Babies often face digestive problems. One of the popular groups of medicines that help to cope with pathological changes in the intestinal microflora are probiotics. An effective drug from this category is considered "Bifiform Baby". Let us consider in more detail how to take this remedy correctly, and in what cases it will be effective.
General description of the drug
In pediatric practice, drugs are actively used, the action of which is aimed at improving the state of the intestinal microflora. Such funds help not only to improve the functioning of the digestive tract, but also improve the protective properties of the body, regulate the absorption of nutrients. Exceptionally safe bacteria are contained in the biologically active additive "Bifiform Malysh". Instructions for use states that this remedy is intended for the treatment of children aged one to three years.

BThe human body "lives" a huge number of beneficial bacteria - probiotics, which positively affect its vital activity and suppress the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Preparations containing useful microorganisms help to stimulate the digestive tract and restore the microflora. Most often, such drugs are prescribed for dysbacteriosis - an imbalance between the bacteria that inhabit the gastrointestinal tract.
The drug is produced by the pharmaceutical company Ferrosan (Denmark). The manufacturer made sure that the drug is suitable for patients of all age categories, and therefore, various forms of release of "Bifiform" can be found on sale. The cost of the probiotic "Bifiform Malysh" is 380-420 rubles.
Composition and release form
In case of dysbacteriosis in children of the first years of life, the drug "Bifiform" is prescribed in the form of chewable tablets or powder, packaged in sachets. One package may contain 20 or 40 tablets. They have a pleasant raspberry-orange flavor and a round shape. The powder is packaged in waterproof sachets of 21 sachets per pack.

The tablets contain beneficial bacteria lacto- and bifidobacteria. The active ingredients also include vitamins B6 and B1. Each tablet contains 3.33 mg of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, 0.4 mg of vitamin B1 and 0.5 mg of vitamin B6. One sachet contains 10x9 CFU of lactobacilli, 10x9 CFU of bifidobacteria. Auxiliary components are substances such as fructooligosaccharide,isom altose, raspberry and orange flavor, magnesium stearate, stearic acid, methylcellulose, silicon dioxide, MCC.
Drug action
"Bifiform Baby" instructions for use are positioned as a fairly powerful tool that can deal with a violation of the microflora of the digestive tract of any etiology. The components included in the composition are able to suppress the development of bad bacteria and form the correct intestinal flora. Bifido- and lactobacilli, when they enter the digestive system, begin to settle on the intestinal walls and actively produce lactic and acetic acids. These substances inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

What else is the benefit of the drug "Bifiform Malysh"? The pharmacological action of the drug can significantly improve the state of the child's immune system. After all, as you know, the body's defenses are formed precisely in the intestines, and beneficial microorganisms are directly involved in this process.
Good bacteria break down fats, proteins, carbohydrates well, thereby improving digestion and improving the absorption of nutrients found in foods. In addition, Bifiform Malysh contains a nutrient medium necessary for the growth and reproduction of beneficial microflora.
Indications for appointment
While the baby is in the womb, it is surrounded by a sterile environment. This means that his digestive system is not yet familiar with either good or bad bacteria. Already at birth, the child's bodymeets with the first microbes and continues "acquaintance" with them at first. The intestinal microflora of infants consists of bifidus and lactobacilli by 98%. The rest of the place is occupied by conditionally pathogenic microflora.

When an infection enters the body, taking antibiotics, the optimal balance is disturbed and dysbacteriosis develops. Such an ailment is characterized by a number of unpleasant symptoms that bring pain to the baby. Probiotics for children help to cope with such a pathological phenomenon and eliminate digestive disorders.
A specialist can appoint a child "Bifiform" in the following cases:
- for irritable bowel syndrome;
- constipation due to the introduction of complementary foods or the transition to artificial feeding;
- baby's unstable stool;
- acute intestinal infections;
- obvious allergy symptoms;
- lactase deficiency;
- hepatic encephalopathy;
- dysbacteriosis caused by taking antibacterial drugs, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, weakened immunity.
The huge advantage of the drug is that it has a minimum of contraindications to the appointment. In what cases is it necessary to refuse treatment with the probiotic "Bifiform Malysh"? Instructions for use informs that this remedy is contraindicated if the child has intolerance to any component in the composition. This condition usually manifests itself in the formallergic reaction. If a rash appears, redness of the skin, further medication should be discontinued.
How to use
Powder and chewable tablets "Bifiform Malysh" are intended to be taken with or without food. The contents of one sachet must be diluted with liquid at room temperature or dissolved in food. Children from 1 to 3 years old are shown to take the powder 2-3 times a day. For children over three years old, a single dose is increased to 2 packets. The duration of use of the product in the form of a powder should be at least 5 days.
Bifiform Malysh dietary supplement in the form of chewable tablets is allowed to be given to children over 1 year old. Up to two years, the daily dosage is 3 tablets (one at a time). Children over two years of age should take 1 or 2 tablets at least twice a day. The manufacturer recommends taking the remedy for at least five days. The course of treatment can be extended up to 3-4 weeks.
Side effects
Biologically active additive "Bifiform Malysh" rarely causes side effects. A negative reaction of the body can manifest itself only with increased sensitivity to auxiliary components.

If a child has an allergy (urticaria, itching) after taking a probiotic, it is necessary to cancel further therapy and consult a specialist.
Interaction with other drugs
Probiotics for children are often recommended during antibiotic treatment. They are helpingmaintain a he althy microflora in the intestines, improve digestion and quickly cope with the symptoms of dysbacteriosis. Bifiform should be given to the child both while taking antibiotics and after the end of therapy.

It should be borne in mind that the interval between receiving funds should be 2-3 hours. The average course of restoration of normal intestinal microflora is at least 2 weeks.
"Bifiform Kid": analogues
Biologically active additive "Bifiform" has no structural analogues. However, pharmaceutical companies offer a huge amount of probiotics, which contain beneficial bacteria.

The following drugs have a similar therapeutic effect:
- "Lineks". One of the most popular probiotics, containing bifido-, lactobacilli and enterococci. The product is available in the form of capsules. Linex can be given to young children from birth by dissolving the contents of one capsule in water or milk.
- "Bifidumbacterin". An effective drug based on bifidobacteria and a bifidogenic factor that promotes the growth of beneficial microflora.
- "Normobact". The medicine contains prebiotics (substances necessary for the growth of beneficial bacteria), bifidus and lactobacilli. Babies can be given a drug for dysbacteriosis from 6 months.