Various vision problems are now suffering a lot. This is due to the frequent use of computers, tablets and phones. Because of this, visual acuity decreases, various ophthalmic pathologies arise. You can cope with them with the help of natural remedies. One of the most frequently recommended remedies for such problems is Mirtilene Forte. This drug based on blueberry extract improves the condition of the retina, prevents dryness and decreased visual acuity.
General characteristics of the drug
Vitamins for the eyes "Mirtilene Forte" are quite an expensive drug. They are available in capsules for oral administration. The price of one package is from 900 to 1500 rubles, depending on the region of Russia. And for a course of treatment, at least 5 packs are required, since this is a natural drug and its effect appears only after some time of regular use.
This drug in capsules is used most often, but Mirtilene Forte eye drops can also be purchased. In this form, the medicine is more effective, relieves symptoms faster.irritation and dryness, improves visual acuity.
The effectiveness of the drug is due to its natural composition. The main active ingredient is blueberry extract. In addition, the capsules contain auxiliary components: soybean oil, vegetable fats, iron oxide, glycerin, glucoside and other substances. These are auxiliary components, they do not have any negative effects on the body.

Action taken
The drug "Mirtilene Forte" was created specifically for the treatment of ophthalmic pathologies. It is used as part of a complex treatment. The expediency of this is due to the action. Due to the special composition of the drug has the following properties:
- stimulates the regeneration of light-sensitive retinal pigments;
- activates the production of rhodopsin, without which the eye cannot adapt to changes in illumination;
- normalizes the blood supply to the tissues of the eye;
- improves visual acuity, especially at dusk;
- improves the condition of the retina, its supply of oxygen.

Indications for use
Ophthalmologists recommend many patients with complaints of discomfort and dryness in the eyes to take a course of Mirtilene Forte. The instruction, as indications for use, highlights more pathological cases. Therefore, the drug is also used as part of the complex treatment of such diseases:
- decrease in visual acuityany degree;
- diabetic retinopathy;
- violations of twilight and night vision, as well as a decrease in its sharpness in bright light;
- night blindness;
- muscular asthenopia of the eye;
- retinal tissue degeneration in atherosclerosis;
- cataracts at the initial stage;
- retinal abiotrophy.
In addition, it is recommended to take these vitamins for those who experience impaired visual clarity, reduced visual acuity, a feeling of pain or sand in the eyes. If there is a deterioration in vision at night, increased eye fatigue, dryness or redness after exercise, you need to drink a course of these vitamins. In addition, the drug "Mirtilene Forte" will be useful for people wearing lenses. After all, wearing them all the time can lead to dryness, itching in the eyes due to a disruption in the supply of oxygen to tissues.

Contraindications and side effects
"Mirtilene Forte" is a natural drug with low toxicity. Therefore, it can be used by almost everyone. Often it is recommended even for patients with diabetes. Contraindications include only the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding, since some components of the drug can adversely affect the fetus. In addition, studies have not been conducted on the use of the drug in childhood. Therefore, "Methylene Forte" is prescribed, mainly from the age of 18, but in extreme cases, the doctor may recommend taking it to a teenager from 12 years old, if the benefit outweighs the possible harm.
Usually the drug is well tolerated. Only with individual intolerance is it possible to develop allergic reactions. It can be a skin rash, dermatitis, itching, swelling or headache. In this case, the drug should be stopped. Cases of overdose have also not been described. When taking the medicine in recommended doses, there are no negative consequences. If an accidental overdose occurs, allergic reactions may occur, which usually go away on their own.

"Mirtilene Forte": instructions for use
You can take this drug both on its own and as part of complex therapy in conjunction with other drugs. The dosage for all people is the same, you should not increase it in order to achieve the effect faster. Take the drug 1 capsule three times a day. It is necessary to drink capsules after or during a meal, drinking plenty of water. The course of admission is a month. If necessary, it can be repeated after a break. It is also worth remembering that neither these nor other vitamins can restore vision or cure serious diseases. They can only slow down pathological processes. Therefore, it is necessary to treat serious cases with stronger drugs.

Analogues of the drug
Recently, herbal products have become popular. There are also analogues of Mirtilene Forte. These are preparations containing an extract from blueberries and other plants. But the decision on the choice of the drug is better to discuss with the doctor. The following remedies may be recommended:
- "Anthocyan Forte" is a herbal preparation that prevents various eye pathologies.
- "Blueberry Forte" improves visual acuity and helps with increased stress.
- "Okuwait Lutein" is a complex of vitamins and minerals to maintain visual acuity.
- "Ophthalmovit" protects the eyes from negative external influences.
- "Visiobalance Opti" helps with various pathologies of the retina.
- "Vitrum Vision" complex eye care.
- "Complivit Ophthalmo" a complex of vitamins necessary to maintain eye he alth.

"Mirtilene Forte": reviews
Usually people who work at the computer or with small objects for a long time take this drug. They need to ensure that the clarity of vision is not disturbed, the eyes do not get tired. It is from them that the reviews about the drug are mostly positive. They note that the fog that occurs in the eyes in the evenings has disappeared, pain and dryness have passed. Doctors often also prescribe these vitamins to those who complain of a decrease in visual acuity. After all, "Mirtilene Forte" normalizes the blood supply to the tissues of the eye and improves the functional state of the retina. Most of those who have been treated with the drug note an increase in visual acuity, a decrease in fatigue, the disappearance of redness and irritation of the eyes. The only drawback of the drug, many note its high cost, because to complete the full coursetreatment need 3-5 packs.