Where to take a spermogram? Results, interpretation of the analysis

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Where to take a spermogram? Results, interpretation of the analysis
Where to take a spermogram? Results, interpretation of the analysis

Video: Where to take a spermogram? Results, interpretation of the analysis

Video: Where to take a spermogram? Results, interpretation of the analysis
Video: Worms Are Wonderful | Amazing Animals | Backyard Science | SciShow Kids 2024, July

Men sometimes have to visit a doctor who treats diseases of the reproductive system of the stronger sex. Taking a test and checking fertility is not always easy. At the same time, men have to provide material for diagnosis. Where is the best place to take a spermogram? That is exactly what this article will tell you. You will also learn how decryption is carried out and what the results of the analysis mean.

where to donate spermogram
where to donate spermogram

Where to take a spermogram?

Diagnosis is carried out in most cases exactly where you received such an appointment. Currently, people are divided into two main subgroups. Some prefer free he althcare and attend public he alth facilities. Others use private clinics. Such patients believe that these institutions provide more qualified and faster care.

Research at a public he alth facility

Where to take a spermogram if you use free medicine and have everything you need for thisdocuments (insurance policy, passport of a Russian citizen, pension certificate)? Of course, in the same organization where the referral for analysis was received. There are cases when such research is not carried out within the walls of such an institution. In this case, the doctor will write you a referral to another institution, but the analysis should still remain free for you.

Often there is a small queue for such diagnostics. If you are faced with a similar problem, then you should sign up for an analysis and wait a bit. Alternatively, you can use commercial medicine services.

where to donate spermogram
where to donate spermogram

Research in private clinics

Where to take a spermogram if you are seeing a doctor in a commercial establishment? In the event that this center provides such a service, the analysis can be taken there. If this institution does not carry out such a diagnosis, the doctor will refer you to another center. Remember that the examination will still be paid.

If you do not have a referral and express a desire to do an analysis yourself, then you have a huge choice of medical centers where it is possible to take a spermogram. Weigh all the pros and cons, only then stop at a particular institution. When choosing, always consider the cost of the procedure and how the analysis is deciphered. Detailed diagnostics will cost you in the range of 1000 to 3000 rubles. A regular study costs about 1,000 rubles.

Where to take a spermogram in Moscow? One of the best optionsfor diagnostics there will be a medical institution specializing in such studies. The Spermatology Laboratory Center is located at the following address: Bagrationovskaya metro station, Kastanaevskaya street, building 9, building 1.

If you are in any other locality, then find out where you can take a spermogram analysis. Choose only proven laboratories that have been specializing in this diagnostic procedure for several years.

where can i take a spermogram
where can i take a spermogram

Who is the study assigned to?

Where to take a spermogram, you already know. But one question remains unresolved: who is shown this study? In most cases, men have to face this analysis when they have not been able to conceive a child for a long time. Also, with disorders of erectile function, doctors recommend conducting this study. If you want to donate seminal fluid, you will also need to go through this process.

where to take a spermogram in Moscow
where to take a spermogram in Moscow

Analysis results

Where you can take a spermogram, we found out. Now let's talk about how to get the research transcript.

On average, the time for issuing the result takes no more than one hour. If the analysis is carried out in a state hospital, then the period may increase slightly. All this is happening due to the large flow of patients.

It should be noted that the result of the analysis is reliable only when the diagnosis was carried out immediately after the delivery of the material. AlsoSome preparation is needed before the study. Most often, doctors recommend abstaining from sexual intercourse for three days. In addition, it is forbidden to smoke and consume alcoholic beverages before collecting the material.

Test results are usually given to the patient. After that, you need to visit your doctor and ask to decipher the data received. If you have chosen a public clinic as a place where you can take a spermogram, then the conclusion can be sent directly to your doctor.

Where can I get a semen analysis?
Where can I get a semen analysis?

Transcription of analysis

After you received the result of the study, you have very valuable data in your hands. It is with them that you need to go to the doctor for his expert opinion. Remember that the result of a spermogram is not an independent diagnosis. Recommendations can only be made on the basis of cumulative complaints and symptoms.

Amount of test material

Before starting the diagnosis, the volume of fluid must be taken into account. Normally, it should not be less than two milliliters. If during the collection of material you spilled some of the sperm, then you should inform the laboratory assistant about this.

Acidity study

Sperm is normally alkaline. If you have an acidic environment (pH less than 7), then this may be the cause of the death of germ cells.

Sperm count

The laboratory assistant takes one milliliter of fluid and calculates how many male cells are in it. After that, the spermatozoa are counted in the total volume. Normally, the number of cells should be more than 40 million.


In addition to determining the total number, you also need to display the number of active spermatozoa. Normally, male cells that move in a straight line or forward should make up more than fifty percent of the total volume.

where to take a semen analysis
where to take a semen analysis

Additional research may also be done. With the help of such diagnostics, it is possible to identify some pathological processes. If you decide to do a detailed analysis, then the following indicators will also be included in the transcript.

  1. Morphology. The structure of the spermatozoon is examined and the number of pathological cells is determined.
  2. Sustainability. It turns out how many cells can survive in a particular environment.
  3. Additional items. It is determined whether there are additional impurities in the ejaculant. So, there may be a certain amount of leukocytes. There shouldn't be bacteria at all.
spermogram price
spermogram price


Now you know where to take a spermogram test and how to decipher it. Never self-medicate. After receiving the result, you need to consult a doctor for an appointment. He alth to you and good results!
