Young parents worry about their baby, and often the most mundane things cause them a lot of questions. This is especially true for the he alth of the crumbs. A common problem that pediatricians and parents face is an allergy in children to the pope. When does it appear and how to get rid of it?
What rashes can be
Allergies in children on the pope are manifestations of various he alth problems or the consequences of violations of personal hygiene crumbs. Rashes can be very different in appearance: redness, peeling, pustules, red small nodules. Only a competent doctor can visually and with the help of certain tests determine the cause of such a nuisance. Parents often think that rashes are an allergy to diapers or diathesis. Most often this happens, but not always. Therefore, the main thing in treatment is a visit to the doctor.

Food allergy
A baby's butt allergy at 3 years old can manifest itself as a reaction to certain foods. The diet changes, new dishes are introduced. Therefore, parents need to monitor the condition of the baby's skin after he has tried If the allergy appeared at this very moment, then the product should be excluded from the child's diet.
Such a reaction is often manifested in infants, if the mother has added a new component to her menu that can cause such consequences. It is best for breastfeeding women to keep a food diary, where to enter all the foods that are eaten. Then it will be possible to establish exactly what the baby was allergic to. According to the advice of experts, a nursing mother should introduce new products to the menu no more than once every 4-5 days. Understanding what caused the allergy will be even easier.
Of course, you should not neglect the advice that doctors give about allergenic products. It is best to exclude from the diet of young children, as well as nursing mothers, foods such as:
- bananas;
- mushrooms;
- cocoa;
- strawberry;
- confectionery;
- smoked meats;
- coffee;
- honey;
- cow's milk;
- sweets;
- nuts (especially peanuts);
- fish, especially oily;
- citrus;
- chocolate;
- eggs.
Also, an allergic reaction can cause all vegetables and fruits that have a red color due to the pigments lycopene or anthocyanin. With caution, wheat products (bread and cereals) should be introduced into complementary foods because of the possibility of celiac disease in the baby - gluten intolerance.
In any case, careful attention to what appears on the child's menu, and how his body reacts to it, will avoid not only allergies to the priest, but also moreserious reactions.

Allergy to pollen, dust and wool
Allergy in children on the pope can be a sign of an inadequate reaction of the child's body to something that is difficult to completely get rid of: dust and pollen, pet hair, tiny particles of soot and burning polluting the atmosphere. Having noticed redness and rashes on the child’s body, you need to analyze what happened in the world around the baby before the allergy manifested itself?
A doctor and a competent examination will be able to make an adequate diagnosis and identify the allergen. At the same time, recommendations will be given and, if necessary, special antihistamines will be prescribed. If you are allergic to such things, then you should clean and ventilate the space as often and thoroughly as possible, clearing the space of dust, pollen and wool.

Allergy to baby cosmetics
For the care of newborn babies and older children, a huge number of cosmetics are offered, which, with their bright, cute packaging, just ask for a shopping cart. But, using them, you can notice that a rash appears on the pope, the child's skin turns red, pimples appear. It's a cosmetic allergy. Despite the fact that manufacturers write in large letters "hypoallergenic" on the packaging, the components that make up the cream, oil, lotion can cause an allergic reaction. So new children's cosmetics should first be tested on a small area of the baby's skin. This will make sure that it suits him and notwill cause severe irritation or angioedema.

Diaper Allergy
For modern parents, the use of items that facilitate child care is a common thing. But, as pediatricians note, diaper allergies have also become an integral part of life for babies. You will have to try several brands to find the one that does not cause irritation. But no one canceled the observance of the rules for changing the diaper. You can not keep the ass all the time in a greenhouse of moisture-retaining components. After all, the skin needs to breathe. A diaper is an indispensable thing in many everyday situations and for going out. However, the baby also needs to rest from him.

Allergy to household chemicals
Another reason why pimples may appear on a child's pope is household chemicals. Having crossed the threshold of infancy, standing on their feet, going to kindergarten, children get a life together with adults in all plans: shared food, common laundry and dishwashing detergents.
Household chemicals are becoming a common cause of allergies in children. It is not for nothing that manufacturers produce special product lines specifically for caring for children's things: washing powders, soap, and dishwashing detergent. They have reduced the number of active ingredients that can cause an inadequate reaction of the body.
But if you have to use "adult" chemistry, then you should pay more attention to the process of rinsing and washing with clean water. This will remove allunnecessary substances more carefully. However, this procedure will not harm the adults themselves to maintain he alth. After all, the chemical compounds remaining on the dishes and linen gradually harm the body.

