"Panangin" refers to a therapeutic group of drugs that affect metabolic processes. It is considered a source of potassium and magnesium, therefore it is used to restore the lack of these trace elements in the body in various pathologies.
The drug is produced in two forms - a solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection, tablets for oral administration. The composition of the drug "Panangin" includes two active components, which include:
- potassium;
- magnesium.
In addition, the structure of the drug includes additional substances, which include:
- polyvinylpyrrolidone;
- silicon oxide;
- starch;
- magnesium s alt of stearic acid;
- methacrylic acid;
- ethylene glycol polymer;
- titanium oxide;
- talc.
Solution for parenteral use as an auxiliary component contains water for injection. Tablets are placed in a plastic bottle of fifty pieces. What diseases"Panangin" apply?

Pharmacological properties
The active components of the drug are considered a source of potassium and magnesium, which are necessary for the body to perform a number of physiological processes.
The composition of the drug "Panangin" includes potassium, which is a necessary component for the fibers of the heart muscles. They take part in the regeneration and implementation of impulses, which is important for the normal functional activity of the cytolemma.
The presence of aspartate in the structure of the drug leads to an improvement in energy metabolism in cells. The lack of these ions causes arterial hypertension, arrhythmias, atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries.
From the reviews and instructions for use for "Panangin" it is known that after oral use, the active ingredient is instantly and almost completely absorbed into the general bloodstream from the intestinal lumen.
Active components are excreted from the body with urine. There are no reliable data on the rate of absorption of potassium and magnesium after intravenous use.

What is Panangin used for
From the instructions it is known that the use of the drug is indicated for the treatment of lesions of the cardiovascular system, which are accompanied by a deficiency of potassium and magnesium:
- Complex treatment of lack of functional activity of the heart.
- Acute myocardial infarction (a clinical form of cardiac ischemia that occurs with the occurrence of ischemic deatharea of the myocardium due to insufficient blood microcirculation).
- Arrhythmia (a pathological condition that leads to a failure in the frequency, as well as the rhythm and sequence of excitation and contraction of the heart).
- Hypomagnesemia (a pathological condition characterized by a decrease in the level of magnesium in the body under the influence of various etiological factors).
- Hypokalemia (a human condition characterized by low levels of potassium in the blood).
- Diarrhea.
- Gagging.
- Paroxysmal tachycardia (disease of the heart muscle, which manifests itself in the form of sudden attacks, they are called paroxysms).

In addition, the drug is also indicated to compensate for the lack of potassium and magnesium. How to drink "Panangin"?
According to the instructions for use for Panangin, it is known that the use of the drug is prohibited in a number of certain conditions of the body, which include:
- Acute or chronic kidney disease.
- Hyperkalemia (a pathological condition that causes an abnormally high concentration of potassium in the blood).
- Hypermagnesemia (a pathological condition that manifests itself with an increase in the concentration of magnesium in the bloodstream).
- Addison's disease (damage to the thyroid gland, after which the adrenal glands lose the ability to produce the right amount of hormones, primarily cortisol).
- Atrioventricular blockade of 2-3 degrees (a type of heart block, which is characterized by a violation of the electrical impulse from the atria to the ventricles).
- Myasthenia gravis (an autoimmune chronic progressive disease that traditionally begins with damage to the muscles of the face, but muscle atrophy does not occur).
- Cardiogenic shock (extreme left ventricular failure, characterized by a sharp decrease in myocardial contractility).
The use of tablets is also prohibited in case of hemolysis, acute metabolic acidosis, dehydration. How to drink "Panangin"?
According to the instructions for use, the drug is used with extreme caution in the "interesting position". The solution for intravenous administration is not recommended to be administered in the presence of increased sensitivity to the substances of the solution.
In addition, the medicine is not used for breastfeeding, as well as for patients under the age of 18.
With extreme caution, the solution is used for atrioventricular blockade of the first degree, kidney damage, metabolic acidosis. Before using the medicine, you must make sure that there are no restrictions. How many days to drink Panangin?

