Urolesan is an effective drug of natural origin, which is often prescribed to patients with problems such as cystitis, pyelonephritis. The advantage of this medication is that it is available in 3 forms at once, therefore it is suitable for all categories of patients. Today we will find out the basic information regarding the Urolesan remedy. Instructions for use, analogues, composition are described in this article. We will also find out what substitutes for this medicine are in Russia.

Description. Country of origin
Urolesan is available in the following forms:
- Syrup.
- Drops.
- Pills (capsules).
This medicine is produced in Ukraine. Recently, it has also been released in Moldova.
Indications for use
The drug "Urolesan" can be prescribed by a doctor with the followingailments:
- Urinary tract and kidney infections: cystitis, pyelonephritis.
- Cholecystitis.
- Cholelithiasis.
- Urolithiasis.
- Kidney failure.

Urolesan drops application scheme
- Men and women need to drink 8 to 10 drops. At the same time, they need to be dripped onto sugar, then put it under the tongue three times a day.
- Children from 7 to 14 years old - 5-6 drops per refined sugar.
You can use drops from 5 to 30 days.
Use of Urolesan syrup
In this form of release, the remedy is prescribed for the most part to children. The dosage of the medicine for boys and girls is as follows (three times a day):
- Babies from 1 to 2 years old - 1-2 ml each.
- Children from 2 to 7 years old - 2-4 ml.
- Children from 7 to 14 years old - 4-5 ml.
The product is taken from the bottle with a syringe dispenser.
Dosage of Urolesan capsules
The drug in this release form is prescribed for adults and children over 14 years of age. The dosage of capsules is as follows: 1 piece three times a day.
Duration of treatment for acute conditions should be no more than 7 days; for chronic - 1 month.

Drug ingredients
Capsules "Urolesan" have the following composition: a thick extract of ingredients such as hop cones, oregano herb, wild carrot fruits. Additional elements are talc, magnesium carbonate, monohydrate, disodium edetate, magnesium aluminometasilicate, lactose,potato starch.
Medication "Urolesan" in the form of drops composition has the following: fir, castor oil, peppermint, extracts of carrots, oregano and hop cones, ethyl alcohol.
Means in the form of syrup consists of extracts of hop cones, fruits of wild carrots, oregano. Additional elements are sorbic and citric acids, tween-80, sugar syrup, purified water.
Capsules in the amount of 40 pieces will cost a person 350 rubles. For a syrup with a volume of 180 ml, you will have to pay about 370 rubles. And drops of 25 ml cost approximately 450 rubles.
Finished with the description, now it's time to find out which analogue of "Urolesan" is popular in Russia. Our country has effective drugs of its own production, as well as European ones.

Drug substitutes
Analogues of the drug "Urolesan" in terms of effects on the body are such medicines: "Iov-Nefro", "Lespefril", "Prostanorm", "Fitolysin", "Nefrofit", "Canephron", "Urocholum", "Urohol”, “Blemarin”, “Enuran”. But this medication has no substitutes with a similar composition.
Means "Job-Nefro"
This is an analogue of the drug "Urolesan", which is produced in the Russian Federation. The drug is a homeopathic drops for oral administration. The composition of the medicine is as follows: ordinary barberry, club-like club moss, spanish fly, ethyl alcohol.
These drops are prescribed for the treatment of acute and chronic cystitis. The disadvantage of this drug compared to the drug "Urolesan"is that it can only be used in relation to adult patients. Often, the doctor prescribes such a treatment regimen: 8 drops three times a day, half an hour before meals.
The cost of such a drug is temporarily unknown, since the drug is being re-registered.
Drug "Lespefril"
This is another analogue of Urolesan, a drug that many people know about, produced in the Russian Federation. The medicine "Lespefril" is made only in the form of a solution. This medication is prescribed for kidney failure. The tool can only be used by patients over 18 years of age.
The composition of the drug "Lespefril" is as follows: shoots of lespedeza, anise oil, water, alcohol.
This analogue of "Urolesana", a product with a natural composition, can be bought on average at a price of 200 rubles per 100 ml bottle. If we compare the cost, then the Lespefril medicine is in the same price range as the drug to which the article is devoted.
Means "Canephron"
This analogue of "Urolesan", a medicine that is made in Ukraine, can be easily purchased in the Russian Federation. This medicine is imported from Germany. Such a drug is sold in the form of a dragee and a solution.
Medication in liquid form has the following composition:
- Active ingredients: centaury grass, lovage root, rosemary leaves.
- Auxiliary ingredients: ethanol, purified water.

The composition of the dragee includes the following elements: the active ingredients are the same,as in drops, and additional are corn starch, lactose monohydrate, colloidal silicon dioxide, riboflavin, povidone, calcium carbonate, dextrose, titanium dioxide, sucrose, talc, corn oil, iron oxide red, glycolic mountain wax.
This analogue of "Urolesan", a drug known far beyond the borders of the homeland, is prescribed for cystitis, pyelonephritis.
The advantage of this drug is that it can be prescribed even to infants. True, you need to follow the release form. For babies, of course, only the Canephron solution is suitable.
You can buy this remedy in the form of a dragee for 370 rubles. A person will pay this amount for 60 tablets. It turns out that this is a cheap analogue of Urolesan, a drug for 40 capsules of which you need to pay the same 350-370 rubles. But after all, in tablets "Canephron" is 20 tablets more. Therefore, it is believed that this drug is cheaper than its counterpart.
Means "Phytolysin"
This is a Polish medicine that is prescribed for pyelonephritis, cystitis and urolithiasis. The composition of this medicine is as follows: extracts of goldenrod herbs, horsetail, birch leaves, highlander, fenugreek seeds, couch grass rhizomes, parsley, lovage, essential oils of orange, sage, peppermint, pine. And the auxiliary elements are agar-agar, glycerin, vanillin, wheat starch.

A feature of this product is that it is produced in the form of a paste, which must be dissolved in water before use. This substitute for the drug "Urolesan" isquite popular in Russia. It is sold there at a price of 300 rubles per 100 g of pasta. This is inexpensive, given the fact that one tube is enough for a course of therapy, the duration of which can be from 30 to 45 days.
From this article you learned the basic information about the medicine "Urolesan": analogues of the drug in Russia, their cost, composition. And they found out that effective and popular substitutes for this remedy are medicines such as Canephron, Lespefril, Job-Nefro, Phytolysin.