The most common cause that causes a rash on the pope and in the folds of the baby's body is prickly heat. Most parents try to wrap their child as warmly as possible, rightly believing that this is necessary. But the baby, packed in several layers of clothes, suffers from the greenhouse effect, sweats, wet places begin to swell, causing irritation.
Parents may not even notice the problem in time, and it becomes a source of crying and whims of the baby. After all, the skin is injured, a wound and inflammation may appear. There is a golden rule to follow in order to dress your child correctly: put one more layer of clothing on your child than on yourself.

Going to the doctor
Children can often complain that their ass itches. With allergies, a child may develop not only a rash, but also itching. However, it can also be a manifestation of helminthiasis - an infection with parasites, such as pinworms, the females of which lay their eggs in the anal folds, causing itching.
Only a competent doctor can determine the exact cause of any problems with the condition of the crumbs with an adequate examination and examination with the necessary tests. And only a doctor can prescribe medication after a diagnosis. Self-medication is unacceptable!

What tests should I take
Pimples that appear on a child's buttocks are a rather serious problem until their cause is established. And in order to find out, the child must be examined. Blood and urine tests are standard procedures that help track changes in the he alth of a person of any age. Suspicion of helminthiasis obliges to pass an analysis for eggs of worms and enterobiasis. Allergy will require a special examination to establish the allergen, which will help to exclude it from the environment of the baby.

Do I need hormones
Often, if a child has a severe allergy to the pope, parents panic, suggesting that it will be necessary to use hormonal drugs, the effect of which, even with external use, is ambiguous. But there is no need to panic ahead of time.
The use of such medicines is only indicated for certain he alth conditions. These drugs act very quickly, because their use is indicated in emergency cases. External use of ointments based on hormones that block the release of histamine allows you to defeat persistent manifestations of allergies: irritation, redness, rash, itching. For children, the doctor prescribes funds in the required therapeutic doses, their correct use will protect the child from the adverse effects of hormonal treatment.
Hygiene comes first
In order to reduce the discomfort from the manifestation of an allergy of any etiology, it is necessary, according toopportunities, remove its external manifestations. How to smear the ass of a child from allergies? Pediatricians most often hear this question from parents who are faced with an inadequate reaction of the baby's body to certain substances.
But before smearing the child's body with ointments and creams, it should be remembered that the basis of he alth is hygiene. Therefore, the skin of the baby should always be clean and dry. Daily bathing of the child will not only maintain the cleanliness of the body, but also strengthen the immune system. After water procedures, the crumbs must be wiped dry with a clean towel, without rubbing the delicate skin, but only wetting it. Only then can medications be applied to help defeat the manifestations of allergies.
Folk helper recipes
Allergy in children on the pope requires high-quality treatment of both the disease itself and its external manifestation. To help overcome the symptoms of allergies can folk remedies. For babies, herbal bathing preparations are most often used. You can use standard herbs: chamomile, calendula, nettle. They well relieve irritation, itching on the skin.
The usual recipe for making a decoction is as follows: 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs are poured with 1 cup of boiling water and heated in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then the decoction is squeezed through two or three layers of gauze and used by adding to bathing water.
You can use this fee:
- blackcurrant (leaves) - 1 measure;
- St. John's wort (grass) - 1 measure;
- viburnum (berries) - 2 measures;
- string (grass) - 1 measure.
Mixture of herbs and berries to take in the amount of 1Art. l., pour boiling water in the amount of 1 cup. Simmer on low heat for 15 minutes, then cool, strain and squeeze. Add to baby bath water.
The second recipe is an infusion of oak bark and chamomile. Components must be taken in equal proportions. A mixture of 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 cup of hot water and heat in a water bath for 45 minutes. Then cool to room temperature and strain. Also added to the bath for bathing.
It is impossible to use herbs to prepare allergy medicine for a child without consulting a doctor. Although the recipes were used by grandmothers, the modern reality is that even harmless things can cause serious he alth problems for a child. Therefore, only a doctor can prescribe medication and supportive therapy.

Allergies in children on the buttocks are only external signs of a serious problem, which, if not adequately treated, can lead to serious consequences.