Congestive prostatitis is a disease characterized by inflammation or swelling of the prostate gland and is accompanied by numerous unpleasant symptoms. Only men are susceptible to the disease, so they need to know what prostatitis is so that they can immediately consult a doctor when the first signs appear.

A little about prostatitis
About 150 years ago, prostatitis as a disease was mentioned for the first time, and our ancestors called it "the disease of the elders." Unfortunately, now this disease has become much younger, it has become characteristic of the category of men from twenty to fifty years old and is divided into infectious and congestive prostatitis. The prostate gland (or prostate) is located below the bladder and is responsible for a number of important functions in the male body, including regulating the production of secretion, which is the basis for sperm.
If this secret in the gland begins to stagnate, the patient is diagnosed with chronic congestive prostatitis. Today, this disease is becoming not only a medical but also a social problem. Many of the representatives of the stronger sex feel self-doubt, interest in sexual life is weakening,depression appears.
Congestive prostatitis can occur due to the fact that blood or sperm stagnates in a man's body. And the following reasons contribute to stagnation:
- Sedentary lifestyle is the most common cause of congestive prostatitis, it provokes stagnation of blood circulation in the pelvic area.
- Irregular sex life and erection without subsequent ejaculation. The body of a man is accustomed to the fact that arousal must necessarily end in ejaculation. If this does not happen, then sperm stasis occurs.
- Infectious diseases. Constipation and incomplete bowel movements.
- Inflammation in the pelvis.
- Stress.
- Frequent and prolonged hypothermia. But hardening the body, for example, diving into an ice hole or swimming in cool water, can often serve as preventive measures.
- Vein disease in rare cases can also trigger the onset of the disease.
- Frequent sitting. Often this disease appears in office workers, truckers.
Congestive prostatitis doesn't show up right away. Its symptoms may vary in some cases, but common early signs are:
- drawing pains in the perineum, urethra, groin;
- burning in the urethra, bladder;
- pronounced pain.
Pain tends to increase as the disease progresses, becoming stable. painfulsensations accompany the process of urination, pain in the groin area is paroxysmal, sharp, often with a return to the anus. In the sexual sphere, there are problems leading to complete impotence.

In addition to pain, patients have general weakness, a painful appearance. Congestive prostatitis is not an acute disease, and therefore patients may not be aware of its presence for a long time.
Early symptoms will help to suspect prostate congestion. Often, an inflammatory process can develop in the excretory ducts, resulting in detachment of the epithelium in this area, urination becomes painful. A timely visit to a doctor at the slightest suspicion will allow for effective treatment with minimization of unpleasant consequences in the genital area.
Diagnosis of disease
Diagnosis of congestive prostatitis is carried out in several stages.
- Palpation of the prostate rectally. This method is highly effective, it allows to detect about 80% of cases of malignant tumors of the prostate.
- Study of prostate secretion under a microscope. May give an error with an increased number of leukocytes, which is not always a consequence of prostatitis.
- Bacteriological examination of urine and prostate secretion.
- Ultrasound of the prostate. Allows you to identify moderate inhomogeneous neoplasms in the infiltrative stage or obvious at the stage of the sclerosing process of the disease.
- Study of hormonal andthe immunological state of the patient. It is not always carried out, more often in the presence of certain indications.
- Other examinations, which may include x-rays, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, prostate enzymes and others.
These types of diagnostics may be needed to exclude extraneous diseases, as well as in complex cases.
Medicated treatment
For the treatment of congestive prostatitis, drugs are used in various groups:
- Hormonal drugs. In order to reduce the amount of glandular tissue of the prostate, antiandrogens are used, which contribute to the speedy recovery of the patient. This method of treatment must be prescribed by an andrologist and only after a blood test for hormones.
- Drugs containing heparin. For example, Troxevasin (gel or ointment).

