In alternative medicine, sunflower root is actively used to eliminate the symptoms of many diseases. Treatment consists in preparing various tinctures and taking them according to the doctor's prescription. Unfortunately, few are familiar with the healing properties of the sunflower root. But in vain. After all, it has a number of qualities that are indispensable for certain diseases, since it allows you to get rid of them very effectively.
Brief description of the plant

For medicinal purposes, all parts of the annual sunflower are used. This unique plant, familiar to almost everyone, has a number of healing properties.
It is widely used in alternative medicine:
- Leaves (rich in carotene, flavonoids, resinous substances, choline, saponins). With the help of them, febrile conditions and neuralgia are effectively treated.
- Seeds (contain protein, phytin, fatty oil, tartaric and citric acids, tannins, phospholipids). Medicines based on themactively used for urticaria.
- Flowers (contain choline, bitterness, flavone glycoside, phenolcarboxylic acids, betaine, alcohols). A tincture of them is used to treat malaria, influenza.
- The roots are used in the treatment of gallstone disease (removal of stones from the gallbladder and kidneys) and s alt deposits (cleansing of the joints).
Due to such healing properties, the sunflower is considered simply a miracle plant, since all its parts are suitable for the treatment of various diseases.
Indications for treatment with sunflower root

It is known that many diseases can be successfully cured with the help of such natural medicine as sunflower roots. Their medicinal properties are manifested in the treatment of the following diseases:
- osteochondrosis;
- s alt deposits in the joints;
- kidney and gallbladder stones;
- diabetes;
- cardiovascular disease;
- hypertension;
- arthritis;
- arthrosis;
- rheumatism;
- diseases of the stomach;
- constipation;
- other diseases.
Healing qualities of natural medicine

Sunflower root properties are valued for being tinctures of them:
- eliminate headaches;
- lower blood pressure;
- purify the body as a whole, removing toxins and harmful toxins from it.
This vegetable raw material copes with colds remarkably. It can be applied inprevention of many diseases. In a word, if you need to improve your he alth, it is advisable to use for this purpose such a medicine of nature as sunflower roots, the healing properties of which are undeniable, since they are aimed only at a positive result.
Sunflower root and gallstones and kidney stones
A person experiences many unpleasant moments before doctors diagnose him with, for example, gallstones or kidney stones. Sunflower root in this difficult situation is an almost indispensable remedy. And all thanks to the presence in its composition of alkaline alkaloids, which contribute to the dissolution of oxalate and urate stones.
When diagnosing urolithiasis or cholelithiasis, it is especially important to take into account the nature of the origin of the above formations. It should be noted that sunflower root cannot cope with phosphate or carbonate stones, as they form in an alkaline environment. Cystine, xanthine and cholesterol stone formations do not give in to it either.
This natural medicine actively removes stones from the gallbladder and kidneys without surgery, while not creating pain.
Joint s alts and sunflower root

The above folk remedy is widely used for s alt deposits. It is known that the main cause of this disease is a sedentary lifestyle.
Treatment with sunflower root (reviews of patients with similar symptoms indicate this) s alt deposits occur completelypainless and mild. In therapy, a special decoction of it is used. But it should be noted that this medicine is used only for preventive purposes. It is not able to cope with serious complications and restore severely damaged cartilage tissue.
Diabetes and sunflower root
Alternative medicine proposes to use such a natural remedy as sunflower root in the treatment of diabetes. Its use as an infusion facilitates the patient's condition. To prepare the medicine, thin roots-hairs of the rhizome of the plant are used. They must be crushed, dried thoroughly and poured with boiling water. It is advisable to insist until the drink cools down. It should be taken every two hours for 100 ml.
Infusion of sunflower root normalizes the body as a whole and significantly lowers the amount of sugar in the blood.
Recipes for making medicine from sunflower root

