The organs of vision are regularly subjected to serious stress, as a result of which, over time, they become overtired. Often, many people feel the symptoms of eye fatigue not by the end of the day, but already in its middle. You can eliminate this condition with the help of special drugs. In this article, we will review eye drops available for sale for fatigue and get acquainted with reviews about them.
Why eyes get tired
The main reason that causes eye strain is constant work with a computer, long-term TV viewing, as well as daily use of other gadgets and devices. Looking at the smallest details on a bright screen provokes irritation of the optic nerve and muscles. Low indoor humidity levels and wearing the wrong glasses or contact lenses can also cause irritation and redness of the mucous membranes.

By the way, moreIn rare cases, the cause of eye fatigue can be a serious disorder in the body. Some he alth problems can directly affect visual function, for example:
- blood pressure fluctuations;
- osteochondrosis;
- intervertebral hernia;
- hormonal imbalance.
Eye drops for fatigue may be needed after undergoing vision correction surgery or taking medications whose active substances negatively affect the mechanism of tear film formation.
How to choose the right drug
All medicines to restore clear vision and relieve eye strain belong to the group of drugs that can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. In this case, one should take into account the probability of low effectiveness of self-selected products that relieve eye fatigue from the computer. Drops from redness, swelling and irritation must be selected in accordance with the attached instructions, taking into account the recommendations of the ophthalmologist.
Special attention should be paid to existing contraindications, possible side effects. Do not ignore the manufacturer's recommendations on the dosage of the drug (it may be different for patients depending on age, the presence of ophthalmic diseases and other conditions). In addition, the majority of eye drops available in pharmacy chains for fatigue and stress can be used for prophylactic purposes. Thus, some of these drugs are instilled immediately before work, if you have to spend at the computer.several hours in a row.
Mostly eye drops for fatigue begin to take effect 15-20 minutes after instillation. The effectiveness and duration of action of drugs is determined by the active ingredients present in them. On average, solutions help for 2-6 hours. After this time, re-instillation is required. However, the duration of the therapeutic effect may be individual for each patient.
Types of eye drops
It is important to understand that there is no single universal solution that would help to cope with eye fatigue from the computer. If the cause of unpleasant symptoms, including dryness and irritation of the mucosa, is precisely fatigue and strain of the organs of vision, then drugs from different groups are used individually or in combination:
- Drops that relieve irritation of the mucous membrane, which occurs against the background of prolonged work at the computer. These medicines do not require prescriptions to purchase, as they are considered safe solutions that are similar in composition to natural human tears.
- Vasoconstrictive eye preparations. Remove puffiness in case of vascular diseases, allergic reactions and overwork.
- Moisturizing eye drops. From fatigue of the organs of vision and dry eye syndrome, such remedies are especially effective, as they quickly restore the tear film, destroyed under the influence of external or internal factors. Some types of medicines from this group stimulate the production of substances by the glands of the eyeball,necessary to create a tear film.
- Medications that relax the eye muscles.
- Products designed to moisturize the mucous membranes in patients who wear contact lenses.

Most of them are safe and non-addictive, so you can use these drops for more than one month. However, with prolonged use, one should not forget about the shelf life of an open vial - usually it does not exceed several weeks. In addition, medicines can lose their effectiveness over time, so they need to be replaced periodically with similar ones.
One of the popular eye drops that relieve tension and fatigue. It is important to understand that the remedy does not produce any therapeutic effect for serious diseases, but eliminates some symptoms, including dryness and irritation. You can use "artificial tears" in conjunction with other eye drugs prescribed by a doctor, but you must observe a half-hour interval between their use.
Specialists carefully prescribe "Inox" to children under 14 years of age. However, the use of the drug is not prohibited during pregnancy and lactation, because, unlike potent medicinal drops, these do not contain components that are absorbed into the blood.

Reviews of patients who experience regular eye fatigue testify to the real effectiveness of the drug. With your responsesrespondents confirm that the drug has a relaxing and calming effect, while moisturizing the mucous membrane of the eye. The agent is instilled two drops in both eyes, but not more than four times a day.
Most often, this drug is prescribed by specialists for fatigue and eye irritation caused by wearing contact lenses, corrective glasses. Due to the increased sensitivity of the organs of vision to optics, patients may experience redness and swelling. Drops from fatigue for the eyes "Systane" contribute to the formation of a protective coating on the surface of the mucosa, which prevents the ingress of dust particles and infections. In addition, the drug minimizes the power of electromagnetic exposure when working at a computer.
Instill "Systane" once a day, two drops in both eyes. Those who have used this tool confirm its effectiveness. However, many recommend the use of "Systane" in combination with exercises for the eyes.

This drug launches recovery processes in various types of cataracts, including traumatic and senile, corneal dystrophies. As a rule, Taurine drops are prescribed by specialists. According to patients, the drug is characterized by an affordable price and the availability of most pharmacies in the assortment.
Taurine is produced in the body of each person during the transformation of cysteine, but to prevent the development of dystrophic processes, its additional intake in the form of drops is required. For eyes from fatigue and tension, this remedy is used to eliminate irritation, dryness of the mucous membrane.
According to the reviews, when using this drug, patients do not feel any unpleasant reactions in the form of a burning sensation. The remedy is especially effective in helping people with the initial stage of cataracts and glaucoma. It is contraindicated to use drops "Taurine" for eye fatigue in childhood.

