Means to increase lactation: folk remedies, medications, the best options, the impact on mother's milk and the safety of taking

Means to increase lactation: folk remedies, medications, the best options, the impact on mother's milk and the safety of taking
Means to increase lactation: folk remedies, medications, the best options, the impact on mother's milk and the safety of taking

Breastfeeding is a crucial period in the life of both a woman and a child. Some young mothers are faced with the problem that when breastfeeding a child, his weight remains small and does not increase for a long time. Most often, this indicates problems with the mother's nutrition or lack of milk. In this case, the woman begins to look for effective means to increase lactation.

Feeding Features

Recently, the attitude towards breastfeeding a newborn has changed a lot in the country. Many women are in favor of natural feeding of the child. Milk formula is no longer considered an effective and high-quality substitute for breast milk.

Experts say that it is very important for a child to eat breast milk at least up to 6 months, but 2 years is considered the norm. But for some women, lactation ends as early as 2-3 months after the baby is born.

Lack of milk most often appears as a result of various mistakes in breastfeeding a child,stress, emotional experiences, fatigue, lack of elementary support from relatives. To keep the baby in good he alth and ensure its rapid development, a woman should use a mixed diet.

Features of feeding
Features of feeding

Feeding rules

First of all, it is important to determine what rules to follow during feeding in order not to accidentally disrupt lactation:

  1. The most important thing is that a woman must want to breastfeed her baby. If a young mother does not have a dominant breastfeeding, then any factors will provoke the curtailment of breastfeeding. In this case, nothing will help to improve lactation.
  2. There should be a calm and friendly atmosphere in the family of a newborn child. During this period of time, it is important to provide a woman with support in her desire to breastfeed. Relatives of a woman should help her around the house, make sure that she does not overexert herself and does not carry heavy loads. In the first few months after giving birth, a woman should not work, as this can cause a cessation of milk production.
  3. During the recovery of lactation, the baby should be breastfed if necessary and left for as long as he needs.
  4. It is important to feed the baby in the morning - this will help increase the amount of prolactin in the woman's body, which is responsible for the production of breast milk.
  5. It is important for a woman to make the right diet, stop eating junk food. Strict diets are also prohibited in this case.
  6. Complementary foods should only be used if all other options have been tried.
  7. A newborn should suck milk only from the mother's breast. Additional food, if it is very important for the child's condition, is given from a spoon, syringe or special devices.
Feeding rules
Feeding rules

Only if all the rules described are followed, you can start using various folk remedies to increase lactation in women.

Key signs of malnutrition

Experts advise a woman to carefully look at the behavior of the child and his weight. If your baby is malnourished, the following symptoms will appear:

  1. Little weight gain, only 125g per week.
  2. Problems with urination. A he althy and well-fed baby will walk in a small way at least 6 times a day, in some cases 12 - everything will depend on age. You can determine the amount of liquid released by weighing disposable diapers.
  3. Baby becomes very anxious and nervous around the mother's breasts.

Such signs apply to he althy children. If a newborn baby is weak, sick or not full-term, then even with good lactation in a woman, he may remain undernourished and need additional nutrition. In this case, the baby simply does not have enough strength to suck out the right amount of milk.

With such a problem, a woman should express milk and supplement the baby with a spoon or syringe. The bottle is not allowed. After some time, the child's body will adapt, start normallyfunction, become stronger. The need to express milk after this will immediately disappear.

Change in diet

To begin with, a woman should carefully consider her diet and menu features. Products to increase lactation in nursing mothers:

  • meat (boiled poultry, fish);
  • milk or dairy products (liter per day);
  • cottage cheese (100 grams);
  • cheese (30 grams);
  • fresh vegetables and fruits, salads;
  • butter (20 grams);
  • vegetable oil (25 grams).
Change in diet
Change in diet

What is important to exclude from the diet:

  • foods that include a large amount of carbohydrates (confectionery, bakery products, sugar);
  • alcohol in any quantity and form;
  • foods that can cause an allergic reaction: caviar, nuts, coffee, citrus fruits;
  • spicy seasonings and spices (garlic, pepper, ketchup, sauce).

Increased lactation

There are women in labor who initially risk getting problems with lactation. This includes women who could not fully feed the previous child, as well as those who have been producing milk for a long time. In the first case, the intake of folk remedies to increase lactation in lactating women will be prescribed already in the second half of bearing a child. In the second - immediately after the problem is identified. But other women can also use folk remedies to improve lactation. Many medicines do not cause an increase in the amount of milk, butonly provide his quick rush.

Increased lactation
Increased lactation

The best ways to increase milk production are: feeding only on demand, sleeping together and breastfeeding at night. If none of this helped to improve lactation and normalize complementary foods, then you can start using various drugs, after consulting with your doctor.

