Chronic congestive prostatitis: symptoms and treatment

Chronic congestive prostatitis: symptoms and treatment
Chronic congestive prostatitis: symptoms and treatment

Diseases of the genitourinary system is one of the problems that not only affects the physical condition of a person, but also causes psychological discomfort. Especially if the patient is male. After all, because of such pathologies, the sexual activity of the patient is disturbed. As a result, in addition to physical discomfort, the man experiences stress. As a result, he alth problems only get worse, and troubles arise at work and at home. One of the pathologies related to diseases of the genitourinary system is congestive prostatitis. Despite the fact that such a condition is difficult to tolerate, with timely seeking medical help, it is curable.

congestive prostatitis
congestive prostatitis

The concept of congestive prostatitis

Congestive prostatitis is a disease of the prostate gland, in which congestion occurs. This pathology in most cases is observed in elderly men who lead an inactive lifestyle. Often, congestive prostatitis is asymptomatic, making it difficult to diagnose. With severe inflammationthere are violations of urination and sexual function, which is usually the reason for going to the doctor. Treatment of diseases of the prostate is carried out by a specialist - a urologist. A distinctive feature of this pathology is the difficulty in the outflow of prostate secretion. Stagnation of seminal fluid leads to discomfort in the lower abdomen. With the progression of the disease, erectile dysfunction develops, signs of inflammation appear. To prevent this, mature men need to visit a urologist at least once a year.

chronic congestive prostatitis
chronic congestive prostatitis

Causes of congestive prostatitis

There are many factors that cause congestive prostatitis to develop. There are endo- and exogenous causes of this disease. The following factors for the development of stagnation in the prostate are distinguished:

  1. Inflammatory processes of the prostate gland. Occur due to the penetration of bacterial and viral agents. Due to chronic inflammation, prostate function is impaired. This adversely affects the formation and secretion of the secretion of the gland.
  2. Pathology of the arteries and veins of the small pelvis. Violation of the blood supply to the prostate gland is one of the most common causes of congestive prostatitis. Most often, the pathology develops in men suffering from atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus.
  3. Adynamia and obesity.
  4. Smoking.
  5. Disorders of sexual life. Congestive prostatitis can occur with both excessive sexual activity anddue to prolonged abstinence. In addition, masturbation, interruption and deliberate delay in sexual contact lead to the development of the disease.

Despite the fact that the pathology is more common among older men, it can occur at any age.

chronic congestive prostatitis BPH 1 2 tbsp
chronic congestive prostatitis BPH 1 2 tbsp

Mechanism of development of congestive prostatitis

The pathogenesis of congestive prostatitis is based on congestion in the vessels supplying the prostate gland. As a result, the wall of the organ thickens, tissue edema occurs. Due to such changes, the processes of formation and secretion of the secretion of the prostate gland slow down. Seminal fluid acquires a thick consistency and accumulates in the cavity of the organ. Stagnation of the gland secretion is one of the predisposing factors for the addition of a bacterial or viral infection. As a result, chronic congestive prostatitis develops. Hypertrophied and edematous tissue of the gland is a favorable environment for the reproduction of microorganisms. Chronic inflammation is dangerous for the development of complications such as impotence and infertility.

congestive prostatitis treatment
congestive prostatitis treatment

Congestive prostatitis: symptoms of the disease

Prostatitis is often combined with a disease such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). In some cases, these pathologies are difficult to differentiate from each other, since they have similar symptoms. The following signs of congestive prostatitis are distinguished:

  1. Pain during urination.
  2. Erectile dysfunction.
  3. Pain during ejaculation.
  4. Increased urination.

When a bacterial infection is attached, the pain intensifies, it can occur at rest. