The most effective drugs for the treatment of the liver

The most effective drugs for the treatment of the liver
The most effective drugs for the treatment of the liver

The liver is the largest gland in the human body, an internal organ that is located in the human peritoneum. She is responsible for the production of bile. But this is not the only function. The liver neutralizes poisons that come with the blood, toxins, allergens, and absorbs harmful bacteria. In addition, this organ is involved in metabolic processes, hematopoiesis and performs many other useful functions. That is why it is necessary to select drugs for the treatment of the liver with special attention.

drugs for the treatment of the liver
drugs for the treatment of the liver

Good to know

The liver has an amazing property. Few human organs are able to actively regenerate. Patients who have three-quarters of the gland removed have every chance of restoring it to its original size.

Speaking about the effective treatment of the liver, it should be noted that the best method of dealing with ailments of the organ is the timely appeal to specialist doctors.

It is very difficult to determine the moment when there is a problem with the gland. The first symptomatology is poorly expressed. As a rule, peopledo not pay attention to the occurrence of belching. Nausea after eating or slight discomfort in the right hypochondrium are not considered sufficient reasons for a visit to the doctor.

The liver has no nerve endings. Therefore, for a long time it may not bother its owner at all. The patient comes to the doctor with a feeling of severe heaviness in the right side. But, unfortunately, this symptomatology already indicates serious problems with the gland.

But it's not all bad. Modern medicine has developed wonderful drugs for the treatment of the liver. They are able to perfectly protect it from further destruction and help restore.

Causes of diseases

Before considering which drugs are most effective for treating the liver, it is necessary to understand what effect is detrimental to this organ. The tissues of the gland are distinguished by their tremendous ability to recover. In addition, the liver is quite resistant to harmful environmental manifestations. And yet, some factors can cause her serious harm:

  1. Viral agents. They cause inflammatory processes in the gland (acute or chronic), which in medical practice are called hepatitis.
  2. Toxic effects. Systematic and prolonged intake of harmful compounds into the human body contribute to the defeat of an important organ. It can be heavy metals, vapors, chemical compounds. A single entry in a high concentration of harmful substances is also dangerous. This impact can lead toan increase in the organ, and sometimes to massive necrosis.
  3. Drug influence. Some drugs are difficult to tolerate by the liver. Chemotherapeutic agents, hormones, antibiotics are the most aggressive.
  4. Alcohol. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is detrimental to liver cells. Such exposure very often leads to cirrhosis.
  5. Infections and parasites. The most dangerous for the body are alveococcus, roundworm, echinococcus, pathogens of leptospirosis.
  6. Nutrition and diet. The constant preference for fried, fatty, smoked foods, a large amount of spices lead to liver problems. Bile flow is disturbed. Stagnant processes are often the source of stones.
  7. Hereditary predisposition.
  8. Injuries. Most people pay attention to them for a short time after they occur. However, a trauma in the abdomen after a few years may remind you of a cyst or other pathology in the liver.
  9. Ionizing radiation. Dangerous chemical, physical carcinogens. They are often the cause of cancerous degeneration of the liver tissue.
drugs for the treatment of the liver
drugs for the treatment of the liver

As you can see, diseases often arise from the wrong way of life. Patients who established a he althy diet, gave up bad habits, underwent drug treatment of the liver, were able to completely heal the organ.

Classification of medicines

Medicines for the treatment of the liver are divided into three subgroups:

  1. Hepatoprotectivemedicines. They are aimed at improving metabolic processes in the body, increasing resistance to various pathogenic effects, and accelerating the recovery of its functions after damage. This group includes many effective drugs for the treatment of the liver. List of the most popular drugs: Essentiale Forte, Karsil, Ovesol, Prohepar, Hepatamine, Hepel.
  2. Cholagogue drugs. Such drugs increase the secretion of bile, thereby facilitating its release into the duodenal cavity. For these purposes, the drugs "Allohol", "Holenzim" are effectively used.
  3. Cholelitholytic agents. Preparations aimed at dissolving gallstones. These include ursodeoxycholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid.

Let's take a look at the most effective and popular liver medications.

Essentiale Forte preparation

Complex product containing phospholipids. Improves the condition of cell membranes. It contains only natural ingredients. Such drugs are quite effectively used to treat the liver, especially in autoimmune hepatitis, toxic damage.

The tool perfectly improves the exchange. In addition, it helps lower cholesterol levels. Another positive aspect of this medicine is its beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

The drug is well tolerated by children and adults. This remedy is not contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. Often used as adjuvant therapy for radiation sickness andpsoriasis. It is an excellent prophylactic for recurrence of stone formation in the gallbladder.

However, the tool has its drawbacks. In case of sensitivity to any of the components of the drug, it should not be used. Sometimes side effects are possible, which are manifested by diarrhea, allergies, or pain in the abdomen.

Legalon drug

drugs for the treatment of the liver
drugs for the treatment of the liver

The product is based on the extract of spotted milk thistle. Analogues are the drugs Silibor, Karsil, Silibinin. Due to their composition, these drugs are quite in demand for the treatment of the liver.

The drug has a strong hepatoprotective effect. It significantly improves digestion and intracellular metabolism. The drug is able to stabilize the membranes of hepatocytes. The tool is included in therapy for any liver ailments. In addition, it has a rapid healing effect.

The use of this remedy improves the breakdown of lactic acid by the liver. This process helps to increase the overall endurance of the body. In addition, "Legalon" binds free radicals, resulting in reduced inflammation in the body.

Karsil medicine

Considering the best drugs for the treatment of the liver, it is impossible to ignore this wonderful remedy. It is widely used to restore the functions of the gland. It is often prescribed for prophylactic purposes, to prevent the pathological development of changes in liver cells.

This drug was created on the basis of the extract of the fruit of the spottedmilk thistle. Indications for use are liver ailments, such as steatosis, hepatitis, cirrhosis of completely different etiology (drug, viral, toxic). The drug is an excellent prophylactic for long-term use of hepatotoxic drugs.

Children over 12 years of age are allowed. Almost always well tolerated. Very rarely, side effects may develop.

However, the drug also has disadvantages. It is forbidden to take this drug during pregnancy and lactation. Side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, pruritus, baldness, vestibular disturbances may occasionally occur.

Extremely carefully should use the drug "Karsil" women with ailments of the reproductive system that occur with hormonal disorders (endometriosis, fibromyoma, carcinoma of the breast, ovaries or uterus). Caution should also be observed by men who have a prostate tumor.

pills for the treatment of the liver
pills for the treatment of the liver

Geptral drug

It should not be forgotten that only a doctor can recommend the best medicines for treating the liver. Some patients may be prescribed this drug.

Means exhibits hepatoprotective property. The main active ingredient is ademetionine. This drug has detoxifying, neuroprotective, antioxidant, regenerating and antifibrosing effects.

Multiple positive properties allow it to be assigned when:

  1. Fatty liver.
  2. Varioustoxic lesions of organs (hepatitis, alcoholic hepatosis), with drug pathology that arose with prolonged use of antitumor, antituberculosis, antiviral drugs.
  3. Cirrhosis, fibrosis of the gland.
  4. Intoxication with alcohol, drugs, drugs, food.
best liver medicines
best liver medicines

When selecting effective drugs for the treatment of the liver for the patient, the doctor often advises the medicine "Heptral". It is not surprising, because the tool has a number of advantages. For patients in whom liver pathology is combined with other serious ailments (encephalopathy, depression, diseases of the joints, bones), this medicine is most suitable.

However, the drug should be very careful, because it has a lot of side effects. These can be headaches, impaired consciousness and sleep, allergic reactions, heart failure, nausea, bloating, diarrhea, intestinal and stomach bleeding, joint and muscle discomfort.

