Every year the world's ecology is deteriorating. Therefore, more and more people are diagnosed with allergies, dermatitis and asthma. These conditions are not very life-threatening, but treatment is necessary. Doctors often prescribe the effective antihistamine drug Chloropyramine. The drug eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of allergies, which allows you to enjoy life.
"Chloropyramine" is a drug that belongs to the group of antihistamines. It is used to reduce the severity of a variety of allergic manifestations.

Composition, pharmacological forms
The manufacturer "Chloropyramine hydrochloride" is produced in the form of an injection solution, which is used for intravenous or intramuscular administration. In addition, there is a tablet form of the drug. The solution has a light yellow tint. Tablets have a round flat-cylindrical shape, white color. Mainthe active ingredient in the composition of the drug is chloropyramine hydrochloride, each milliliter of its solution contains 20 mg, each tablet contains 25 mg.
The injection solution is packaged in 1 ml glass ampoules, which are placed 5 pieces in a blister pack. Tablets "Chloropyramine hydrochloride" are packaged in blister packs of 25 pieces. Additionally, blisters with ampoules or a blister with tablets are packed in a cardboard box.

When to use
"Chloropyramine hydrochloride" is indicated for use to reduce the severity of an allergic response in the following manifestations:
- Urticaria.
- Contact dermatitis.
- Nutritional allergy caused by the use of allergenic foods.
- Seasonal allergic rhinitis.
- Hay fever.
- Allergic manifestations that develop after insect bites or the use of drugs of various pharmacological groups.
In addition, it can be used as an element of complex therapy for anaphylactic shock and angioedema.

The use of "Chloropyramine hydrochloride" in any pharmacological form is contraindicated in the presence of the following pathological or physiological conditions in the patient:
- Any termpregnancy, lactation period.
- Concomitant use of medicines belonging to the MAOI group.
- Angle-closure glaucoma, which is accompanied by increased pressure inside the eye.
- Acute urinary retention.
- Hyperplasia of the benign nature of the prostate gland (an increase in the size of the organ due to cell proliferation).
- Arrhythmia.
- Myocardial infarction.
- Acute asthma attacks.
Before using the drug, you should consult your doctor to rule out the presence of contraindications.
Medication use
Chloropyramine hydrochloride tablets are for oral use. The instructions say that the tablet should be swallowed whole, without chewing it and with a sufficient amount of liquid. The solution is intended for intravenous or intramuscular administration under mandatory antiseptic and aseptic conditions.
It is recommended to take tablets for adult patients three or four times a day, 1 piece each. The dosage for children is as follows:
- From 1 month to 1 year - a quarter of a tablet.
- Age from 1 to 6 years - a third of the tablet.
- 7 to 14 years - half tablet.
Frequency of use in the treatment of children - twice or thrice a day.
The solution should be administered intramuscularly in an amount of 1-2 ml. If there is a severe allergic reaction, for example, angioedema, anaphylactic shock, intravenous administration of the drug is allowed. Doing soneed under medical supervision.

Negative impacts
According to the instructions for "Chloropyramine hydrochloride", the use of the drug can cause the development of such negative symptoms:
- Leukopenia, agranulocytosis - from the side of the red bone marrow, blood.
- Decrease in visual acuity, increased pressure inside the eyes - from the visual organs.
- Increase or lack of appetite, diarrhea, constipation, dry mouth, occasional vomiting, nausea - from the digestive tract.
- Increased motor activity, irritability, anxiety, euphoria, headache, lack of coordination, general weakness, lethargy, dizziness, drowsiness - from the nervous system.
- Tachycardia, arrhythmia, arterial hypotension - from the vascular system and the heart.
If you develop these side effects, you should consult a doctor to change the drug or adjust the dosage.
"Chloropyramine hydrochloride" and its analogues should be used with great care.

Application Features
Before starting therapy with this medication, you should study the manufacturer's annotation and take into account some features of the application:
- At the time of treatment, it is necessary to exclude alcohol, as such a combination can provoke the development of a significant sedative effect.
- Using the oral form of the drug at bedtime can cause reflux esophagitis (reverse reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus, resulting in inflammation of its lining).
- Use of medication may cause false results in allergy skin tests.
- Long-term therapy with antihistamines, including Chloropyramine, can cause hematopoietic disorders, so periodic monitoring of peripheral blood samples is required.
- The drug is able to mask the negative effects of ototoxic drugs on the auditory organs.
- "Chloropyramine" is able to interact with tranquilizers, sedative drugs, so you should notify your doctor about their use.
- The drug has a sedative effect, therefore, during therapy it is recommended to abandon potentially dangerous activities that require concentration and psychomotor speed.
The main and most popular substitute for "Chloropyramine hydrochloride" is "Suprastin". The active ingredient of both drugs is the same. Also analogues are Suprastilin and Chloropyramine-Ferein.
It should be borne in mind that the replacement of the drug must be agreed with the specialist.

What else does the instructions for use for "Chloropyramine hydrochloride" tell us? Significant excess of dosages recommended by a specialist can lead tothe development of intoxication. In adult patients, poisoning is manifested by inhibition of the functional activity of the central nervous system. In some cases, there may be hallucinations, dilated pupils, impaired coordination.
In pediatric patients, there is a violation of the nervous system, which is accompanied by increased motor activity, irritability. There may be immobility of the pupils, reddening of the skin of the face, development of collapse.
Therapy of intoxication involves the appointment of symptomatic drugs, caffeine, antiepileptic drugs, and in some cases resuscitation. Chloropyramine does not currently have a specific antidote.
The average cost of a package of a tablet drug is 85 rubles, and an injectable is 130 rubles. The price may depend on the region and the pharmacy chain.