In this article, we will consider the instructions, analogues and reviews of "Grandaxin". People in the modern world have become the most susceptible to the influence of a variety of stressful situations that negatively affect both mental and physical he alth. This is aggravated by the fact that many people are not able to independently cope with anxiety, depression and other psychological manifestations. Therefore, in this case, medications that will help in the fight against these problems cannot be dispensed with. One of these medicines is Grandaxin. Reviews about it abound.

This drug is widely used in modern medical practice. "Grandaxin" is a medicine that belongs to the group of so-called tranquilizers - drugs whose action is aimed at suppressing the state of fear and anxiety. Despite the fact that this drug is dispensed in the pharmacy network without a prescription from a doctor,You should not make a decision about treatment with this medication yourself.
People's feedback on Grandaxin and how they feel after it will be presented at the end of the article.
The action of the substances in its composition seriously changes the functioning of the nervous system, which can lead to the most unexpected and adverse consequences. To exclude the risk of developing concomitant disorders and diseases, it is necessary to obtain the recommendations of the attending physician before using it. The strong psychotropic effect of the drug "Grandaxin" (according to reviews) can improve a person's well-being, but its uncontrolled intake and incorrect dosage can, on the contrary, worsen it.
Pharmacological action
"Grandaxin" is a "daytime" anxiolytic with a fast action. The active substance of this medication is a diazepine derivative. It is a powder in the form of yellowish-white crystals that do not dissolve in water, and partially in ethanol.
The drug does not cause addiction symptoms and can be prescribed to people suffering from various kinds of neurosis, autonomic disorders, mental disorders, anxiety.
This is indicated by the instructions for use for "Grandaxin". Price, reviews, analogues are of interest to many.
Composition of the drug and release form
Tranquilizer of this category is available in the form of tablets with a rounded shape, slightly flattened, with no signs of color and smell. On one side of the tablet is the name of the drug, on the other -risk.
The main active ingredient of the medical product "Grandaxin" is tofisopam, which is contained in one tablet of 50 mg. Additional substances that make up the medication are:
- octadecanoic acid;
- talc;
- gelatin;
- magnesium s alts of octadecanoic acid;
- lactose monohydrate;
- MCC;
- potato starch.
This describes the instruction. Reviews of Grandaxin are mostly positive.
The drug is packed in cardboard boxes, which contain blisters with tablets, ten pieces each. One box contains two or six blisters. Pharmacological orientation - a tranquilizer from the benzodiazepine series, and its main action is to provide an anxiolytic (sedative) effect. According to doctors, Grandaxin differs from other drugs of a similar nature in that it does not create a sedative, as well as hypnotic, anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant effects. The drug regulates the work of the autonomic system, eliminating all possible manifestations of this disorder. It has a slight stimulating effect. Similar pharmacological characteristics indicate that this is a drug related to "daytime" sedatives.

