Since ancient times, the cedar tree has been considered a symbol of longevity and he alth. Its healing properties have been known in Russia for many centuries, as well as the benefits of bath procedures. The cedar barrel is a unique invention that combines the healing power of cedar and the life-giving power of a bath. According to reviews, the cedar barrel is considered a unique method of healing the body. There are no analogues of such a structure in any country in the world. With its help, you can relieve fatigue, recharge your batteries and rejuvenate not only the body, but also the soul. Today I want to talk about the benefits, harms, therapeutic effect of this amazing invention.
Benefits of a cedar barrel
Among the methods of alternative medicine, there are many ways to maintain your he alth. Phyto barrel (another name for cedar barrel) is one of the best. It combines healingproperties of cedar and useful qualities of herbal ingredients. The cedar barrel (indications and contraindications will be given in the article) was invented by the Russian healer V. G. Podterebkov in the seventies of the last century. In the phytobarrel of its design, the person taking the procedure was completely immersed in a barrel with herbal steam. Later, it was improved by the Russian healer P. Ya. Losevskaya, and it exists in this form to this day.

Treatment with a cedar barrel cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, in addition, it is considered a good preventive measure for many diseases, such as:
- arrhythmia;
- atherosclerosis;
- bradycardia;
- hypotension and hypertension;
- tachycardia;
- obliterating endarteritis.
It should be noted that the procedures performed in a phytobarrel significantly improve the condition of a patient who has had a heart attack or stroke. But it must be remembered that a course of treatment is allowed no earlier than six months after the disease and only after consultation with the attending physician! Such a mini-sauna will become an assistant in the treatment of osteochondrosis, sciatica, intervertebral hernia, arthritis. Useful for kidney disease, immune, nervous, endocrine diseases. With its help, various skin diseases are treated, even in severe form. A cedar barrel gives a positive effect in combination with balms, decoctions, baths and infusions of medicinal herbs, it is able to normalize carbohydrate metabolism, lower blood sugar levels, in addition, it increases immunity and significantlystrengthens the nervous system.
The cedar barrel is especially popular among residents of big cities who have a syndrome of constant fatigue, which is a consequence of stress or constant tension. The procedures carried out in a cedar barrel, according to reviews, relax the body, promote the release of endorphins, completely relieve nervous emotional tension, stress and anxiety. It is worth noting that the cedar barrel does not cause any harm to the blood vessels of the brain, since the entire procedure takes place at low temperatures.

Currently, there are many companies that produce herbal teas for cedar barrels. It is preferable to use fees compiled by experts. It is believed that the more ingredients in the fees, the better. Only fees intended for phyto-barrels are used. The following types are distinguished:
- Children's. It is intended for children for rehabilitation, with inflammation of the respiratory tract, scrofula, diathesis, with secondary immunodeficiency, dysbacteriosis, increased nervous excitability. The composition of the collection includes thyme, knotweed, round eucalyptus, pharmacy chamomile, hops and oregano.
- Anti-cellulite. Ingredients: medicinal vervain, sage, common fennel, marsh cudweed, mountain pine cones, meadowsweet, cocoa beans. Plants help fight various irregularities in the fatty layer on the skin. In addition, they remove toxins from the body, help get rid of excess weight, and normalize work.endocrine system.
- General tonic. It is recommended for use in various pathologies and diseases that are associated with a weakening of the immune system. For example, with intoxication, chronic overwork, infectious diseases, fatigue, after prolonged use of chemical drugs. The collection includes safflower-like leuzea, cocoa beans, Siberian catnip, mountain pine cones, creeping thyme (thyme).
- Calming. It is used for neuroses, ulcers and other diseases of the stomach, disorders of the central nervous or peripheral system. Consists of five-lobed motherwort, steppe peony, mountain pine cones, common oregano, wedge-shaped ziziphora, cocoa beans.
- With osteochondrosis. When using the plants that are part of this collection, there is an improvement in blood microcirculation, the water-s alt exchange in the skin is restored. In addition, the collection has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The composition includes the following plants: round eucalyptus, drooping birch (leaves), mountain pine cones, swamp cinquefoil, creeping thyme.
- Phytocollection for SARS. All medicinal herbs that are part of the composition have a bactericidal, antiseptic, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory effect. Phytocollecting helps to eliminate harmful toxins, facilitates the course of diseases of the respiratory system and significantly strengthens the immune system. Consists of knotweed, thyme, sage, round eucalyptus.

