"Elkar" is a medical preparation used by the body to stabilize and correct the metabolic process in the body. The active substance in the preparation is called levocarnitine and is found naturally in meat, poultry, fish, as well as in dairy products such as cottage cheese and cheese.
History of Creation
At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists V. S. Gulevich and R. P. Krinberg obtained a substance called levocarnitine from muscle tissue, called vitamin BT. The artificial creation of inorganic levocarnitine from organic substances took place in the sixties of the last century. A little later, its importance was evaluated for the transfer of acids from the blood to the mitochondria through their inner membrane. Today it is known for certain that levocarnitine is not related to the B vitamins, but is only a related substance.
Human impact
The main reason for taking the drug is the patient's chronic conditions, which are accompanied by a decrease in appetite,decrease in body weight, and, as a result, exhaustion. But the range of use of the drug is much wider than just restoring metabolism in children and adults.

Within 3 hours after taking the drug, the maximum concentration of levocarnitine in the body occurs. A distinctive feature of the published reviews on "Elkar" is the description of the therapeutic effect achieved when the drug is distributed over organs and tissues. When taking the drug, there is both an anabolic effect, leading to an increase in muscle mass, and a lipolytic effect, leading to the burning and transformation of part of the fat.
The drug is used for general adjustment of metabolic reactions in the body. Patients note an improvement in metabolism and a decrease in the fat component from the use of Elkar. Reviews of people who used the drug during diets or workouts speak of a victory over the problem of excess weight. Drops help to absorb the necessary substances, as well as overcome heavy physical exertion.
Patients with thyroid diseases also give a positive response to Elkar as a drug that improves the action of thyroid hormones. In addition, those who took the medicine showed an improvement in the functioning of brain cells.
Issue Forms
Depending on the type of application, the medicine is produced in solutions:
- For intramuscular and intravenous injections - in an ampoule containing the main active ingredient of 100 mg.
- For oral use:20% contains 200mg and 30% contains 300mg of levocarnitine.

Together with the main active ingredient, 1 ml of Elkar contains citric acid monohydrate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate and purified water.
Usually the drug is colorless or light in color. According to the instructions for use and reviews, "Elkar" may have a specific smell.
For oral use, the drug is produced in opaque glass bottles in paper packaging:
- with 25ml dropper dispenser;
- with 50ml measuring spoon;
- with 100ml measuring cup.
For injection, the solution is available in 5 ml ampoules in a paper box:
- in blisters - 5 pieces;
- in 2 blister packs - 10 pieces;
- in 10 blister packs - 50 pieces.
Indications for use
The use of the drug is carried out strictly according to the instructions. Reviews for "Elkar" as part of complex therapy are positive in cases:
- help with pancreatitis and gastritis;
- treatment of anorexia;
- thyroid problems due to hyperthyroidism;
- treatment of neurological diseases after brain injury;
- mechanical damage to blood vessels and their toxic damage;
- applications after surgery and surgical interventions;
- increasing the ability of tissues to regenerate;
- treatment of dermatological diseases;
- stabilizing the body after psycho-emotional stress;
- possibly facilitating the perception of physical activity;
- building muscle tissue after mechanical damage;
- get rid of fatigue;
- the need to increase the content of levocarnitine in the body;
- hereditary problems due to mitochondrial deficiency;
- use in sports during intense training process;
- sports muscle building and fat loss;
- the need to give speed and coordination to human movements.
Use during pregnancy

The use of the drug by pregnant women must be agreed with the attending physician. The appointment of the drug is possible with a competent comparison of risks for mother and child. If the screening of a woman revealed a threat of miscarriage or a developmental pathology of the fetus caused by a lack of oxygen, the doctor may prescribe Elkar. Reviews on the use of the drug in other cases cast doubt on the qualifications of the gynecologist. Unreasonable prescribing of the drug is not recommended due to the lack of safety studies.
Use in childhood
The drug can be used to treat both nursing mothers and babies. It is recommended to use depending on age in accordance with the instructions for the use of "Elkar" for children. Reviews for the drug havepositive dynamics with the following symptoms in the baby:
- prematurity;
- oxygen deficiency while in the womb;
- asphyxia admitted during childbirth;
- various birth injuries;
- light weight;
- lack of weight gain in the first weeks of life;
- weak muscle tone;
- reduced level of physical activity;
- dermatological problems;
- before and after surgery.
With a deficiency of levocarnitine in the body, the newborn lags behind in development and growth, he has no appetite, lethargy and fatigue are noticed. Pediatricians recommend using a 20% solution. It is necessary to dilute the medicine in a mixture, compote or juice, adding to the norm drunk by the baby, close to 200 milliliters.