The drug is not contraindicated in people suffering from myosthenia, as well as myopathy, due to the lack of a muscle-relaxing effect. Chemical formula of the main active ingredient of the drugatypical, which significantly distinguishes it from other means used to achieve an anxiolytic effect, which gives it a number of undeniable advantages. These include:
- The drug does not enhance the effects of ethanol on the body.
- Does not cause addiction or withdrawal symptoms. This is confirmed by the instructions for use and reviews of doctors about Grandaxin.
Mechanism of action of the main active ingredient
This action is associated with the stimulation of benzodiazepine receptors located in the human brain. Excitation of this kind provokes the sensitivity of GABA receptors to neurotransmitters. After that, more active work of chloride channels begins, hyperpolarization of cell membranes is stimulated, at the same time, a weakening of neuronal activity occurs.
The drug "Grandaxin" is taken orally, and within a short period of time it is completely absorbed from the small intestine. The highest concentration of active substances in the blood is observed approximately 1.5–2 hours after taking the drug, and then it gradually decreases. These substances do not accumulate in body tissues. Six to eight hours is their half-life, which is carried out mainly by the kidneys, as well as by the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Reviews on the use of "Grandaxin" will be considered below.
Drug Benefits
The drug is a universal CNS-active drug that has passed many laboratory and clinical trials. He is nothas a sedative and muscle relaxant effect, does not weaken the psychomotor, as well as mental function, which is fundamentally different from other benzodiazepine drugs. According to patients, "Grandaxin" is well tolerated, has a mild cognitive-stimulating effect, reduces the risk of developing vegetative problems, which, as a rule, accompany most types of nervous conditions. Tofisopam does not produce anticonvulsant effects and even at higher doses does not have a sedative effect. This will be confirmed by the instructions for use and reviews.
The price of Grandaxin analogues will also be presented.
Drug research
Multiple studies have shown that the 200mg dose in animals stimulates an antipsychotic-like effect. With the introduction of a dose of 10 mg per kilogram of body weight, the normalization of animal behavior and the prevention of stress dysrhythmia are noted.
The effectiveness of this drug in medicine was revealed in the course of various multicenter studies, in which more than 10 Russian clinics took part. At the same time, 250 patients aged 18-60 years who were diagnosed with psychovegetative symptoms were monitored. All patients were divided into two groups, one of which took Grandaxin, and the second - other drugs that reduce the manifestations of this disease.
A group of people in the application of "Grandaxin", according to reviews, the symptoms of the disease disappeared much faster than the rest.
Efficiency andsecurity
The use of the drug "Grandaxin" is of great interest in the fight against vegetative-vascular and mental disorders. This is due to the fact that taking classic sedative medications can be complicated by a number of negative effects. They, as a rule, greatly disrupt concentration, worsen memorability, etc.
There is also evidence to support the effectiveness of the drug during menopause. The quality of life of women who enter menopause improves significantly.
There are numerous reviews of this.

Instructions for the use of the Grandaxin analogue will not be considered in detail.
Therapeutic effect
The action of the main substances of the drug is manifested as follows:
- Relieve feelings of anxiety.
- Normalize sleep patterns.
- Increase concentration, improve memory.
- Reduction and elimination of symptoms of vegetative-vascular disorders.
- Elimination of manifestations of depression, nervous disorders.
These effects are achieved due to the fact that a person has a general improvement in the psycho-emotional state, which is not associated with sleeping pills or sedative effects.
Treatment of patients with the drug Grandaxin in combination with vascular and metabolic drugs helps to increase the emotional status indicator. In addition, this medicine is able to stop the manifestations of neuroses andneurotic conditions, and can also be used in the presence of severe vegetative-vascular dystonia.
What else does the instruction for Grandaxin tell us? According to reviews, it is very detailed.
Indications for use
The main indications for drug treatment are the following diseases and disorders:
- Apathy, anxiety.
- Autonomic dysfunctions.
- Psycho neurosis.
- Neurosis and emotional overstrain.
- Stress mental disorders.
- Kardialgia.
- Obsessive mental states.
- Violations of psycho-emotional adaptation (in cases where a person has suffered severe physical or emotional trauma).
- Climacteric neuroses (with complex treatment or separately).
- Heart pain (also in complex therapy).
- Withdrawal syndrome (when giving up bad habits - smoking, drug use, alcohol).
- Premenstrual syndrome.
- Myasthenia gravis.
- Myopathy.
- Atrophic process in muscle tissue, which has a neurogenic character.
This is exactly what the instructions for "Grandaxin" indicate. According to reviews, the price is somewhat overpriced.
The drug is widely used in narcology, as it helps relieve withdrawal symptoms, as well as stop delirious states, when patients experience excessive mental arousal and vegetative complications. The drug relieves opioid withdrawal syndrome in the event of a post-withdrawal state.

