When blood is taken from a patient, they check for the presence of red blood cells and white blood cells. If there are deviations from the norm, it means that there is inflammation in the body. There are bodies in the blood that perform the most important functions. We are talking about erythrocytes. What are these bodies responsible for? They enrich all tissues with oxygen and other useful substances.
Red blood cells are made up of hemoglobin. It contains iron. This protein causes red blood cells to turn red. The white elements are made up of leukocytes. They are blue. If there is inflammation in the human body, then, according to the results of the tests, it is likely to have a reduced level of red blood cells. In this case, the doctor will prescribe therapy. It is also advisable to adjust your diet and get rid of bad habits. The article will describe how to quickly increase red blood cells.

RBC norm
When donating blood for a general analysis, a study is carried out not only on the number of red blood cells, but alsohemoglobin level is checked. In order to make a diagnosis, information about the bodies is needed: their color, size, volume. Only according to all the data, the doctor can assess the patient's condition. Below is a table of the norm of red blood cells by age in women and men.
RBC norm | |
Women | 3.4 to 5.1 |
Pregnant | 3 to 3.5 |
Men | from 4.1 to 5.7 |
Newborns | from 5.5 to 7.2 |
Child under one year old | 3 to 5.4 |
Child from one year old | From 4 to 6.6 |
If there are slight deviations, they are considered normal. In order to restore the indicator, you just need to change the diet and, if there is a lack of vitamins, then replenish it. If the deviations are significant, the doctor will refer the patient for an additional examination to find out the cause of the inflammation. It depends on this how to increase low red blood cells.
The duration and success of the therapy depends on how accurate the diagnosis is. Without visiting a doctor, you should not increase the level of red blood cells on your own. Sometimes this leads to serious consequences.
If there are deviations in the results, it is important to immediately try to find their provocateur. It should be understood that it is not the changed number of blood cells that needs to be treated, but the cause of such a reaction of the body.

Causes of occurrence
In addition to the fact that a low level of red blood cells is caused by any disease, this condition can provoke complications. That is why it is important to take this nuance seriously and try to get rid of it when the first symptoms appear.
One of the most popular diseases is anemia. It is she who most often provokes a decrease in the level of red blood cells. It also helps to lower hemoglobin. How to increase the level of red blood cells is described below in the article.
In addition to the above disease, leukemia should be noted as the cause of this. It is characterized by the appearance of formations in the bone marrow. This is where red blood cells are produced. Infection occurs when he althy cells are engulfed by malignant cells. Only one reason for this has been identified: radio and chemotherapy. If these factors did not affect the patient, then it is impossible to identify the provocateur of malignancy.

The main thing is to understand what symptoms a condition causes when red blood cells are below normal. What this means is described above, further we will talk about manifestations.
There may be headaches, low blood pressure, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, and insomnia that occurs even if a person wants to take a nap. The liver increases in size, the spleen, there are problems affecting the gastrointestinal tract. Patients may have impaired memory, coordination. Capable of constantlydisturb conditions in which the limbs seem cottony, and a shiver runs through the body. Cardiovascular problems may develop.
The doctor will prescribe treatment depending on the symptoms and the cause of such a pathology. Be sure to adjust the diet and daily routine. How successful therapy will be depends on the diagnosis and its correctness, as well as on how the person follows all the recommendations.

Child has an illness
This problem often worries parents. What is it connected with and what does it mean? Erythrocytes below normal are a common pathology in children. It is associated with anemia. If a child has an unhe althy diet, then little iron enters his body. This provokes a decrease in hemoglobin synthesis. Accordingly, the number of red blood cells decreases. The same problem can appear after blood loss. Sometimes beriberi can lead to this.
To get rid of the described pathology, it is urgent to consult a doctor and undergo the prescribed diagnostic procedures. The kid must donate blood, and he will also be prescribed instrumental methods. Treatment depends on the underlying cause of the condition. As a rule, children are prescribed supplements containing iron, vitamin B and folic acid. Sometimes a decrease in the level of red blood cells can be associated with problems in the functioning of the bone marrow. Then those drugs that contribute to better production of blood cells will be prescribed.
If red blood cells have decreased in number due toacute blood loss, then an operation is performed. During it, blood is transfused from a donor.
Conservative treatment
In order to increase the level of red blood cells, you need to drink special medications. They can be either containing iron, or a combined composition. This can effectively increase the level of red blood cells.
If the patient has an advanced case, he will be asked to undergo treatment in a hospital. Injections are mandatory. B vitamins will also be introduced.
You should also use those medicines that are necessary to eliminate the primary disease. If we are talking about complex pathologies like leukemia, then its therapy will be reduced to bone marrow transplantation. How the treatment will be carried out depends entirely on the symptoms, the degree of manifestation, as well as other factors that only the doctor can take into account.

