Pine cones tincture: use and contraindications

Pine cones tincture: use and contraindications
Pine cones tincture: use and contraindications

Pine is one of the most popular evergreen trees in Russia. Its leaves are pointed long needles collected in small bunches, the fruits are cones in which seeds ripen. Pine has a lot of healing properties, therefore, it is actively used for medicinal purposes. Balms, rubbing, oils are prepared from it. And the pine forest makes the air cleaner and enriches it with useful substances - it is not for nothing that the main number of rest houses, dispensaries and sanatoriums are located in them.

tincture of pine cones
tincture of pine cones

Useful properties

In the 18th century, P. S. Pallas (a naturalist and traveler) wrote that young cedar and pine cones are the best antiscorbutic and balsamic remedy.

Pine cones fully mature in the 2nd year. Basically, they open from the effects of dry winds, which spread the seeds. Although very young fruits are used in folk medicine for the preparation of all kinds of preparations, among which is a tincture ofgreen pine cones. In addition to healing decoctions and tinctures, they also prepare very useful pine honey, which has bactericidal properties. It is useful for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract, as well as for exhaustion of the body.

It is worth noting that the composition of pine cones includes vitamins C, B, P and K, essential oils, carotene. Syrups, decoctions and tinctures prepared from them are used to treat influenza, broncho-pulmonary diseases, arthritis, colds, and stroke. They increase hemoglobin, and saturate the body with useful substances in case of beriberi.

tincture of pine cones contraindications
tincture of pine cones contraindications

When to collect cones

The most common homemade medicine is pine cone tincture. But before you cook it, you need to properly collect the fruits.

You must understand that you need to collect unopened fruits. Depending on the climate, the period for collecting cones is different. In Russia, this is the middle of summer - June 21-25, when they reach four centimeters in width.

When picking young fruits, pay attention to the condition of the tree and their appearance. It is advisable not to collect them on trees that are affected by insects. They should look nice, not be eaten by insects and damaged by rot.

tincture of pine cones
tincture of pine cones

Pine cone tincture: application

This tincture in folk medicine is used for pulmonary tuberculosis, low hemoglobin, allergic and asthmatic cough. It is used to treat acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, bronchitis,influenza and other respiratory diseases. A tincture of pine cones in vodka or alcohol helps in the treatment of the consequences of a stroke.

It prevents the death of nerve cells, helps restore the speech apparatus and coordination of movement, has a good effect on the vessels of the brain, and also thins the blood. For a persistent, visible effect in the fight against these ailments, a tincture of pine cones is drunk for six months, the use of which also helps in the treatment of other diseases. The use of honey from them helps in the treatment of diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system.

Vodka tinctures

This tincture is an excellent tool that helps recovery from strokes. The recipe for pine cone tincture is quite simple, and you do not need to spend a lot of time on it. To prepare it, you need to take 5-10 young cones and put them in a half-liter jar. Pour vodka on top. Infuse this remedy in a warm place for about a week and a half. This medicine must be taken three times a day, one spoonful. The duration of this therapy should be at least six months.

This infusion has many tonins in its composition, due to which the death of brain cells is significantly slowed down or stopped.

pine cone tincture recipe
pine cone tincture recipe

The following pine cone tincture recipe is suitable for stroke prevention. To do this, pour 5 cones with a glass of 70% alcohol. Means to insist for ten days, then strain and add a spoonful of apple cider vinegar. In the evenings, dissolve a spoonful of this compositionin a glass of hot tea.

Infusions on water

Treatment with pinecone tincture is possible to eliminate cough, as it has an excellent expectorant effect, in addition, it is wonderful to stimulate the immune system.

First recipe

To do this, take 50g of green crushed pine cones and brew them with half a liter of boiling water. Such a remedy must be infused for 2 hours in a dark place, then strain it through gauze. In order to improve the taste, you can add 500 g of sugar to the composition and hold it on fire, stirring, until the pine cone tincture acquires the concentration of a thick, viscous syrup. In addition, after straining, you can add about 50 g of honey to the broth and mix everything well. The prepared medicine should be consumed throughout the day, 5 tablespoons.

treatment with tincture of pine cones
treatment with tincture of pine cones

Second recipe

But there is also a faster-acting tincture of pine cones. To do this, you need to grind fresh fruits. Brew a tablespoon of this raw material with a glass of boiling water. Means insist in a thermos or wrapped for 40 minutes. Use this medicinal composition after straining 1-2 sips for any urge to cough. But also do not forget that the tincture of pine cones still has contraindications. We will talk about them below.


Young pine cones can also be used to make medicinal decoctions. For example, for an effective and tasty cough syrup, you need to brew half a glass of fruit with a glass of cold water. Boil the product for 15 minutes under a tight lid. The broth after preparation must be brought to its initial volume, diluted with boiling water. Allow the product to cool, then strain it into a second container. To this composition, add 2 cups of sugar, mix everything thoroughly, then bring it slowly to a boil. After dissolving the sugar, the broth can be removed from the fire. It must be consumed in a tablespoon, while dissolving in tea or milk.

For the treatment of chronic bronchitis, you need to take a spoonful of small pine cones with needles and brew them with a glass of boiling water. The container with the composition under the lid should be placed in a water bath, where it should be left for half an hour.

tincture of green pine cones
tincture of green pine cones

The finished composition must be cooled for ten minutes, then it should be filtered. The remaining raw materials must be squeezed out and the resulting broth diluted with boiled water to 250 ml. Take the resulting medicine 1/3 cup three times a day before meals.


Like every drug, pinecone tincture also has contraindications:

  • hepatitis;
  • kidney disease;
  • breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • allergic reactions or idiosyncrasy;
  • alcoholism.

People over sixty should take this infusion very carefully, constantly listening to the responses of their own body. If you feel any discomfort, it is better to refuse the tincture.

When using this medicinemore than the required amount may cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as headaches. You need to understand that taking this tincture must be started with small doses and very carefully.

tincture of pine cones reviews
tincture of pine cones reviews

Pine cones tincture: reviews

Since the use of folk remedies in the treatment of certain diseases has become increasingly popular in recent years, it is easy to find reviews of any of them. The same can be said about the tincture of young pine cones. Many talk about its amazing aroma and the feeling of freshness that it gives to sick people. There are reviews that she helped with hypertension and colds. Of the negative comments, the most common is that the treatment takes a long time. But here it is worth mentioning that, unlike pharmacy products, such a tincture does not harm the body. In addition, there is dissatisfaction with the fact that in order to obtain a quality product, cones can only be collected at a strictly defined time, and this is some 4-5 days a year. But it's worth it!
