Artichokes, which can be found on store shelves, raise doubts among buyers. Those who see the plant for the first time have many questions. They are interested in what the artichoke is useful for, where it grows, how to cook it, whether it is worth buying it. This crop has been cultivated and eaten for more than five thousand years and is appreciated by gourmets all over the world.
History of the plant
Artichokes were actively grown and used as food in ancient Greece and Rome. The plant was consumed raw, boiled, even harvested for future use. This delicacy was considered the food of the rich and was sung in verse.

In addition to taste, the artichoke was also valued for its medicinal properties. The ancient Roman writer Pliny described its ability to enhance sexual desire. It was for this property that women were forbidden to eat the vegetable in France.
Cultivation in Europe began in the XV-XVI century. Today it is popular in many countries.
The plant came to Russia in the 18th century thanks to Peter I. The vegetable was considered a delicacy,used in medicine, even planted artichokes for decorative purposes.
Where does it grow today? The largest producing countries of this crop are Spain, France, Greece, Italy. California is the leader in the supply of vegetables to the American markets.
What does the plant look like
Many of us have no idea what an artichoke plant looks like. But we have seen thistles more than once. These plants look very similar, especially during the flowering period.

The part of the artichoke that can be consumed is not a fruit, but an unblown receptacle (bud). This perennial plant has large leaves and a straight stem. The places where the artichoke grows are open to sunlight. Humidity should be low. Under such conditions, the plant develops well and reaches a height of about a meter.
How to choose and where to find
Those who want to try an exotic vegetable are interested in where the artichoke grows in Russia? Unfortunately, we have a plant almost unknown. It can only be found in the beds of some amateur gardeners.
You can buy a vegetable in supermarkets. The younger the fruit, the more tender it is. However, you are unlikely to find young cones, they are not able to endure transportation. But the taste of adult artichokes in boiled, fried, canned form is also good.
A quality vegetable should be green with a purple tint. The core has tightly fitting scales. The buds themselves are firm and heavy. The bud can be both large and small, the size does not affect the taste.

To determine the freshness of a vegetable, you can squeeze it in your palms and bring it to your ear. If you hear a squeak, then it is fresh.
Besides this, you need to pay attention to the scales. If you notice fluff between them, then the vegetable is overripe, so it is undesirable to eat it.
Artichokes keep great in the fridge, but are best when fresh.
Composition and calorie content of vegetable
Fresh fruits contain a large amount of fiber, folic acid, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins C, K and group B. It also contains organic acids, essential oils are present in the petals, giving a special taste to the plant.
There are approximately 47 calories in 100 g of vegetable.
Use in cooking, storage features
Artichoke is a culture that is widely used in cooking. Not everyone knows how to use this vegetable. Young and small buds can be eaten whole, and large petals can be torn off. If the plant is overripe, it is cooked before use:
- Washed, get rid of stem and coarse parts.
- Spread the scales so that the core of the vegetable is visible.
- Sprinkle with lemon juice and boil in s alted water until soft.
With fruits, you can cook vegetable stew, serve with fried meat, stuff.

To make artichoke dishes as he althy as possible, you should eat themfresh. Some time after cooking, the vegetable becomes dark, loses its beneficial qualities.
To keep the artichoke fresh longer, it must be stored properly. For this purpose, it is better to use airtight plastic bags. It is necessary to cut off the edge of the stem. This will extend the shelf life. Prepare the artichoke preferably within 7 days after purchase. This plant keeps well frozen.

Phytotherapy with artichoke
Even in ancient Greece, women strengthened their hair with the help of the juice of this plant. In Egypt, the artichoke was used to improve the functioning of the digestive tract, and the Romans were sure that it was able to cleanse not only the body, but also the spirit.
Modern medicine also uses artichoke roots and leaves. The use of plant-based preparations contributes to:
- Better removal of fluid from the body.
- Reducing the level of ammonia in the blood.
- Improve the outflow of bile.
- Reduce cholesterol.
- Normalization of the digestive tract.
Vegetable is useful for those who suffer from diabetes. Due to its ability to reduce the manifestations of allergies, the artichoke is also used for hives, psoriasis, eczema.
Due to its exquisite taste and low calorie content, as well as the ability to speed up metabolism, eating a vegetable is useful for those who want to lose weight. For elderly people with atherosclerosis, the use of artichoke in any form is recommended.

Due to the presence of flavonoidsin the leaves and the core of the fetus, it is recommended for use in cancer. Especially effective preparations based on artichoke for the prevention of breast cancer, prostate cancer, malignant pathologies of the hematopoietic system. According to the results of recent studies, the leaves of the plant contribute to the necrosis of cancer cells, reduce the likelihood of developing oncology, and inhibit the growth of existing neoplasms.
Use of artichoke in folk medicine
Traditional healers use inflorescences, leaves, plant roots in their recipes. Leaves should be harvested during the flowering period, dried in a place protected from direct sunlight, periodically turning over. Inflorescences are used fresh. Roots should be harvested in late autumn. They should be shaken off the ground, cut into small pieces, dried.
There are many useful plant-based remedies that have been successfully used by traditional healers:
- Decoction. To prepare the product, 50 g of leaves are poured with a liter of boiling water, put in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Used internally throughout the day or used externally for skin conditions.
- Infusion. The remedy is prepared from two teaspoons of dried leaves, filled with a glass of boiling water. The remedy is infused for 10 minutes. For violations of the liver and kidneys, use 100 ml three times a day before meals.
- Juice. Fresh juice is used to enhance sexual desire and increase potency. Drink a quarter cup twice a day. Stomatitis, thrush and cracks in the tongue are treated with rinses, which are prepared from the juice of the plant.with honey.
- Artichoke tea. The beneficial properties of the drink interested scientists. Studies have shown that regular consumption of tea tones up, reduces blood sugar, helps cleanse the skin, eliminates a hangover, and relieves gastrointestinal disorders. To prepare the remedy, a teaspoon of the roots should be poured with 250 ml of boiling water, insist for an hour. After that, it can be consumed throughout the day.
What are the contraindications
There is no consensus on contraindications for artichoke. Some experts insist on its absolute harmlessness, others do not recommend using it for violations of the liver and kidneys, gastritis with low acidity, low blood pressure. You should not include this vegetable crop in your diet for women who are carrying a baby, nursing mothers, children under 12 years old. Before using the plant for medicinal purposes, it is better to consult a doctor.

Despite the fact that in our country it is almost impossible to find places where the artichoke grows, we have the opportunity to get acquainted with this unique plant by buying it in a supermarket. The exquisite taste and beneficial properties of this vegetable crop will be appreciated by many gourmets.