Diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system are among the most serious threats to human life. It is because of this group of diseases that mortality is increased in a number of developed countries. And this is not surprising: there are many reasons leading to disruption of the heart, and not all of them are directly related to it. One common problem is a rapid heartbeat, or tachycardia. Is this state safe?
Many drugs are used today for palpitations. Tablets have various features and contraindications, so choosing them yourself, without consulting a specialist, is quite dangerous. Nevertheless, it is important to freely navigate in their diversity and be able to understand the prescriptions of doctors instead of blindly acting on someone else's orders. This article will look at pills for a strong heartbeat, as well as the causes of its occurrence.

Causes of palpitations
Tachycardia occurs for reasons that are associated with pathologies of the heart, or for those that arise due to violations of other organ systems. From heartbeat pillsclassified according to the problems that caused it.
So, such causes include the following: angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, heart defects of various etiologies, cardiosclerosis, myocarditis, endocarditis, cardiomyopathy, pericarditis, postinfarction aneurysm, pulmonary embolism, mitral valve prolapse; any intoxication and its characteristic symptoms, thyrotoxicosis, anemia, aneurysm, Addisonian crisis, diabetic ketoacidosis, hypoglycemia, lack of oxygen in the blood, pneumothorax, panic attacks, chest and hand tick bites, pheochromocytoma, taking certain drugs, withdrawal syndrome (alcohol, drugs).

Types of tachycardia
Conditions characterized by palpitations are classified into subspecies depending on which area of the heart (more precisely, its conduction system) is the source of the rapid rhythm. There are only a few of them. The first is sinus. It carries the least danger to a patient suffering from tachycardia. The second is supraventricular. Although this condition does not pose a threat to human life, it is necessary to take measures to stop it. The third and most dangerous type of tachycardia is ventricular. At times, it provokes the occurrence of fibrillation. In this case, specific sections of the cardiac ventricles begin to contract in their own, different from the general, rhythm. As a result, the muscles of the heart are no longer able to expel the required amount of blood.
Tachycardia is not as difficult to identify as other heart conditions. ATIn the event that palpitations occur due to sinus tachycardia, there is nothing to worry about if the attack has stopped within a short time. Otherwise, it would be preferable to immediately contact a specialist in order to avoid the onset of a pre-infarction state. Differs in an increase in heart rate from one hundred beats per minute.
More dangerous attacks begin with a sharp push and stop quite unexpectedly, may be accompanied by severe pain, dizziness, weakness. Heart rate increases to one hundred twenty or one hundred and forty beats per minute.
Treatment methods
In order to timely detect the disease and its localization, electrocardiography should be performed directly during an attack, after it ends, the picture will not show anything important. It is more effective to wear a special device for some time, which continuously records the cardiogram. Such a study will collect the most accurate data on the disease.
At the beginning of an attack, you need to call the doctors, and take first aid measures yourself. With sinus tachycardia, "Corvalol", "Valocordin" or similar drugs can help. With other types of tachycardia, this will only delay time and increase the risk. You need to actively cough, this will probably help normalize the rhythm.
Before the arrival of the doctors, it is important to try to remain conscious. After inhaling, holding your breath, you should clasp your thumb with your lips and exhale into it, lightly press on the eyeballs.
Any drug treatment should be carried out undercontrol of the attending physician. What pills for heart palpitations should I take? Some effective drugs will be discussed in more detail in this article.

When not to worry
Sometimes a rapid heartbeat does not pose any threat to a person's life and is not a problem in itself. So, for example, every time an inflammation occurs in the body, the body's natural response with normal immunity is a significant increase in temperature in order to destroy pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, the blood flow is activated and the provision of tissues with oxygen is accelerated, therefore, the heart rate increases. Normally, it does not exceed one hundred and twenty beats per minute. A decrease in temperature, on the contrary, causes a decrease in heart rate.
Also, the pulse normally quickens when walking, descending or climbing stairs, moving against the wind at any speed, running and any sports games, jumping and cycling, lifting heavy things. Other reasons may be the use of any caffeinated drinks, hot conditions of stay, taking certain medications, strong emotions, sexual arousal, pain, eating in excess of the norm, a sharp rise. The heartbeat should not exceed one hundred and thirty-five beats per minute.
Next, we will look at some pills for tachycardia and palpitations. The list and features of the application will be outlined below. It is important to read this information carefully.

Tablets "Concor": instructions for use
The main active ingredient is bisoprolol fumarate. Sold in packs of thirty or fifty tablets. Effectively normalizes heartbeat, reduces myocardial demand for the required amount of oxygen. Improves the course of heart disease. It is most effective in angina pectoris, arterial hypertension and chronic heart failure. It has a number of contraindications, so you should consult your doctor before use. As a rule, it is the specialist in each individual case who must prescribe the dosage in which Concor tablets should be taken. The instructions for use recommend taking one tablet in the morning (regardless of the meal) with clean water.

This drug is successfully used for palpitations. The tablets have been involved in studies on the treatment of angina pectoris, where they also showed excellent results. This drug successfully increases the coronary reserve, preventing the development of ischemia, and prevents the frequent occurrence of angina attacks. Thus, disturbances in the heart rhythm can be eliminated by the drug "Preductal". The price of the drug is about 740 rubles per package.

"Atenolol": instructions for use, price
A popular and effective drug. Has been successfully used as a treatment forheartbeat. Efficiency is confirmed by positive reviews. It is used in the following cases: arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, various types of tachycardia, atrial flutter. "Atenolol" is taken some time before a meal, washed down with water. In the case of treatment of angina pectoris, a single dose should not exceed fifty milligrams (with a maximum dose of two hundred milligrams), and maintenance dosage should not exceed twenty-five milligrams per day. All adjustments must be made by the attending physician. The cost of a package ranges from twenty to fifty rubles, depending on the number of tablets in it.

The he alth of the cardiovascular system is not in vain a huge number of people worried, because the outcome of many attacks can be fatal. That is why the treatment of such diseases should be of the highest quality. From the heartbeat of the pill should be selected as carefully as possible. They should be suitable individually, not have corresponding contraindications. You should also be prepared for some side effects.
The most commonly used drugs are "Atenolol", "Concor", "Preductal". The price may vary slightly depending on the specific manufacturer.
Do not be lazy to contact specialists. Qualified doctors will be able to accurately determine the cause of your disease and select the ideal drug. An incorrectly selected drug can have an unexpectedimpact on the body and harm the already weakened cardiovascular system. Don't take unnecessary risks! The time and money spent on contacting doctors will more than pay off, and the lost time will certainly significantly aggravate the situation. It is only necessary to choose an experienced narrow-profile specialist.
Be he althy!