It should be noted that in the treatment of each disease there is an individual recipe for sunflower roots:
- With urolithiasis, a glass of dry raw materials is boiled for two minutes. Then the broth cools down (about half an hour). The total course of therapy is at least 30 days.
- To cleanse the joints of s alts, steam 3 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials in a thermos and drink this drink like ordinary tea.
- As a choleretic agent, sunflower roots (1 tsp) are poured with boiling water (200 ml) and infused for no more than 20 minutes. Therapy involves a triple dose50 ml daily, but always before meals (about 30 minutes before).
- For the treatment of gastric diseases, sunflower roots are used in combination with fennel at the rate of 3:1 (that is, three parts of the main plant and one part of fennel are taken). A tablespoon of the resulting mixture is poured with a cup of boiled water (200 ml) and left for a couple of hours. The drink is filtered and consumed 1/3 cup before meals.
- An infusion of sunflower roots will save you from constipation, for which you should take a teaspoon of crushed plant and a cup of boiled water (approximately 200 ml). Insist no more than 20 minutes. This medicine should be taken in 50 ml three to four times a day.
- Eliminate cough and relieve pain in the throat will help a decoction of the roots. It is made in this way: they take 3 tablespoons (tablespoons) of dry raw materials and boil for two minutes over low heat in half a liter of water. It is important to constantly stir the tincture during this process. After cooling the broth, it is consumed inside, and also gargled.
- For pain in the knee, elbow and shoulder joints, sunflower root is also actively used. Treatment - in the form of a compress. To do this, boil a glass of crushed raw materials in a liter of water for about an hour. The broth will be strong. It turns out somewhere around 0.5 liters. You can not use the decoction inside. It is necessary to moisten a piece of cotton wool or cloth in a decoction and apply to a sore spot. Then wrap with oilcloth and wrap with a warm scarf. It is desirable to carry out such a procedure at night.
Cleansing the body
To cleanse the body of toxins and remove s alts from it, you candrink sunflower root tea. This plant contains a lot of alkaloids, which contribute to the destruction of s alts. There is also such a microelement as potassium, which enhances diuresis. When cleansing the body in this way, it is important to follow a simple diet for some time. Eliminate fried, fatty, spicy, sour, s alty foods and alcoholic beverages from the diet.
For cleaning, you need to prepare a drink: take a glass of dry raw materials for three liters of water. This mixture is boiled for no more than three minutes on low heat, and then infused for about an hour. Then the resulting drink is filtered. This decoction is designed for three days. It must be stored in the refrigerator. Drink the decoction warm throughout the day.
Sunflower root: reviews

Many patients suffering from urolithiasis/cholelithiasis claim that this natural medicine is quite effective in helping to eliminate the symptoms of the disease. But its effect can be enhanced by following simple recommendations.
If you exclude acidic juices from your diet during such therapy and generally switch to a vegetable diet, the effectiveness of such a remedy as sunflower root will be much higher. Reviews of those suffering from s alt deposits say that you can get rid of the symptoms of this disease as soon as possible by combining two methods: internal intake of decoctions / infusions and external wraps (compresses). You can also take baths with the addition of sunflower root tinctures.
Procurement of raw materials
Recommended to dig up the rootssunflower only when the plant is fully mature. Otherwise, the natural medicine will not have the necessary healing power.
For medicinal purposes only the thick sunflower root is used. Treatment with them is more effective than with thin roots. Therefore, the latter are usually cut off in most cases. Then the sunflower roots are cleaned of dirt and washed.
Dry them preferably in the fresh air in a dark place in a draft or indoors with a fan. In order for the roots to dry thoroughly, they are cut lengthwise into pieces (the thickness of an ordinary pencil). Dry raw materials must be crushed.
Store sunflower roots in cloth bags or regular jars.
Contraindications for use
Of course, like any folk medicine, sunflower root has some limitations for people who do not want to use it for medicinal purposes. This remedy is contraindicated:
- pregnant and lactating women;
- if there is an individual intolerance to this plant.
It is also not recommended to use sunflower root in the treatment of urolithiasis or cholelithiasis for people who have not determined the nature of the origin of stones. If there is no certainty that these formations can be dissolved with this remedy, it is undesirable to use it without first consulting a doctor.
Side effects of treatment
Folk medicine actively recommends sunflower root for the treatment of many diseases. But it is important to know that it is capable of causing someside effects, including the following:
- When using large doses of sunflower root tincture for medicinal purposes, the patient's blood pressure may rise. Therefore, the process of healing the body must begin with a small amount of medicine, gradually increasing its dose to the desired level.
- The appearance of burning in the ribs and joints as a result of the dissolution of s alts that are excreted in the urine.

Sunflower root, the treatment of which will help get rid of the symptoms of many diseases, is an effective healing agent widely used in alternative medicine. But still, people suffering from the diseases listed in the article should remember that the use of this raw material without first consulting a doctor can even be very dangerous and cause serious side effects. Only a doctor can choose the required dose of this folk remedy. He will take into account the individual characteristics of the course of the disease and prescribe this and other drugs without harming he alth.