Drugs to improve diet

Means to increase lactation in nursing mothers can be prescribed during pregnancy to women who are at risk:

  1. "Femilak" is a remedy that includes milk protein and taurine. It is used to normalize the condition of a pregnant woman, to increase the volume of milk secreted by lactating women. It has a positive effect on the formation of the fetus, its organs and systems. The tool does not affect weight gain.
  2. "Dumil mom plus" - a drug that provides rapid milk production. It helps to prolong lactation time, and also protects against the development of osteoporosis and caries.
  3. "Enfa-mama" - helps to improve nutrition, provides the body with all the nutrients and trace elements that are so important during the period of breastfeeding.
Reception Laktogon
Reception Laktogon

Use of dietary supplements

"Apilactin" is prescribed to a woman immediately after the birth of a child. The product includes flower pollen and royal jelly.

"Apilak" - a drug, the main activewhose substance is royal jelly. Experts advise using it to restore immune protection, reduce stress and disorders. The drug goes on sale in the form of tablets, the course of treatment lasts for 15 days. The drug has no contraindications, since royal milk is completely safe. Does not lead to adverse reactions, excluding individual intolerance in some people.

royal jelly
royal jelly

Dietary supplements have a good effect on lactation problems, but, like many other drugs that contain bee products, are more likely to cause allergic reactions in women and babies.

Latogenic supplements

"Milky Way" - a tool created specifically for women during lactation. The preparation contains an extract of galega. Such an herb helps to increase the amount of milk produced and does not lead to an allergic reaction in the child. Women who are not at risk can take the drug during lactation crises.

Juices and various drinks

There is a wide selection of he althy drinks, both industrial and homemade. The composition of such juices most often contains carrots, nettles, rose hips, licorice, anise, cumin and radish. Teas are best bought from Hipp, Fleur alpine and Grandmother's Basket.

Juice consumption
Juice consumption

There are several recipes for lactation boosters for breastfeeding mothers that can be used tomaking a he althy drink at home:

  1. Anise tincture. To do this, take 2 teaspoons of seeds and pour a glass of hot water, insist for an hour. After the drink is cooled to room temperature and taken 2 tablespoons three times a day before meals.
  2. Juice with carrots. Juice is squeezed from fresh carrots and consumed 2-3 times a day. To improve the taste of the finished juice, it is recommended to add milk or a few tablespoons of honey.
  3. Drink from seeds and cumin. Juice is squeezed out of one medium-sized lemon, 100 grams of sugar and 15 grams of cumin seeds are added. Next, the juice is poured 800-900 ml of liquid. Boil the remedy for 5-10 minutes. Drink juice several times a day.
  4. Milk with dill. To do this, crushed dill seeds are poured with kefir and slightly s alted. Next, nutmeg is added to the product. The finished drink should be consumed in the morning.

Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathy includes the best remedies for increasing lactation, as it is safe and does not lead to complications, which is very important at the time of feeding. The most common and effective homeopathic remedy is Mlecoin.

It includes natural ingredients that help to increase the amount of milk in a short time. It contains the following herbal ingredients:

  • stinging nettle;
  • meadow shot;
  • agnes-cactus.

Herbal ingredients that help improve lactation,normalize blood flow. In addition, you can increase the amount of milk by normalizing sleep patterns. Such a tool helps to make feeding not only the right, but also an enjoyable process. The drug goes on sale in the form of granules.

Unlike other means, "Mlecoin" is taken during the entire period of breastfeeding. It is also useful for women who suffer from vein problems.

Major misconceptions

Many believe that lactagons are completely safe. Yes, they are made only from natural ingredients. But the risk of complications remains high. The safest homeopathic remedies are those that contain the least amount of active ingredients.

Milk will burn out if you use drugs. But this is not true. Milk continues to be stored without application and pumping for 40 days. If you wish, you can resume breastfeeding later. Some women even managed to breastfeed adopted children.

All lactating women should use special products to maintain lactation. This is also a misconception, as many new mothers can feed their baby without the use of additional stimulants. Some people need to use drugs at the time of crises. Other "nurses" do not notice any positive effect when taking lactagons, herbs and tea.

Specialists also identify another group of drugs that stimulate lactation. In their compositionthere are hormones. But it is important to remember that such funds are not safe, so they should only be taken under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Feedback on receiving funds

Reviews about means to increase lactation are quite positive. Lactating women note that the drugs give an almost instant effect, stimulate milk production and improve lactation. Such products help to provide milk, the amount of which is enough for the entire period of feeding the newborn.

According to reviews, an increase in lactation is guaranteed, but in order to prevent possible complications, it is important for a young mother to closely monitor her he alth, try to rest more and not overexert herself.

"Lactogon" after pregnancy

"Laktogon" - a tool that plays the role of a biological additive. The drug is recommended to be taken with food. It contains:

  • carrot juice;
  • nettle;
  • ginger;
  • dill;
  • bee milk;
  • ascorbic acid.
lactagon for lactation
lactagon for lactation

The drug helps to improve lactation and leads to accelerated milk production. Tablets are distinguished by their effective action, but they have some contraindications: a possible allergic reaction.

"Femilak" and its composition

The most common and effective means to increase lactation is "Femilak". It contains only natural ingredients:

  • powdered cow's milk;
  • serum;
  • minerals;
  • vegetable oils.

This drug to increase lactation enriches a woman's diet, restores the body, replenishing its needs for useful trace elements and vitamins.