock. And mutating cells diligently resist destruction - hence the chemistry and radiation.

The cause of cell malfunctions is primarily carcinogenic substances. Some of them (phenol, components of tobacco smoke, asbestos) are mutagenic in themselves, others, in particular, alcohol, act indirectly, accelerating cell division.

Some viruses, such as hepatitis, are also a possible cause of cancer.

history of cancer
history of cancer

In fact, radiation is perceived by everyone as the most frightening factor. What is a little strange: not so many people are exposed to radiation. Rather, tobacco smoke should be more frightening - 80% of humanity faces it.

But a little-known cause of cancer is the food most consumed in a certain region. An example is Japan, where stomach cancer is more common. Or the US, where it's more commonbowel cancer. Moreover, when changing their permanent place of residence (that is, changing their diet), new citizens exchange the risk of their country for the risk of a new homeland.

And the last cause of cancer is genetics, hormonal disorders and immune problems (in particular, AIDS).

Having understood for yourself what cancer is, you should not fall into despair when faced with such a diagnosis in yourself or your loved ones. Courage and perseverance work wonders! The history of the disease "cancer" knows cases when modern medicine, the strength of the human spirit and faith in the best, used to save even hopeless patients.