Onion allergy in adults and children: symptoms and treatment

Onion allergy in adults and children: symptoms and treatment
Onion allergy in adults and children: symptoms and treatment

Onion is a vegetable that has been familiar to people since ancient times. It is added to various types of food, cosmetic products and traditional medicine. Due to its unique composition and healing properties, this plant helps to get rid of many diseases. However, some people are allergic to onions. What causes such a reaction and how does it manifest itself?

Plant properties

Onions are a he althy, low-calorie food that is considered an essential part of dietary nutrition and a he althy diet.


It is used for cooking meat and fish dishes, various salads, first courses. The composition of this vegetable includes many useful substances: sodium, iron, vitamins of groups B and C, potassium.

Many doctors are of the opinion that the development of an allergy to onions is almost impossible. However, in some people, the body reacts negatively to this product. This is especially true for children under the age of three. Defineallergic pathology alone is very difficult. After all, its symptoms are similar to the symptoms of other diseases. If symptoms of an illness occur, you must consult a doctor and undergo the prescribed examinations.

Main causes of pathology

So, to the question of whether there can be an allergy to onions, the answer is yes. The disease occurs as a result of an incorrect reaction of the immune system, which takes the protein that is part of the product as foreign. This phenomenon often provokes a fresh vegetable and its juice.

onion and its juice
onion and its juice

Allergy develops less frequently for a dried, boiled or fried plant. Sometimes the disease occurs after contact with feathers and onion husks. Cosmetic products that use this vegetable can also cause a negative reaction.

Other factors provoking pathology

Allergy to onion in some cases is the result of exposure to the body of chemicals that treated the plant. At the same time, homemade vegetables do not cause pathological symptoms. Sometimes patients notice signs of illness in themselves after eating canned vinegar containing this product. Plant seeds provoke a negative reaction in agricultural workers. Some employees of food enterprises suffer from conjunctivitis and runny nose after contact with onion dust. A negative reaction can also occur against the background of the use of folk remedies, in the manufacture of which this vegetable is used. These are anti-inflammatory drugs.bronchial diseases, respiratory infections, hypertension, parasitic infestations.

Allergy should not be confused with individual intolerance, which is not related to the activity of the immune system.

What types of plants provoke pathology?

There are many types of this vegetable. Allergy to onion is considered the most common. After all, this type of plant is often used in cooking and other areas. It is used as a seasoning for dishes, a component of cosmetics to lighten freckles, improve hair condition. Everyone has long known that this product contains unique substances - essential oils, which destroy pathogens and have a beneficial effect on he alth.

Other varieties of onions (chives, batun, puchhu, shallots, allspice) can also provoke negative reactions. However, these varieties are not used as often.

Cross pathology

Not only onions can cause allergies, but also foods that contain such proteins.

onion and garlic
onion and garlic

Such vegetables and fruits include the following:

  1. Asparagus, garlic.
  2. Cherry, nut kernels, peaches, citrus fruits, tomatoes, celery. The cross form of pathology occurs due to a reaction to a protein that carries fats.
  3. Plants containing profilin. This component is present not only in onions, but also in other varieties of vegetables and fruits.

Factors that increase the likelihood of developing pathology

Risk of onion allergy(onion, leek, shallot, green leaves of the plant), as well as on the substances that process the vegetable, increases in the following situations:

  1. Having a genetic predisposition.
  2. Chronic pathologies of the stomach and intestines. In this case, the cause of the pathology is a violation of the process of digesting a vegetable, as well as burning substances that have a negative effect on the digestive tract.
  3. Age up to 3 years. This risk factor is explained by an underdeveloped digestive system, weak immunity, excessive onion consumption during gestation and breastfeeding.

Signs of pathology in adult patients

In the case of onion allergy, symptoms in adults are as follows:

  1. Stuffy nose, runny nose.
  2. Feeling itchy and irritated mucous membranes.
  3. Sneeze.
  4. Coughing fits.
  5. Difficulty breathing.
  6. Swelling of the mucous membranes and skin.
  7. Feeling sick, throwing up.
  8. Meteorism.
  9. Discomfort in the peritoneum.
  10. Stool disorders.
  11. Eruptions on the surface of the skin, hives, red spots.
  12. skin rashes
    skin rashes

In rare cases, an allergy to onion, the symptoms of pathology are accompanied by the appearance of complications (anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema). Adults are especially hard to endure such consequences of the disease. Sometimes a person needs hospital treatment.