According to the instructions and reviews, "Elkar" in children increases nervous excitability. Therefore, it is preferable to take the drug long before bedtime, usually in a course of up to 6 weeks. Reuse of the medicinal product is possible with an interval of six months.
With caution, the drug is prescribed to newborn children. Feedback on Elkar in a negative direction is often associated with the use of the drug at the wrong time, after which the child becomes nervous and overly active, he cannot be calmed down and put to sleep. Moms only need to change the time of taking the medicine, and the problem immediately goes away.
Doctors give their comment on the use of the medicine. So,the corresponding review of O. E. Komarovsky’s “Elkar” was voiced by him in a television program. As part of a conversation about dietary supplements for children, a well-known doctor speaks about the benefits of the drug with suspicion. He notes the relative usefulness of the medicine, but considers it impossible to cure serious diseases in children with Elkar. Reviews of Komarovsky O. E. in the press are accompanied by ironic remarks about the medicine. The essence of the comments is that this drug is imposed by advertising and only meets the desire of too restless parents to "heal" the child. Given its composition, Elkar will not bring any particular benefit or harm. But he can really strengthen children's immunity.
Moms of babies who take the drug in practice give it a positive review. "Elkar" in children of the first year of life causes an increase in appetite and an improvement in the sucking reflex. This is especially important for premature babies at the initial stage of development.
Methods and features of application
The optimal amount of use of the drug is the dosage prescribed by the attending physician. Doctors usually calculate the dose according to the age of the patient:
- Newborns are recommended to take 4 to 10 drops of a 20% solution of the drug diluted in a 5% glucose solution twice daily.
- Babies from the second month of life are recommended to take 10 drops of a 20% solution 3 times a day.
- Children from 3 to 6 years old are recommended 10 to 16 drops of a 20% solution per day (divided into 3 doses).
- Children with7th year of life appoint a 30% solution of 12 to 16 drops 3 times a day.
- Children from 12 years of age are recommended a 30% solution of 13 to 20 drops three times a day.
- For adults, the drug is calculated based on body weight. The number of kilograms is converted into drops in a ratio of 1: 1. Take the medicine, dividing the amount received into 2 or 3 doses.

The use of the drug in adolescents with a severe form of anorexia, in order to increase body weight, gives good results and positive feedback. Instructions for use "Elkar" in this case allows the drug to be taken in adult dosages under the supervision of a doctor.
If a drug from the group of glucocorticoids is taken in combination, then the accumulation of levocarnitine in the tissues of the body is stimulated. Anabolic drugs also enhance the effect of the drug.
In case of diseases of the pancreas, the medicine is recommended to be used simultaneously with enzymes. Contraindication to use is intolerance to one of the components of the drug.
Using injections
The drug, produced in ampoules, is used intramuscularly and intravenously.

For intravenous drip use, the Elkar ampoule must be diluted in saline, bringing the volume to 200 milliliters. In some cases, it is allowed to use 10 ml three times every 24 hours, and then one ampoule per day for 7 days. A second course is possible with an interval of 2-3 weeks.
Intravenous jet "Elkar" is used for carnitine deficiency, which manifests itself secondarily.
Here, the dosage varies from 2 ampoules for 5 days, up to 4 ampoules once, if necessary, determined by the doctor.
When administered intramuscularly, the dose of the drug can also vary dramatically from 1 to 2 ampoules, depending on the symptoms and prescriptions of the attending physician.
Side effects
Most often, Elkar is well tolerated by patients. Sometimes phenomena such as allergies, myasthenia gravis, skin rash, nausea and diarrhea can be observed. If you experience any uncomfortable conditions, you must stop taking the drug. Children can be given a sorbent and be sure to consult with their pediatrician.
With the concomitant use of glucocorticoids, the accumulation of levocarnitine in tissues (with the exception of the liver) is stimulated. Anabolic drugs enhance the effect of Elcar.
There are a large number of manufactured analogues, divided into two types:
- Preparations containing the same active ingredient levocarnitine as in Elkar: Glutamic acid, Levocarnil, L-carnitine.
- Drugs that have a similar effect on the body and are prescribed for the same symptoms: Inotin, Mildronate, Neurolipon.
One of the most affordable analogues belonging to the first group is "Glutamic acid". At a penny cost, it has 250 mg of levocarnitine in one tablet. Thus, the dosage prescribed in most cases500mg is contained in 2 tablets that are easy to carry around.
Another analogue containing 200 mg of the active substance in 1 ml of solution is "L-carnitine", which has various forms of release. Being an affordable supplement, it is more often used for sports nutrition.
Domestic medicine tends to give good reviews to the analogue of "Elkar" - the drug "Levocarnil". The dosage of the main active ingredient is the same, but there are a number of advantages:
- the release of the medicine is carried out in the form of tablets, which means that they can be easily taken with you on the road or to work;
- tastes good - has a hint of citrus.

The sensational drug "Mildronate", belonging to the second group, is now dispensed by prescription, as it contains meldonium. The well-known structural similarity with levocarnitine allows it to be prescribed for psycho-emotional and physical overloads.
"Inotine" is an assistant in heart disease, is used to correct the metabolism of the heart muscle and improve blood circulation, and is also recommended for endocrine problems.
"Neurolipon" is prescribed to normalize the liver, improve its metabolic processes, treat alcoholic and diabetic polyneuropathy. The main active ingredient, thioctic acid, takes part in mitochondrial metabolism in order to establish the proper functioning of the body at the cellular level.
Use for weight loss
Levocarnitine is widely used in variousdietary supplements and helps in the fight against excess weight, and therefore receives a lot of positive feedback. "Elkar" for weight loss is taken half an hour before meals several times a day. To increase efficiency, it is necessary to stir the drug with water before use. The dose of the medicine ranges from 1 to 2 teaspoons. The course of admission is a month.
Women who take medicine to lose extra pounds note the need for physical activity. The substance actively acts on the breakdown of fats, but they must not be allowed to settle on the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly carry out their removal from the body. The quality of food in this case does not depend on the reception of Elkar. Reviews of doctors about the drug confirm its beneficial effect on metabolism, and, as a result, on weight loss of the patient.
Thus, the use of the drug "Elkar" to speed up metabolic processes is permissible only under the supervision of specialists, especially in cases of use in children and pregnant women.