Drug "Gepabene"

Many effective drugs are widely used to treat liver diseases. The medicine "Gepabene" is one of them. The combined herbal remedy is based on the fruits of milk thistle and herb fumes officinalis. The drug has an active restorative effect. In addition, it perfectly normalizes the outflow of bile.

The main benefits of this drug include:

  1. The ability to stabilize the patient's condition after cholecystectomy.
  2. Approved for use during pregnancy.
  3. Provides membrane-stabilizing and antioxidant effects in drug-induced hepatitis, long-term use of hepatotoxic drugs.

The disadvantages of the drug are:

  • Not used for acute ailments of the liver and biliary tract.
  • Not for use by patients under 18.
drug treatment of the liver
drug treatment of the liver

Galsten's drug

Medicines for the treatment of the liver are available in the form of drops and tablets. The drug "Galsten" is sold in two forms, it is a homeopathic remedy. It is distinguished by an effective and mild hepatoprotective effect. It perfectly normalizes liver function. The drug has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and choleretic effects. In addition, an effective remedy prevents stone formation in the gallbladder.

Drops and tablets for the treatment of the liver "Galsten" have many advantages:

  1. The preparation contains only herbal, natural ingredients (milk thistle, celandine, dandelion).
  2. The medicine is approved for use at any age. Applies even to newborn babies.
  3. Effective in cholangitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia, hepatitis, hepatosis.
  4. Used after gallbladder surgery to improve the rehabilitation process.
  5. Can be used for a long period without causing adverse reactions in the patient.

Likeany drug, remedy has disadvantages:

  • Sometimes there are side effects (diarrhea or excessive salivation);
  • this product is not intended for people with alcohol dependence.

The drug "Hofitol"

Effective combined drugs for the treatment of the liver. This is exactly what the drug "Hofitol" is. The agent has an active hepatoprotective, choleretic and moderate diuretic effect. Helps reduce blood azotemia as a result of increased urea excretion. The medicinal effect is due to the artichoke.

The positive aspects of the drug include:

  1. Possibility of application for the treatment of chronic cholecystitis (calculous), hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, chronic intoxication, biliary dyskinesia. In addition, it is effective in kidney pathology.
  2. Used in complex therapy for obesity and atherosclerosis.
  3. Virtually has no contraindications. The exceptions are acute diseases of the kidneys and liver, obstruction of bile duct stones.
  4. Can be used for a long period of time.
  5. Allowed (with medical supervision) during early morning sickness.
  6. Does not affect reaction time, therefore not contraindicated for drivers.

Disadvantages include the following:

  • liver pills are not intended for children under 6;
  • may cause side effects: itchy skin, diarrhea, headache.
effective liver treatment
effective liver treatment

Drug "RezalutAbout"

Excellent complex hepatoprotector. Able to stabilize membranes and regenerate liver cells. In addition, it normalizes lipid metabolism and lowers cholesterol levels.

The drug is used when:

  • hepatitis;
  • hepatosis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • toxic organ damage;
  • fatty degeneration of the gland;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hyperlipidemia;
  • diseases of blood vessels and heart;
  • psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis.

This drug is contraindicated in antiphospholipid syndrome. It is not intended for children under 12 years of age. The remedy is used very carefully by pregnant and lactating women.


The human body is designed in such a way that all organs can be classified into auxiliary and vital. Undoubtedly, the liver belongs to the second group. Its importance for the viability of the organism is great. It is not surprising that any failures in its functioning are reflected in many human systems.

Such a powerful organ combines the functions of a digestive gland and a kind of biochemical laboratory. After all, it is in the liver that all the reactions that are responsible for supporting vital processes occur. But, unfortunately, this body is vulnerable. Even despite the excellent regenerative abilities, the number of patients with gland diseases is steadily growing. That is why it is important to start the fight against pathologies in a timely manner and very carefully select effective drugs for the treatment of the liver.