These are moisturizing and stimulating eye muscle drops, which include electrolytes and hyaluronic acid. This drug is used to eliminate dryness and fatigue of the visual organs. The use of "Oxial" for prophylactic purposes allows you to avoid irritation, burning, redness of the sclera and itching even after many hours of work at the computer.
The principle of action of the drug is to create an elastic film that prevents the mucous membrane from drying out, and thanks to hyaluronic acid in its composition, any microdamages of the cornea quickly heal. "Oxial" is hypoallergenic and non-toxic, it can be used after laser vision correction in combination with other eye drops. In addition to individual intolerance to the components of the drug, it has no other contraindications. Judging by the reviews, it is enough to use Oksial drops once or twice a day for eye fatigue. The desired effect is achieved at lightning speed - after a few minutes, cramps, dryness, irritation, and discomfort when blinking disappear. Users especially like the fact that there is no needremove lenses - the drug works great under them.

Refers to drugs with a vasoconstrictive effect, as they contain tetrizoline - a substance that acts on the capillaries of the fundus, quickly eliminates burning, lacrimation and itching. The duration of the effect from the use of "Vizin" is about 6-8 hours, so it is often recommended to buy it for the eyes when tired from the computer. Drops from dry eye syndrome are found in pharmacies and under a different trade name - "Vial".
The use of "Vizin" is also allowed for children over two years old. The drug relieves swelling and redness of the sclera, is released in over-the-counter form, however, the treatment of babies aged 2 to 6 years should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a physician. The active substance of the drug is not absorbed into the surface of the cornea.
Unlike other effective eye drops for fatigue that can be used for a long time, Vizin should not be used for more than 4-5 days, as it can be addictive. In addition, it must be borne in mind that the drug can provoke adverse reactions:
- eyeball pain;
- tingling;
- increased lacrimation;
- pupil dilation;
- short-term loss of visual acuity.
Contraindications for "Vizin" include angle-closure glaucoma. Do not use drops for infectious and inflammatory eye disease, chemical damage to the cornea.

According to the buyers who used it, Vizin is great for people with sensitive mucous membranes. Girls note that the drug helps out with irritations caused by decorative cosmetics. However, after prolonged use, the effect of the drops becomes less strong: according to reviews, after two weeks of regular instillation, Vizin ceases to cope even with the redness of proteins caused by prolonged eye strain, exposure to external stimuli, etc.
Inexpensive eye drops for fatigue
Among the range of remedies for eye fatigue available in the pharmacy range, you can find both expensive imported drugs and relatively cheap analogues. In addition, medicines belonging to the budget segment very often show good results and are in no way inferior to foreign pharmaceutical brands in quality. However, you should not initially count on achieving the desired therapeutic effect by choosing inexpensive drops.
- "Hilo-Komod". The medicine is made on the basis of hyaluronic acid, due to which it helps to form a protective film on the body of the eyeball. The medication is used one drop up to three times during the day. If this does not seem enough, the dosage may be increased. Hilo-Komod had no side effects.
- "Vizomitin" - eye drops, which are also known as "drops of Academician Skulachev". This is a domestic drug, which is also used three times a day, and if necessary, the dosage is increased. However, the duration of the coursetreatment with "Vizomitin" is established by the attending physician.
- "Likontin" is a remedy that does an excellent job of moisturizing the mucous membrane and eliminating the dry eye syndrome that has arisen against the background of prolonged sitting at the computer. These eye drops are also suitable for people who wear contact lenses. The drug is used three times a day. If after 3-4 days no effect is observed from the application, the doctor should select other drops.
Vitamin-containing preparations
Our eyes, like any other organs, need vitamins and valuable trace elements. Vitamin eye drops are used to strengthen the eye muscles, improve blood supply and tissue trophism. From fatigue that occurs due to long work at the computer, the following drugs will relieve:
- "Riboflavin". Vitamin B2 is present in the eye drops. Most often, the remedy is used to prevent overvoltage, as it improves the condition of the retina, increases the conductivity of nerve impulses, and enriches tissues with oxygen.
- "Vita-POS" - a drug for the eyes with vitamin A. The drug relieves burning sensation, dryness and fatigue, helping to recover from intense exercise. Suitable for contact lens wearers.
- "Taufon". An analogue of "Taurine", which is used not only to relieve irritation of the mucous membrane, but also to accelerate the healing and recovery processes in case of eye injuries, to stabilize intraocular pressure.
To improve visual acuity, ophthalmologists advise using preparations based on naturalcomponents. It is known that black currants, blueberries and carrots are especially useful for the eyes, so their components are present in drops such as:
- "Visiomax" - literally 1 month after the start of taking, many note an improvement in visual acuity. This tool can also be used for preventive purposes, preventing the development of myopia due to frequent work at the computer.
- "Okovit". The composition of this drug contains a whole range of useful trace elements: zinc, manganese, tocopherol, vitamins A and C, selenium. These are one of the best eye drops for fatigue with a natural composition. Doctors also prescribe them for patients at the initial stage of cataract development.
- "Focus". Another effective medicine based on herbal ingredients. The drug contains beta-carotene, vitamins, zinc, lutein, thanks to which, in one course, it can significantly improve visual functions and stop the development of myopia.

Eye fatigue is a very common problem that more often overtakes city dwellers. It is worth noting that its appearance is far from always associated with working at a computer: various diseases and the unfavorable environmental situation in large settlements can lead to eye strain. Therefore, the use of drops from fatigue and eye irritation is the most optimal solution for eliminating uncomfortable symptoms. If the state of he alth worsens, visual acuity drops rapidly, it is necessary to check with an ophthalmologist: perhapsthe reason lies much deeper.