Signs of pathology in babies

An onion allergy in an infant can be suspected if the following symptoms are present:

  1. Rashes in the form of bubbles or blisters on the surface of the skin.
  2. allergy in baby
    allergy in baby
  3. Urticaria.
  4. Red tinge of the mucous membranes and epidermis, swelling.
  5. Gagging, bowel disorder.
  6. Itching.
  7. Regurgitation that occurs after every meal.
  8. Colic, increased gas formation in the intestines.
  9. Sneezing, nasal discharge.

Methods for diagnosing a disease

If you experience symptoms of onion allergy, you should consult a specialist. To identify the disease, the following medical measures are taken:

  1. Laboratory analyzes of biological material (blood, urine).
  2. Tests (provocative, skin).
  3. Allergy testing.
  4. Study for immunoglobulin E (blood test).

Skin tests are one of the most accurate and effective methods for detecting pathology.

allergy skin tests
allergy skin tests

They allow you to quickly find out the result and do not provoke a negative impact on the body. This diagnostic method can be recommended even for small children.

Effective Therapies

In the event of symptoms of an illness, any contact with a substance that provokes this reaction should be immediately excluded. Onions should not be eaten. It is also necessary to avoid smell, contact of the plant with the skin. Especially dangerous israw plant. When eating a thermally processed vegetable, many people who are prone to this type of allergy do not experience its symptoms.

To quickly eliminate the signs of pathology, drugs with antihistamine properties are used. The dosage and type of medication is determined by the doctor depending on the age category and he alth status of the patient. Some medicines can only be used by people over the age of 12. Modern remedies for allergies do not have pronounced side effects. The most common drugs include Claritin, Fenistil, Zirtek, Diazolin. In addition, Sinaflan, Hydrocortisone, Lokaid ointments are used to eliminate itching and rashes. For the treatment of pediatric patients, Gistan and Bepanten are recommended. In addition, drugs are prescribed that cleanse the cells of the body from allergens and toxic substances. This is activated carbon, Polysorb, Enterol.

With the development of complications in the form of Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock, potent drugs ("Dexamethasone", "Prednisolone") are used in the form of injections. These medicines contain hormones. They help to normalize blood pressure, eliminate swelling and spasm of the bronchi.

Any drug that is used to treat allergies should not be used without first consulting a specialist.

Folk Therapy

To eliminate the symptoms of pathology, young nettle leaves are used. Fresh raw materials should be rinsed, chopped, placed in a liter jar, pouredcool water. Insist for ten to twelve hours. Consume internally instead of tea.

Eggshell helps get rid of allergy symptoms. It should be crushed and taken one teaspoonful with plenty of water. Another effective remedy is mummy. An infusion is prepared from this raw material. 1 g of powder is diluted in a liter of water. Consume three times a day, 100 ml.

In addition, patients are recommended special meals. It eliminates allergic manifestations. The patient's diet should consist of buckwheat and rice groats, vegetables, fruits and berries (which do not cause a negative reaction), pastries without yeast. Avoid black tea, cocoa, chocolate and coffee.

Can I eat onions during pregnancy and lactation?

This plant contains many useful substances. Experts say that it is not contraindicated for expectant mothers and lactating women. The product helps to strengthen the immune system, prevents infections. However, this vegetable should be consumed in moderation. Contrary to popular belief, it does not contribute to the deterioration of the taste of milk. But, if the baby has symptoms of onion allergy, digestion is disturbed, colic, flatulence occurs, a woman should exclude this food from her diet.

Product introduction to baby menu

Children are allergic to onions quite often due to unformed immunity and gastrointestinal organs. Therefore, when consuming this vegetable, a nursing mother should be especially careful. Experts recommend introducingthis food in the baby's diet from about eight months. Raw onions are not recommended for children under three years of age. The product must be subjected to heat treatment. The most useful vegetable in the composition of broths and other first courses.

broth with onions
broth with onions

Child onions in young patients are more likely to have an allergic reaction than onions. It should not be attempted to be introduced into the child's diet. It is known that this product is not suitable for feeding babies. It is not used for cooking in preschools.