Various plants are used in folk medicine. Medicinal tinctures and decoctions are prepared from them. The beneficial properties of thyme allow it to be used to treat various ailments. Popular recipes are presented in the article.
Thyme is a semi-shrub plant with a height of 5-40 cm. It has thin trunks growing on the ground. The leaves of the plant are small, thin, have an oval shape. The flowers are also small, pinkish-purple, collected in bunches at the tips of the branches. The fruits of the plant are 4 nuts located at the bottom of the bowl.

The plant is fragrant and attracts bees and butterflies during flowering. Reproduction is by seeds or vegetatively. The plant blooms in June-July. Ripening takes place in August-September. This grass grows in Russia, the Caucasus, Kazakhstan.
What is thyme good for? The medicinal properties of the plant have been known for a long time. It contains many valuable components - bitter resins, gums, fats, vitamins B and C. What else is thyme useful for? The benefit is expressed in antiseptic, wound healing, disinfectant action.
The herb is used in cosmetology,medicine, food industry. Due to its beneficial properties, thyme is often used in folk medicine, for this it is harvested independently. They do this with the advent of summer, because it was during that period that the grass was fragrant and there were a lot of essential oils in it. Raw materials should be dried in small bundles, which are hung down in a ventilated place that is protected from the rays of the sun.
This plant is known not only in folk, but also in official medicine. It is included in the Pertusin cough medicine for children. The use of thyme is known as a remedy for swelling and pain relief from bee stings. Decoctions and extracts are effective in asthma and tuberculosis. It is an excellent sedative during depression. Essential oil disinfects the air.

It is known to use thyme for coughs, bronchitis, tuberculosis, whooping cough, atony. The plant helps with articular and muscular rheumatism. It is used as an effective means of eliminating the effects of bruises and rashes. The herb is part of the fees that are useful for chronic fatigue.
The use of thyme is good for men's he alth. Medicines based on it protect against the development of prostatitis, treat sexual impotence. In cooking, the plant is placed in various products (potatoes, legumes, sausages) to facilitate the absorption of difficult-to-digest foods.
To cure a cold, the plant is combined with other herbs. Thyme tea is delicious and fragrant. It can be used as a sedative for fatigue, nervous tension. Howbrew thyme? There are 3 recipes for making tea:
- Sprinkle thyme (1 tsp) into water (1/4 cup). The composition is brought to a boil, after which it should be infused for 10 minutes. You can pour boiling water right away. Straining required.
- Black tea (3 spoons) and thyme (2 spoons) must be mixed in a teapot, pour boiling water and let it brew for 2 minutes.
- You will need lingonberries, St. John's wort and thyme in the same amount. Herbs are poured with boiling water (1 cup). Let the tea steep for 15 minutes.
Such drinks are good for all people. Thyme tea can be consumed regularly. There are other recipes for obtaining delicious and fragrant drinks.
The use of thyme as a disinfectant and expectorant is in demand. For the treatment of cough, useful infusions and decoctions are made. They are recommended for asthma and sore throat. The remedy can be prepared according to any of the following recipes:
- In hot water (1 cup) you need to fill in a dry plant (1 tablespoon), and then leave to infuse and strain. The medicine should be consumed in 1-2 tbsp. l. three times a day.
- Aloe juice should be mixed with honey and thyme infusion (1 tablespoon) in an amount of 1:1. The finished medicine needs to be drunk.
- The plant (3-4 tablespoons) must be mixed with oregano and mint (1 spoon each). The mixture must be poured with boiling water. After steeping overnight, use as a tea.
- Decoction or infusion must be left in a container without filtering, and then cover your head with a towel. You need to breathe over the steam for 15 minutes, cover your neck with a scarf. After that, it is undesirable to go out.
For kids
Today, many parents choose products based on natural plants for the treatment of children, since synthetic drugs have many side effects and contraindications. In this case, thyme will come to the rescue. It has soothing, disinfectant, antiseptic properties.

If children do not sleep well, then you just need to make a warm bath based on thyme, and then the rest will be calm. This method helps with rickets and rheumatism. During herbal treatment, you need to follow the advice of healers and homeopaths. The correct use of drugs allows you to get the best results.
When Pregnant
Everyone knows that products with natural ingredients, herbal infusions and decoctions are much better than chemical preparations. But it is important for expectant mothers to take care of the he alth of the child. That is why herbs are used to treat them.
The use of thyme in folk medicine is common in many diseases, due to its mild effect on the nervous system, especially when mood changes. Many pregnant women eat a lot and often, which can cause diarrhea. A decoction of thyme will help in this case. If there is pain in the back and joints, then it is necessary to make compresses based on leaves and flowers. But it should be remembered that thyme-based medicines must be consumed after consulting a specialist.
This product is enriched with tannins, resins, appleand acetic acid, mineral s alts. The oil is created from thyme herb. The product includes thymol, which has an antiseptic and antihelminthic effect.

