One of the most popular plants in the middle zone of our country - chamomile - has a decorative effect and excellent medicinal properties. This flower has great potential. Due to its versatility, it is able to replace various drugs and cosmetics.

In this article we will consider the medicinal properties and contraindications of chamomile.
He alth Use
Not everyone knows how useful this flower is, growing everywhere. As already mentioned, the medicinal properties of chamomile herb are numerous. Here are some of them:
- useful for the body of women, widely used in gynecology, where it treats many different diseases;
- the flower has been proven effective in combating gastritis, flatulence, gas, colitis, spasms, etc., in addition, in the treatment of the gallbladder, liver and genitourinary system;
- normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, relieves tension and stress, improves sleep;
- an effective "fighter" in cosmetology and traditional medicine for various skin diseases (sweaty spots, burns and irritations, boils, eczema in young children);
- infectious diseases of the oral cavity;
- used to treat SARS and influenza, sore throat, tonsillitis;
- in cosmetology for the treatment of flabby tired skin, hair loss and dandruff;
- eye diseases (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, conjunctivitis, redness of the eyelids);
- various "baby" troubles (diaper rash, prickly heat, restless sleep, colic, cough, fever and regurgitation);
- improves appetite;
- rheumatism, joint pain, s alt deposits.
It is worth noting that this is not the whole list of medicinal properties of chamomile flowers. Let's take a closer look at them in the article below.
But chamomile has medicinal properties and contraindications. The latter include:
- Possible component intolerance and allergic reaction, itching, redness and respiratory spasms may occur.
- Use during pregnancy with the permission of a doctor, excessive consumption can lead to miscarriage.
- Prolonged use causes headaches, anemia, cough.
- Use very carefully for people who suffer from diarrhea.
But it's all very individual, each person's body responds differently to chamomile treatment, and you should not self-medicate.

The healing properties of chamomile are due to its composition. She iscontains valuable oil rich in healing elements: sesquiterpenes, terpenes and chamazulene.
Such a rich composition has long been used to treat various diseases in the form of medicinal tinctures, decoctions, oils, teas. Although in any treatment it is necessary to remember about contraindications. We will describe in more detail the medicinal properties and contraindications of chamomile in the article below.
Benefits for women
At the moment, the healing properties of this flower are actively used to treat various women's problems. Due to its antiseptic properties, it will cure various inflammations of the genital organs, as well as relieve infectious and fungal infections (colpitis, thrush, vulvovaginitis, etc.). Douching with a decoction of inflorescences is especially often used. But these are not all the medicinal properties and contraindications of chamomile for women.
Recipes for he alth
In the 17th century, the scientific justification for the healing properties of this herb was described, but it began to be used long before that moment. Previously, she relieved the representatives of the weaker sex from various female problems, while she received the name "uterine grass", however, over time, with the help of her, they began to treat a large number of diseases. This versatile herb should be in every home.
Today, most often it is used in the form of tea, which is very simple and convenient. The main amount of vitamins in its composition determines a wide range of healing properties: anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, healing, choleretic, soothing, immunostimulating, analgesic.
True, thisnot the whole list. Now let's talk about how to use this plant at home.

Chamomile tea
The range of medicinal properties and contraindications of chamomile flowers allows it to be used in the treatment of a huge number of diseases. This tea will cleanse the liver, give relaxation, eliminate inflammatory internal processes, effectively protect against SARS and flu, and relieve migraines.
This drink does not tolerate boiling. Basically, half a tablespoon of flowers is poured with boiling water and insisted. The pharmacy sells ready-made sachets for convenience.
Chamomile tea for prostate should be on the table every day, it is very useful for men. For women, it will also benefit and is completely indispensable if hormonal disruptions occur, painful and heavy menstruation, if menopause occurs, and also overcome menopause syndromes.
It must be remembered that, in addition to the medicinal properties of chamomile, harm can also appear if this drink is very frequent or there is a tendency to allergies and individual intolerance.
Chamomile enema
If inflammation, diverticulitis, colitis, hemorrhoids, intestinal spasms occur in the large intestine, then the use of a cleansing enema will be the right solution to this unpleasant ailment.
Decoction recipe: 2 tablespoons of chopped dried medicinal chamomile (its properties and contraindications are described in this article) are brewed with 2 liters of water in a thermos. This infusion is collected in an enema and with the help of a second person is introduced into the body. The benefits of this application will be manifested after one course of such treatment.
Chamomile for hair
For owners of unhe althy, problematic hair, this healing infusion is a real find. The healing properties of chamomile for women with dry and oily hair are very interesting. The healing properties of chamomile allow you to improve the appearance and condition of your hair in just a few applications.
It is worth noting that rinsing decoction was cooked many years ago by our ancestors. The recipe is quite simple: pour 2 tablespoons of flowers with a glass of boiling water, insist and pour into water for rinsing.
The next ready-made mask recipe that is ideal for strengthening: mix ½ cup of chamomile tea, egg yolk and a spoonful of olive oil. Apply the mass to the roots, cover the head with a cap and rinse 30 minutes after application.

