Common tar is a perennial plant from the clove family. Among the people, it is also known under the name Adonis, swamp vizovitsa, drowsiness, tar. For many years, its medicinal properties have been widely used in traditional medicine.
Common tar grows most often up to 60–80 cm in height. Its bare stem is erect, reddish in color. It has small nodules with a sticky substance, for which the plant got its name. It is also known among the people as sticky tar. Dark green narrow leaves with a pointed tip are arranged oppositely. Their length is from 5 to 7 cm. Raspberry-colored flowers on short pedicels of 5-6 pieces are collected in a panicle.

The common tar fruit is an egg-shaped box located on a stem. The flowering period lasts from May to June.
Breeders created another species of this plant - common terry tar. Characterized by larger and more lush flowers (up to 4 cm in diameter) and used in landscape design.
This plant is found almost throughout Russia, with the exception of its northern parts, as well as in Belarus and Ukraine, Moldova and the Caucasus, western regions of Siberia. The plant grows most often in meadows, a sandy slope or the edge and pine forests, on meadow and sandy soils - light and breathable.
Useful properties of the plant
For medicinal purposes, leaves, flowers are most often used, somewhat less often - the stem of the plant. The sticky tar is harvested during the period of its intensive growth and flowering - in May-June, when the plant is gaining its strength and useful properties. It has a high content of valuable phenolcarboxylic acids, saponin, saporubin. In addition, flavonoid chemical compounds were found in large quantities in it.

In folk medicine, the plant is recognized as an excellent hypnotic and anti-inflammatory agent, has expectorant and wound healing properties. Common tar promotes rapid blood clotting, so decoctions from it serve as an effective hemostatic agent, as well as a natural antiseptic. In addition, the plant has a mild analgesic and choleretic effect.
Infusion of common tar is used for hepatitis, kidney problems and in the diagnosis of jaundice. For colds, decoctions from the plant are indicated as an expectorant, they are also used to stop uterine bleeding or for painful, heavy menstruation, bronchitis and gastric colic. With nervous overstrain and a failure in the normal rhythm of sleep, an infusion of common tar is recommended as an effective hypnotic and sedative.
Use in traditional medicine
In pharmaceuticals, common tar is very rarely used. The use in non-traditional medicine is found in the form of various infusions, decoctions and other forms. Herbalists and traditional healers use tar quite often.

An infusion is prepared from the ground part of the plant, which has excellent medicinal characteristics. In particular, it is used as an effective expectorant - the plant has pronounced mucolytic properties. In addition, an infusion and a decoction of common tar are recommended for pathologies and malfunctions of the kidneys, as well as for diagnosing certain diseases of the respiratory system.
Among other things, decoctions and infusions of the plant are shown not only for internal, but also for external use. In most cases, the decoction is used for skin problems, various dermatological pathologies - they are treated with purulent abscesses and boils, used for scabies, abscesses and ulcers. Infusion and decoction of common tar is recommended to wash cuts and abrasions - its bactericidal effect has long been known to herbalists.
Cooking recipes
In folk medicine, common tar is used mainly in the form of a decoction and infusion.
The decoction is prepared simply - in 0.5 liters of boiling water, steam 3 tbsp. l. raw materials and boil, notbring to a boil, over low heat for 10 minutes. Then they let it brew for an hour and use it as a lotion - for washing wounds, especially purulent, long-term non-healing ulcers, with scabies and all kinds of rashes.

To prepare an infusion for 200 ml of boiling water, take 2 tbsp. l. plants, bring to a boil. After that, the infusion is removed from the fire, insisted for several hours. Take such a pre-chilled and strained infusion of 50 ml up to 4 times a day - with coughing fits, as an effective expectorant, as an anesthetic decoction for colic - in the same dosage and with the same frequency of administration. For a hypnotic and sedative effect - 150 ml each.
Contraindications for use
Like any other medicinal plant, common tar has contraindications for use. In particular, decoctions and infusions are not recommended for colic, accompanied by long constipation, gastritis, people with low acidity of gastric juice.