The oil is used for various diseases. It helps with skin diseases, headaches, joint ailments. The remedy has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract, eliminating tuberculosis and asthma. The oil is useful for insomnia, headaches, depression. It is used for hair loss.
From alcoholism
Instructions for the use of thyme includes the basic rules for the preparation of herbal remedies. In folk medicine, the plant is used to treat alcoholism. The decoction contains thymol, which induces vomiting in overdose.
To prepare the medicine, you need thyme (15 g), which you need to pour boiling water (250 ml). The product is left in a water bath for 10-15 minutes, and then the first infusion is drained and water is added again in the same amount. You need to use a decoction of 50-70 ml several times a day, and then the patient should be given 25 g of vodka.
Nausea after 10-30 minutes. The treatment lasts 1-2 weeks, after which the patient acquires a dislike for alcoholic beverages. Be sure to use only fresh broth.
Essential oil
The product is created by steam distillation of flowers. Due to its expectorant, warming and anti-inflammatory action, the oil is used to treat respiratory diseases. It is used for urinary infections and inflammations.

Essential oil is recommended for the treatment of women's diseases, pain and menstrual irregularities. The product stimulates contractions, and the baby will be born faster. Thyme treats problems with the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes appetite, improves mood, relieves fatigue, tones the nervous system.
Using syrup
Thyme syrup is used in the treatment. The instructions for its preparation are simple. The following 3 recipes are popular:
- A bunch of a flowering plant needs to be washed, cut and dried. Then the raw material must be poured with water (450 ml) and boiled over low heat. Half of the water should boil away. After cooling, the broth should be filtered, garlic juice (50 g) and honey (300 g) should be added. The medicine must be mixed and stored in a closed container. It is consumed after meals for 1 tsp. The syrup is stored for a long time.
- It is necessary to cut dry grass (20 g), pour hot water (200 ml), cook until the water boils to half. Separately, it is necessary to dissolve honey (200 g) in a water bath, and then mix with a decoction. The syrup will be delicious. Children are allowed to give it 1 tsp. after eating.
- Fresh thyme must be cut and placed in a jar in layers, alternating it with sugar. The product should be left for 2 weeks in a dark room. Then the syrup must be poured into another jar and closed with a lid. It can be added to tea for stomach problems.
Effective Recipes
Thyme is used in the treatment of various diseases, so the recipes differ depending on the disease:
- Crushed plantit is necessary to pour boiling water, boil in a water bath for 20-30 minutes. Then you should cool and strain. The amount of grass and water is 1:10. The decoction should be used for stomach cancer.
- Thyme (1 tbsp.) is poured with water (400 ml). The broth must be brought to a boil, and after cooling it can be filtered. The drug is used for 0.5 cups three times a day. The decoction is effective for dysbacteriosis, headaches, insomnia and overexertion.
- You can prepare thyme tincture for dandruff, hair loss. You will need grass (1 tablespoon), which must be poured with boiling water (250 ml). After insisting for an hour, you need to drink 70 g three times a day.
- An infusion for baths is prepared from thyme. In boiling water (5 liters), add thyme (100 g). After half an hour of infusion should be poured into the bath. Swimming is allowed twice a week.
- There is a tincture for the prevention of influenza. 220 ml is poured into dry grass (50 g). alcohol (70%). After insisting for 10 days, the product must be shaken. Shelf life can be 5 years.
- For the prevention of influenza, you can prepare a remedy from thyme (20 g), mint, fragrant violets. Raw materials are poured with vodka (500 ml). After insisting (3-4 days), you can use it, you just need to shake the product and filter it first.

From pressure
Thyme is used for hypertension, so it is useful for people to drink tea with high blood pressure. The drink promotes vasodilation. The following recipe helps. In boiling water (1 cup) you need to pour the collection of grass (1 tbsp. L.). The remedy should be infused for several hours, it is necessary to drink it before eating food three times a day. After that, you need to lie down and apply a warm heating pad to your legs.
Although the herb has many useful properties, it also has contraindications. It is undesirable to use remedies based on thyme for gastritis, diabetes, stomach ulcers. Although the plant is useful for tuberculosis, asthma and pneumonia, due to the expectorant action, complications can arise if the dosage is not taken into account.

Pregnant women need to dose the plant, as there is a risk of miscarriage. Treatment with thyme is necessary after consulting a doctor.