Healing properties of chamomile for skin
For each type of skin, it is very useful to wipe the face with ice from a decoction. After such processing, it becomes fresh, clean, toned.
It is a wonderful habit to wipe your face after washing with a lotion made from a decoction of chamomile flowers, and a compress made from its infusion will help teenagers get rid of acne and pimples.
Benefits for children
The healing properties of chamomile are used for babies, since the list of pharmaceutical products is very limited for this tender age, and a good mother wants to cure her child painlessly and quickly.
For the treatment of fever, flu, colic and gas in the abdomen, notneglected cough, regurgitation, use tea with herbs in a teaspoon before feeding: pour 1 sachet of pharmacy chamomile into ½ cup of boiling water, insist and cool to a warm temperature, then filter and give to the baby.
A common common problem for newborns is diaper rash and prickly heat, a bath with this raw material will help cure them. To bathe a child, first make a decoction of a useful plant and feel free to add it to the water.
In addition, it is used in case of sour eyes, teething and pain in the ears.
Benefits during pregnancy
Every woman during pregnancy tries to be attentive to her he alth, because at this moment every deviation from the norm in he alth can harm an unborn baby. Girls in such a piquant position are very susceptible to advice, however, one should not believe in all the assurances of friends or neighbors about the benefits of a plant, even if they very colorfully describe the healing properties of chamomile or any other herb. Every action during this period of life must be agreed with the attending doctor.
In a normal state, a person will use a decoction inside only for the benefit. This flower restores strength, strengthens the immune system, relieves inflammation, improves the functioning of the digestive tract and removes a large number of other sores, but does this all apply to pregnant women?
It has been established that tea from this plant can reduce toxicosis in the first trimester, eliminate gas and bloating and help get rid of nervous tension.
Drinkonly medicinal plant species are needed - pharmacy and odorous chamomile. Ask your doctor before use.

Chamomile for eye he alth
This flower is a storehouse of useful trace elements and vitamins. Nowadays, it can be quite difficult to break away from various gadgets, a laptop monitor or a computer. The influence of technology affects our eyes negatively.
True, rinsing the eyes with decoction when tired will help a lot. To do this, you can use cold lotions in the form of a compress. Squeeze simply brewed herb sachets, cool and place directly on the eyelids. In addition to useful healing properties, this procedure has a cosmetic effect (elimination of dark circles, improvement of color, restoration of eyelid elasticity).
In the treatment of infectious diseases of the eyes, the antiseptic properties of the herb give an amazing effect. How to prepare it for such purposes? To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of dry grass with a glass of hot water, insist on a water bath for 15 minutes. The cooled broth can be used for washing, as well as soak a disc with it and put on the eyes.
Infusion for the intestines
Chamomile flowers are very often used as an adjuvant in herbal medicine to treat the intestines. And if you make a healing infusion from the flowers, then you can help the body cope with the disease that has arisen.
This tincture recipe is very effective: mix the following dry herbs in equal proportions: St. John's wort, chamomile, anise, fennel, bird cherry, burnet, alder, snake knotweed and valerian, 1a glass of hot water per 10 g of grass, pour the required amount and strain. Drink a glass per day in 3 divided doses. The cleansing beneficial properties of the medicinal herb are used in microclysters.
Stomach use
For gastritis and pain in the stomach, make the following medicinal infusion: pour 10 grams of dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water, remove the infusion and drink the next day 4 times a day. The plant will also help with ulcers, pancreatitis, constipation, erosion.

Beneficial effect on the kidneys
The flower has been used for several centuries in traditional medicine as an excellent remedy for the intestines, stomach, genitourinary system, kidneys.
Healing herbs can be an excellent alternative to medical treatment, especially in the early stages of the onset of the disease.
The next collection of medicinal plants will cure kidney stones: knotweed, bearberry, corn stigmas, chamomile are combined in equal parts. A tablespoon of this composition is poured with a glass of boiling water, after which it is infused for several hours. Consumed inside after each meal a quarter cup.
Chamomile for colds
Chamomile plays a leading role in the treatment of SARS among other herbs due to its antiseptic properties that viruses and bacteria suppress. When the microflora is intoxicated with pathogenic microorganisms, the herb should be consumed in the form of a decoction, tincture or tea.
For inhalation, insist 2 tablespoons of flowers in a glass of boiling water, then dilute this composition with a liter of water and breathe steam for 20 minutes. Activelyherbal compresses are used to treat the throat.
When coughing for gargling, you can take an infusion of chamomile in alcohol. It should be prepared in advance. To do this, combine the alcohol with the raw materials of the plant and insist in a dark place for a month. Later, when rinsing, take a little of the prepared solution and mix it with warm water.
Uses and properties of chamomile oil
In order to get a kilogram of oil, you need to spend about 200 kg of inflorescences of this plant. True, beauty requires sacrifice, especially considering that such a powerful beauty assistant still needs to be looked for.
The oil is great for aromatherapy, you can add some other essential oils at your discretion. Due to the rich composition, it will relieve anxiety, nervousness, activates the brain, improves sleep, and clears the mind.
In addition, it has the property of wound healing, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal, therefore, it is actively added to all kinds of drugs in traditional medicine. It has found itself in the field of cosmetology - this miracle herb for skin and hair is just a godsend!
It can be added to cream, lotion or tonic. It has a great effect on the body during massage. It is good to add it to the bath to relieve tension, prevent fungal diseases of the nails and feet.
For dandruff, make the following mask: mix a little chamomile oil, a spoonful of olive oil, yolk, apply the composition to the hair roots. Then cover with a cap and wash off after half an hour.

Now you know that chamomile is an amazing natural healer that can cope with a variety of ailments.