Corrective gymnastics is a kind of physical therapy. It is a system of simple exercises aimed at strengthening a specific muscle group. In this article, we will tell you how corrective gymnastics after sleep affects the physical development of preschool children, and we will also offer several complexes for different age groups.

General information
Preserving and strengthening the he alth of the child is one of the important tasks of preschool education. That is why in kindergarten special attention is paid to physical culture and he alth work. In addition to compulsory classes, morning exercises are held daily in preschool institutions, outdoor games are organized during walks, and physical education and finger gymnastics are provided during classes. A special place in this system is occupied by corrective gymnastics, since its purpose is to strengthen various muscle groups,formation of correct posture and prevention of flat feet in children. It is most convenient to carry out this useful exercise after a daytime sleep before an afternoon snack. Simple exercises will help children wake up and provide a supply of vigor during the afternoon. In addition, regular classes will help develop a child's respect for their he alth and prevent the occurrence of colds.

Every teacher and caring parent knows that the main activity at preschool age is a game. Therefore, all classes for kids are recommended to be carried out in a playful way. And corrective gymnastics is no exception to the rule. Therefore, we recommend that during the complex of exercises, include surprise moments, give tasks in poetic form, and make riddles for children. It is best to perform exercises to quiet, but cheerful music. This approach will ensure the emergence of children's interest in physical culture and give them a lot of positive emotions.

Gymnastics in different age groups
It is important to remember that in each group of kindergarten, physical education sets different tasks. Exercises are developed on the basis of knowledge about the age characteristics and he alth group of babies. This approach not only helps to strengthen muscles and improve posture, but also does not harm those children who need specific care or treatment. Therefore, before conducting a set of exercisesit is necessary to find out if there are contraindications in each specific case, and take into account the wishes of the attending physician. Each new complex should be introduced carefully, first learning it with the children, and then improving each exercise. To keep kids interested in gymnastics, you should change the complexes every two weeks.
Corrective gymnastics in the middle group
At this age, the teacher faces the following tasks:
- Promote children's he alth.
- To form motor skills and abilities.
- Develop plasticity, the ability to listen to the teacher and repeat his actions.
Each complex consists of several parts:
- Exercise in bed.
- Exercise in a group on mats (with and without equipment) - gymnastics is carried out in a well-ventilated area.
- Breathing exercises.

Exemplary core exercises:
- Walking along massage paths, on toes and heels. Hands at this time can be placed on the belt or shoulders.
- Step high with your knees up and then whip your legs back.
- Crawling on all fours - exercise "Kitty".
- Children stand in a circle at arm's length. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Perform body turns several times.
- I.p.: standing, put your hands on your shoulders and start jumping - legs first apart, and then together. Breathe through your nose.
- Perform some squats,extending the arms forward.
- Breathing exercise “Blow the snowflake off your hand.”
After class, you can go to water procedures.
Corrective gymnastics in senior group
In this age group, previously set tasks are kept and new ones are added. For example, a teacher tries to instill in children a love of physical activity and a he althy lifestyle. Explains why corrective gymnastics and hardening are needed. It also saves exercising in bed after a nap. These are the familiar “Pull”, pulling the socks forward and towards you. The main set of exercises is as follows:
- Warm-up takes place in a group - it is desirable that the temperature after airing be two or three degrees lower than usual. Children wear socks and lightweight clothing. The first exercise, as usual, walking, walking on toes and heels, on the outside and inside of the foot.
- Squat "goose step" with hands on knees.
- Children become straight around the teacher, fingers interlock behind their backs in the lock. Perform forward bends and side turns.
- Steps in place.
- Clap under raised leg.
- Jumping - hands go up and down. Alternate with walking.
- Blowing out the candle breathing exercise.
When the exercise is finished, proceed to water procedures.

Gymnastics after sleep in the preparatory group
At this age, children are encouraged to performmore complex exercises, teach active movements and consolidate the skills of self-massage of hands, feet and biologically active points. Corrective gymnastics in the preparatory group often includes a number of hardening procedures - walking barefoot, taking air baths, extensive washing (rinsing hands, face, neck and chest with water). An approximate set of basic exercises looks like this:
- Exercising in bed: sipping, rotating the hands, warming up the neck muscles (turns and nods), warming up the feet (socks stretch forward and forward).
- In the group, children walk in circles on their toes and heels, the outer and inner side of the foot, crawl on all fours along a narrow path, perform the “wide step” exercise and others.
- Then everyone goes into a group on the mats and lies on their backs. The task is to alternately raise your legs up and clap under the knee.
- Exercise "Bicycle".
- SP: lying on the stomach, arms outstretched. At the same time, lift the limbs up, bending in the lower back. You can stay in this position for five seconds.
- Breathing exercises - exercise "Inflate the balloon".
Corrective gymnastics is an important element of the physical development of children in preschool age. Therefore, it is important to perform it regularly at the same time.