It is important to consult a doctor if symptoms of congestive prostatitis appear, who will select the correct, safe and effective treatment with medications or physical therapy.
Why are folk remedies used?
Another popular way to cure congestive prostatitis is treatment with folk remedies. With such a disease, doctors recommend this method of therapy, since medicinal herbs have a good effect on inflammation and congestion in men, and at the same time the patient tolerates the treatment well, there are no side effects, there is a general strengtheningorganism.

Recipes for the treatment of folk methods
Good methods are:
- Aloe treatment. The plant can be grown at home or purchased. It is taken orally as a tincture or eaten raw (every morning before eating, you need to eat a leaf of aloe about 2 cm in size).
- Pumpkin seeds. Every day you need to eat about 35-45 seeds in raw form, or you can make pumpkin flour, which then should be washed down with water. Treatment in this way lasts about a month.
- Onions and onion skins. There are many variations on the use of onions for prostatitis. You can eat a small head of onion every day, make a tincture of grated onions and water in a ratio of 1 to 1 (for example, 1 onion and 1 glass of water), the tincture should be infused during the day, and then taken every hour for 50 ml.

Surgical treatment
How to treat congestive prostatitis in men if medications do not help, and the disease continues to develop? In this case, the doctor sends the patient for surgery. There are two types of surgery:
- The first method is called minimally invasive and is performed using a special device called a resectoscope. The procedure is performed as follows: the doctor carefully inserts the device into the urethral canal, at this time an image of the area where the operation is supposed to be performed appears on the screen. With this technique, it is possible to remove a cyst and abscesses.
- Secondthe method is called invasive, it is usually used when the disease is in an advanced stage. This operation is very difficult, during its implementation a large loss of blood is possible. Usually this method is used to remove the prostate. It will take a long time to recover.
Physiotherapy treatment
The main physiotherapeutic methods in the treatment of prostatitis include:
- Electrophoresis. It is prescribed to every second patient, as it is one of the traditional methods of treatment. The essence of the treatment is reduced to the impact of an electric current with a small amplitude. To improve results, drugs may be additionally administered under the influence of an electric current.
- Galvanization. The main difference from electrophoresis is the absence of drugs when exposed to electric current, the treatment lasts from 20 to 40 minutes.
- UHF-impact on the affected areas through the electromagnetic field. Contraindicated in patients with blood diseases. Lasts no more than 15 minutes. Has side effects in the form of an increase in tumors.
- Pulse current therapy - stabilizes tissue metabolism and provides rapid regeneration. It has the mildest effect on the prostate due to the low current.
- Magnetic physiotherapy is the most productive type of treatment, recommended even for people with advanced forms.
- Ultrasound therapy is the newest method of treatment, which in practice has proven that ultrasound is useful even in the treatment of prostatitis.
- Light therapy for prostatitis (infrared, laser and ultravioletradiation) is another new technique by which three types of radiation affect the body simultaneously.
Physiotherapy remains a truly outstanding form of treatment for prostatitis even today thanks to the methods in the treatment of this disease.

Since a sedentary lifestyle is considered the main cause of congestive prostatitis, several rules must be followed for prevention:
- Physical activity. You need to play sports, devote more time to walking, for example, walk to work or climb stairs, go swimming, perform various exercises on the pelvic area. Very good effect on improving blood circulation treadmill, stepper.
- Regular sex life. Often the cause of congestive prostatitis is an irregular sex life, which is why it is important for men to have regular and active sex.
- Masturbation without a regular sexual partner. An erection without ejaculation is very harmful to the male body, therefore, masturbation is recommended in the absence of regular sex.
- He althy. A good prevention of prostatitis is a he althy and balanced diet, the absence of bad habits such as smoking, alcohol abuse, and taking vitamins.

But in order not to resort to such complex and serious operations for congestive prostatitis in men, you need to be careful abouttheir he alth, take care of it, consult a doctor in a timely manner and start treatment. For preventive purposes, you can perform massage and exercise.