Cystitis is called inflammation of the bladder. This disease is extremely common among women. The reasons for it can be different: hypothermia, promiscuity, low immunity, infectious diseases, the use of antibiotics. Almost every woman at least once had cystitis. This, unfortunately, is not uncommon.

If cystitis develops, symptoms will not be long in coming.
Some have a complicated course of the disease - then it develops into a chronic form. In this case, it is necessary to constantly monitor the state of the body's immunity and be able to prevent relapses.
How can you tell if you have cystitis? The symptoms are the same for everyone. This is pain in the lower abdomen, urination disorder, frequent almost ineffectual urge to it, burning. Fatigue, fever, and chills also occur. This picture is familiar to women all over the world. These manifestations depress the body, which requires rest, rest. There is even an opinion that inflammation of the bladder canoccur due to stress or depression, but this has not been proven.
Undoubtedly, this disease causes an acute desire for a speedy cure. Some women immediately go to the doctor with a request to cure cystitis.

The symptoms are familiar to the doctor. He prescribes antibiotic therapy, rest, anti-inflammatory drugs, and painkillers. But there are women who know how to defeat cystitis on their own. They combine herbal treatment with the intake of a large amount of liquid, which is quite effective. They are helped by decoctions of chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, as well as other herbs available to any person. The main thing here is not to be lazy and to be treated systematically. It must be remembered that such treatment can be quite lengthy. The effect of it will not come immediately, so you should follow the mode of taking decoctions.
Cystitis in pregnant women is also not uncommon. Most often, the disease overtakes a woman in the first weeks of pregnancy. This is due to the natural suppression of immunity during this period, since part of the mother's vitality is spent on the child. In addition, cystitis occurs against the background of changes in hormonal levels.

A pregnant woman is more difficult to cure because she cannot take strong antibiotics. Fortunately, there are modern herbal preparations that will help in this situation. In addition, it is possible to inject the drug directly into the bladder. As a rule, this is enough to defeat acute cystitis. Symptoms go awaywithout a trace, but may appear after childbirth. Then the woman will be able to fully recover from this disease.
It is important to prevent the occurrence of cystitis, take care of yourself, keep your feet warm, do not overcool. Compliance with the drinking regimen will help normalize the work of all organs. It is also useful to play sports. Swimming is very helpful. In order to prevent recurrence of bladder diseases, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist regularly.