Cedar barrel: the benefits and harms of phytotherapy

Cedar barrel: the benefits and harms of phytotherapy
Cedar barrel: the benefits and harms of phytotherapy

The use of cedar wood for healing began a long time ago. Cedar was revered as a healing tree in Siberia, the monks of Tibet knew about its unique properties, even doctors today talk about its beneficial effect on improving the functioning of the immune system as a whole. Many wellness centers and clinics today offer wellness treatments in cedar mini-saunas.

cedar barrel benefits and harms
cedar barrel benefits and harms

Cedar barrel - benefits and harms

One of the ancient Slavic medical books preserved in the Arkhangelsk library clearly demonstrates the procedure of treatment in a barrel. In the figure, the barrel stands on the stones next to the fire, in which the stones are heated. When hot stones were placed under the barrel, they were poured with decoctions of medicinal herbs, and the person sitting in the barrel breathed this vapor. In parallel, treatment took place both through steam and through hot water in a barrel. In this way, they healed fever, treated pain in the joints and spine, backache, even angina pectoris.

Why was the cedar barrel taken, the benefits and harms of which are incomparable? Yes, precisely because it can harm he althapply only in one case - if there are objective contraindications to taking bath procedures in general. In all other cases, a steam room arranged in a cedar barrel will only benefit the body.

mini sauna cedar barrel
mini sauna cedar barrel

Mini-sauna is perfect for those who want to relieve tension and stress after a tiring day of work, physical exertion. This is the first means of preventing acute respiratory infections, since it cleanses the mucous membrane, helps improve blood circulation, increases the activity of metabolic processes, stimulates the immune system, and the phytoncides secreted by the cedar tree kill microbes and viruses, have an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, significantly reduce pain in radiculitis, sprains.


A distinctive feature of the mini-sauna "Cedar barrel" is that the steam there is heated gradually to a temperature of approximately 50 degrees. And already in the first 10 minutes, the skin begins to breathe, and saturation of vapors with essential oils and herbal infusions ensures their active absorption. Their effect has a relaxing and calming effect, the vessels expand, venous congestion is eliminated, and the thermoregulation of the body is restored. Each patient can choose an individual set of herbs and oils, depending on the indications, to achieve the greatest effect. The recommended time to stay in such a steam room is 15-20 minutes.

Microdrops of herbal vapors continue to be absorbed through the skin after the procedure, so do not rush to take a shower. After a sauna session, you should relax, drink your favoriteherbal infusion. If possible, give a massage, this will enhance the effect of the phytosauna.


The female half of humanity is constantly in search of a means to help get rid of excess weight. In this case, a cedar barrel is indispensable. The benefits and harms of this procedure are obvious. Firstly, the skin undergoes steam cleansing, exfoliation of dead cells occurs, the smallest blood vessels open and actively work. All this makes the skin smoother, he althier, more elastic. Secondly, since the skin interacts more actively with herbs (it absorbs almost half of the healing herbal steam), the effect of phytotherapy increases. This leads to the disappearance of signs of cellulite. True, doctors are skeptical about the possibility of losing a lot with the help of a phyto-barrel, but still they note some effect. After all, a lot of toxins come out with sweat, blood flow accelerates, metabolism normalizes, which means that the body actively begins to process internal fats.

Contraindications of cedar barrel

cedar barrel contraindications
cedar barrel contraindications

Like any apparatus used in medicine, the mini-sauna "cedar barrel" can not be recommended for everyone. There are several serious medical diagnoses that preclude the use of this herbal procedure. You should not use the sauna if you have cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, problems with the lungs (tuberculosis) or veins (thrombophlebitis), high blood pressure or arrhythmia, skin diseases (eczema, fungi), and a tendency to bleed.

Steam treatments are also not recommended for long pregnancy periods and for individual allergies to cedar oil.

Summing up

To restore the immune system and skin he alth, of course, such a phytotherapy as a cedar barrel is recommended. The benefits and harm that a person can cause to his body, taking it without a doctor's recommendation, depends only on himself. If you have no contraindications, then worry about your he alth!