Contraindications for use
The main contraindications for treatment with this medication are as follows:
- Decompensated respiratory failure.
- Psychomotor arousal accompanied by aggressive states.
- Deep depression.
- Stop breathing during sleep (apnea).
- Early pregnancy.
- Treatment with drugs "Cyclosporin", "Tacrolimus", "Sirolimus".
- Breastfeeding period.
- Hypersensitivity to substances of the benzodiazepine group.
The drug "Grandaxin" should be used with caution in the following cases:
- Chronic respiratory distress syndrome.
- Cases of acute respiratory failure.
- Angle-closure glaucoma.
- Epileptic disorders.
- Brain damage of organic origin.
Method of using the drug "Grandaxin" and doses
The dosage of this drug is set by a specialist depending on the degree of disorders diagnosed in each case. It also takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body, susceptibility to the action of active substances, as well as the clinical manifestations of the disease. There is information about this in the instructions for use and reviews. The price of "Grandaxin" is shown below.
For adults, the drug is prescribed 50-100 mg of substance threetimes a day. In the implementation of episodic doses of the drug, as a rule, 1-2 tablets are taken. The maximum dose allowed by doctors for self-treatment is 300 mg per day. For people with kidney failure, the maximum dose is no more than 150 mg per day.
The duration of the course of treatment with the drug "Grandaxin" is determined by a specialist. As a rule, in order to correct mental and autonomic disorders during menopause, the duration of taking the drug is about three months. Symptoms of anxiety-depressive disorder begin to disappear on the 5th-6th day of treatment, patients notice the disappearance of symptoms of mood lability and the disappearance of panic attacks.
The use of the drug in children (under 14 years of age) is contraindicated.

Adverse reactions and overdose symptoms
According to reviews of Grandaxin, the signs of drug overdose are:
- epileptic seizure;
- disorder of consciousness;
- vomiting, nausea, stool disorder;
- coma;
- respiratory depression.
The treatment of these conditions is to restore the patient's respiratory activity, normalize the work of the cardiovascular system. This is confirmed by the instructions and reviews for "Grandaxin" (the price of analogues can vary significantly).
From the side of the central nervous system, the following changes may be observed:
- cephalgia;
- irritability;
- sleep disorder;
- increased muscle tone;
- clouding of consciousness;
- seizures (more common in people with epilepsy).
Side effects seen in the digestive tract:
- loss of appetite;
- bloating;
- nausea and dry mouth;
- yellowish skin color and blanching.
In case of allergic reactions to the components of the drug, skin redness and itching may occur. This also describes the instructions for use. Reviews of Grandaxin also confirm this.
Special Instructions
Side effects from taking the drug are more common in cases of liver or kidney failure, as well as in the elderly. In order to avoid serious negative consequences, in these cases, the dose of the drug is reduced, as a rule, by half. In the presence of chronic psychoses, various obsessive-compulsive disorders, as well as phobias, the drug is not recommended, as this can provoke suicidal thoughts and a high degree of aggression.

With deep depressions, the drug "Grandaxin" is also not prescribed, which is due to the occurrence of anxiety states. With extreme caution, this drug should be prescribed to patients who have organic brain damage. In epileptics treated with the drug"Grandaxin", according to reviews, there is an increased convulsive readiness. The composition of the drug includes lactose, so for people who are hypersensitive to it, the drug is prescribed with extreme caution.
With regard to recommendations for driving, this medication does not affect the concentration of people who use it. Therefore, driving is not contraindicated.
The active ingredients of the drug are not able to increase the effect of alcohol on the body, on the contrary, they have the ability to reduce the toxic effect of ethanol on the internal organs, as well as on the central nervous system.
Interaction with other drugs
The use of the drug "Grandaxin" in conjunction with drugs that inhibit the functions of the central nervous system, potentiates their effect. These drugs include anesthetics, antihistamines, as well as drugs that have a sedative and hypnotic effect, analgesics. People's opinions about "Grandaxin" and well-being are often contradictory.
Metabolism of the active components of the drug is enhanced by causative agents of liver enzymes, which can lead to a decrease in the concentration of the drug in the blood.
Antimycotic drugs slow down the metabolic processes in the liver, which occurs while taking the drug "Grandaxin", which means that its concentration in the body increases. Antihypertensive drugs also enhance its effect.
Certain interaction also occurs in cases of simultaneous receptionmedical product "Grandaxin" with "Warfarin", "Disulfiram", "Digoxin", antacids and oral contraceptives.
Reviews about "Grandaxin"
During the entire history of its existence, the drug has gained great fame. There are a lot of reviews of patients who used this drug. The majority here are women, since it is they who are most susceptible to the occurrence of such disorders as vegetovascular dystonia, mental disorders and states of increased anxiety. In addition, women use the remedy during menopause, which also affects this aspect.
Positive feedback from Grandaxin users contains a lot of information that the drug helps to cope with the symptoms of bad mood, improves muscle motility, increases efficiency and normalizes sleep patterns. Many patients noted significant changes in their psycho-emotional state, when the feeling of anxiety began to visit them less and less, and on the third or fifth day of using this medication disappeared completely. In addition, they were pleased that the drug rarely causes unwanted side effects, which plays a huge role in the organization of daily life.
Reviews of a negative nature reflect the opinions of patients for whom the drug "Grandaxin" did not help cure diseases of the psycho-emotional sphere. This category of people claims that while taking this medication, nervous excitability increases, which provokes a feeling of fear andpsychological discomfort. Some of the patients who left a negative review are unhappy with the occurrence of side effects in the form of dizziness and nausea.