Effect on the body
Since ancient times in RussiaIt is customary to treat colds and other diseases by going to the bathhouse, using high temperatures and steam. The cedar barrel is a unique and very effective method of folk medicine. This method works like a steam bath. Consider the positive effects of phyto barrels on the body.
Effect on the skin
High temperatures open the pores of the skin, so these procedures help fight a number of skin problems such as rosacea, acne, and various infiltrative rashes. Interestingly, the cedar barrel is also useful for sunburn. Due to the fact that its use has a calming effect, it relieves the discomfort associated with dryness and flaking of the skin. It is recommended to use aromatic oils of natural origin during thermal procedures. When exposed to steam, the beneficial substances of this oil penetrate even deeper into the skin and give a more lasting healing effect.
Impact on muscles
The use of a cedar barrel immediately after active sports helps to disperse the lactic acid accumulated in the muscles. After that, the discomfort associated with the load disappears completely or becomes weaker. After visiting fitness clubs, gyms, the procedure in a phytobarrel has a relaxing effect.

Joints and bones
Due to its thermal effect, this mini-sauna has a beneficial effect on the condition of the joints. In reviews of the cedar barrel of patients suffering from osteochondrosis, radiculopathy, it is said aboutthat such a procedure greatly relieves pain and allows you to move more comfortably.
Cardiovascular system
When you are in extreme situations and conditions, the body instantly reacts to them. Unaccustomed humidity and high temperature are considered not the easiest conditions for him. That is why, when in a phytobarrel, the heart begins to contract faster (tachycardia occurs), which imitates cardio training.
Nervous system
During this procedure, the autonomic nervous system is regulated, which gives a calming effect, helps to deal with stress that haunts almost all residents of megacities. During therapy, the neuroendocrine system is activated, which leads to the release of endorphins, which are known to be responsible for the feeling of happiness.

Lymphatic system
A very important system in our body, it is she who is responsible for immunity. In violation of lymphatic drainage, a decrease in immunity occurs, the development of various inflammatory diseases. While in the phytobarrel, there is an improvement in fluid circulation, which stimulates lymph flow. And this, in turn, helps the body fight various infections. At the first sign of SARS, it is recommended to immediately carry out this procedure.
In addition, it should be noted that such procedures have a beneficial effect on the urinary and reproductive systems.
Still, doctors do not advise to abuse suchwellness procedures. Indeed, in addition to indications, the cedar barrel also has contraindications. Let's imagine a list of diseases for which it is forbidden to be treated in this way:
- malignant neoplasms;
- bleeding;
- tuberculosis;
- acute inflammatory diseases;
- deep heart defects;
- angina;
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- epilepsy;
- arterial hypertension;
- cardiopulmonary failure;
- vein thrombophlebitis;
- fungal infection of the feet and nails;
- headache;
- Parkinson's disease.

As for pediatric patients, children from the age of 12 are allowed to visit this type of procedure. During pregnancy, a cedar barrel is contraindicated for women, but for recovery, this procedure is very useful before pregnancy, if you are planning a child. Phyto barrel is a great way to strengthen the immune system, reduce various risks that pregnant women often face.
Features of the procedure and instructions for use
Heating water in a phytobarrel lasts about eight minutes. The duration of one session in a cedar barrel should not exceed a quarter of an hour. To prevent burns, a towel is spread on the seat, floor, under the feet. The temperature regime of this device is selected for each visitor individually. At least one other person must be present for the procedure to be able to close thebarrel lid and doors after the patient enters. It is recommended to drink herbal tea and sleep after the procedure using a cedar barrel. We offer you to watch the instruction manual for the phyto-barrel on the video below.

Weight correction
According to reviews, a cedar barrel helps to get rid of excess weight. In this case, the phytobarrel acts like a mini-sauna, only much more efficiently. Since the human body is inside and the head is outside, it is easy for the patient to breathe and there is no strain on the heart. In the process, the body warms up well, blood flow improves and metabolic processes normalize. In addition, the deposition and accumulation of fats slows down. With systematic treatment with a cedar barrel, you can get rid of excess fat and cellulite.

Excellent results when visiting such procedures are shown by women whose figure becomes more elegant, and the skin becomes silky and elastic.