Folk remedies
Many people are wondering how to increase red blood cells in the blood with folk remedies. There are a large number of recipes that allow you to deal with the low content of such a substance.
Excellent plants that can raise the level of bodies in the body include strawberries, wild roses, and lungwort. You can make fees from them and drink several times a day no more than a cup. You can’t get carried away with strawberries, as it is able to reduce pressure. Usually in people who have problems with red blood cells, it is already low. Herbs need to be treated for about three months.
If a person does not have the opportunity to drink decoctions, then it is allowed to give preference to juices. They will also provide an opportunity to increase the level of red blood cells. One of the effective recipes is prepared on the basis of beets. Boil the vegetable, squeeze the liquid out of it and mix with honey. Such juice should be drunk three times a day, no more than one tablespoon.
The mixture made from honey and dried fruits is excellent. It is advisable to add raisins, prunes, nuts, dried apricots. All ingredients must be taken in equal proportions. The mixture should be taken two teaspoons before meals. No more than three times a day.
Similar folk recipes will help maintain the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells in a normal state. Also, some doctors recommend drinking more juices from carrots, beets, raspberries, pomegranates, apples, and so on. It is advisable to add honey to taste. This will quickly increase the level of red blood cells. However, we should not forget that juice therapy can be dangerous. Some of these types of juice are concentrated and can provoke a deterioration in the condition. Therefore, before use, be sure to consult a doctor.
The specialist can also advise himself what juices are best to drink. You need to make them yourself, and not buy them in a store. Only then can the maximum effect be achieved.
Diet will play an important role. In the diet you need to add meat, vegetables, various fruits and milk. Be sure to include liver and offal in the menu. You should also pay attention toapples, beets, tomatoes, cabbage, beef, chicken, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, buckwheat, oatmeal. It is better to refuse pork.
Fried and smoked foods should be removed from the diet. Otherwise, it will not work to increase the level of red blood cells. They can provoke malfunctions in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. With a reduced number of red blood cells, a problem with the gastrointestinal tract is considered a common ailment. All food is best boiled or stewed. Sweets should also be avoided. Dark dark chocolate is allowed.

Preventive measures
When it comes to preventing newborns, mothers should first take care of a good diet. Then breast milk will saturate the baby with all the nutrients. Sometimes your pediatrician may prescribe medications that contain iron. Mothers should also establish a rest and wakefulness regimen for the baby.
As soon as a child begins to grow up, you should immediately pay special attention to his nutrition. All new products should be introduced into the body at a certain time. You also need to remember about the characteristics of the child himself, in order to approximately understand what vegetables or fruits he needs in the first place. It should be remembered what red blood cells are responsible for. They carry nutrients. Therefore, it is important to increase the amount of vitamins and minerals during the treatment period.
Prevention in children over 12
In order for children over 12 years of age not to have problems with a low level of red blood cells, foods rich in both iron and iron should be introduced into their diet, andmany other useful substances. We are talking about copper, vitamins, cob alt, nickel and so on.
A large number of useful substances are found in the yolk, oatmeal, peas, liver, beets and others.

By following a diet and not deviating from the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor, you can easily overcome the described problem. If we talk about preventive measures, then you should visit a specialist more often and donate blood for analysis. Be sure to follow the lifestyle and give up bad habits. After all, these are the factors that contribute to good he alth. Above in the article is a table of the norm of erythrocytes by age in women and men. It will allow each person to understand if they have problems.