Expert reviews
Specialists speak about the drug more often in a positive way. It is well tolerated, rarely causes negative reactions. Quickly and for a long period helps to cope with the signs of depression. Thus, the reviews of doctors about Grandaxin, the instructions for which we have reviewed, are generally recommendatory.
To date, the most common medication that can replace Grandaxin is the drug Afobazol. It is also a benzodiazepine-type tranquilizer, but has less side effects. In general, the indications for the use of this remedy are identical.
According to reviews, the analogue of Grandaxin Phenibut is no less effective.
This is a strong sedative that can be prescribed as a sedative before surgery and other important events that can cause anxiety and emotional stress.
The price of the Grandaxin analogue, according to reviews, is quite acceptable.
The drug "Adaptol" is a psychotropic drug that can replace "Grandaxin". However, it is sold strictly by prescription, and this drug can cause severe adverse reactions in the area of sleep and increased nervousness.
An analogue of the drug is also "Atarax", which, in addition to the sedative effectIt also has an antihistamine and bronchodilatory effect, which is extremely important for those who suffer from respiratory failure.
"Afobazole" (370–440 rubles) is an inexpensive Russian anxiolytic, the use of which is relevant for anxiety, sleep problems, adaptation, neurasthenia, premenstrual and menopausal syndrome, alcohol withdrawal syndrome, as well as for some somatic diseases. Taking the drug does not cause drug dependence, the body easily tolerates the sudden withdrawal of the drug. The drug is sold in tablets.
Novo-Passit. Phytopreparation in tablets or as a solution for oral administration. It is indicated for neurasthenia, insomnia, manager's syndrome, nervous tension, accompanied by headache and migraine, with menopausal, premenstrual syndrome. Country of origin - Czech Republic, Israel. The average price is 210–870 rubles. When choosing how to replace Grandaxin, you should carefully read the instructions for use, since even preparations similar in composition can have different effects on different body systems.
"Apaurin". Tranquilizer with anticonvulsant, sedative action. Indications for therapy include neurosis, tension, anxiety, fear, motor tension, sleep disturbances. The active substance is diazepam, it is allowed in the 2nd, 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. Country of origin - Slovenia. The average price is 270–550 rubles.
"Gidazepam". Tablets with the same active substance are taken as a daytime tranquilizerpatients with neurotic, psychopathic asthenia, who are in an anxious, excitable state. They are prescribed for the relief of nicotine withdrawal syndrome. The average price is 150–365 rubles.
Price of "Grandaxin"
According to reviews, the cost of this tool is considered slightly overpriced. It is on sale at a price of 350 to 950 rubles, depending on the dosage and number of tablets.
We reviewed the instructions, reviews and analogues for the Grandaxin tool.