Medicine dosing
The average pharmacological dosage is two tablets three times a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor on an individual basis.
How to take "Panangin" before meals or after?According to the instructions for use, the tablets are taken orally after meals.
Solution for parenteral use "Panangin" is administered intravenously, for which 10 milliliters of the drug is dissolved in 50-100 ml of glucose solution. If necessary, the use of the drug is repeated after 4-6 hours.
Negative reactions
According to the instructions for use for Panangin, it is known that when taking the drug, negative effects from various organs and systems may occur:
- Nausea.
- Paradoxical reaction of the heart.
- Atriventricular block.
- Hyperkalemia.
- Gagging.
- Skin paresthesia (a secondary disease in which the sensitivity of the skin and mucous membranes is disturbed, which develops against the background of irritation of nerve endings).
- Irregular heart rhythm.
- Muscle stenosis (pathology caused by narrowing (reduced patency) of organs or blood vessels).
- Confusion.
- Burning sensation in the upper abdomen.
- Thrombosis (a pathological process characterized by the formation of a blood clot inside the veins and arteries, as well as their blocking and impaired blood microcirculation in the bloodstream).
- Phlebitis (acute or chronic inflammation of the venous wall).
- Dyspnea (one of the adaptive functions of the body, which is expressed in a change in the frequency, rhythm and depth of breathing, often accompanied by sensations of lack of air).
- Meteorism(excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines).
- Hyporeflexia (increased reflexes, which is associated with increased reflex activity of the segmental apparatus).
- Hypermagnesemia with vomiting.
- Lethargy (a painful condition characterized by slowness, lethargy, fatigue).
- Reducing systemic blood pressure.
With instant intravenous use of the drug for injections "Panangin", symptoms of hyperkalemia and hypermagnesemia may occur. In a situation of adverse reactions, the use or administration of the drug is stopped.
Recommendations for the drug
How to drink "Panangin"? Before therapy with tablets or a solution for parenteral use of the drug, you must carefully read the annotation.
According to the instructions for use for Panangin, it is known that the drug is used with extreme caution in people who have an increased risk of high blood calcium levels. With intravenous use of the injection solution, hyperemia of the skin is possible.
During the course of treatment, Panangin may interact with drugs from other therapeutic groups. Therefore, it is necessary to warn the doctor about their likely use.
The drug does not affect the state of the cerebral cortex, as well as the speed of psychomotor reactions and the ability to focus.
At the pharmacy, the drug can be purchased without a prescription from a medical specialist.

Similar in composition and pharmacological effect for the drug "Panangin" are:
- "Asparkam".
- "Aspangin".
- "Pamaton".
- "Diroton".
- "Captopres".
- "Riboxin".
- "Pumpan".
- "Neocardyl".
- "Vazaprostan".
- "Enalapril".
- "Nicotinic Acid".
- "Vinpocetine".
- "Arifon".
- "Celebis".

It is necessary to consult a doctor and do not change the drug on your own.
Compatibility with spirits
From the instructions for use and reviews of cardiologists about "Panangin" it is known that it is poorly compatible with alcohol, since the drug is used for diseases of the heart and vascular system, and "strong drinks" in these situations should be excluded. With the simultaneous intake of these components, vascular stenosis may develop.

Interaction with other medicines
With the simultaneous treatment of cardiovascular diseases with "Panangin" and the use of other pharmacological agents, the following consequences are likely:
- When combined with diuretics, adrenoblockers, as well as inhibitors and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugsan excess of calcium and magnesium in the body is likely. This condition is manifested by hyperemia of the skin and signs of intoxication.
- "Panangin" reduces the pharmacological effect of certain antibacterial drugs - "Tetracycline", as well as "Streptomycin" and "Neomycin".
- Painkillers that are taken with Panangin lower the excitability of the central nervous system.
- A positive effect from the use of the drug is observed when it is combined with cardiac glycosides, since the side effects of the latter are minimized.
How to store the drug
According to the instructions for use, it is known that the shelf life of tablets is 5 years, and the solution is 3 years. "Panangin" must be kept in a dark, dry, away from children, at a temperature of plus 15 to 30 degrees. The cost of the drug varies from 120 to 300 rubles.
Reviews of cardiologists about "Panangin" on Internet resources are, as a rule, positive. Patients note the drug as really effective, which improves the functioning of the heart, eliminates convulsions.
The drug helps well with diseases that are provoked by a lack of magnesium and potassium in the body. In particular, the drug helps to recover faster after a concussion, eliminates cramps in the lower extremities, and stabilizes the functioning of the heart.
Most of the reviews relate to how to drink "Panangin" whencardiological diseases. People who took the drug note that during therapy their tolerance to emotional and physical stress significantly improved, signs of tachycardia and a number of other unpleasant symptoms disappeared, and laboratory parameters returned to normal.
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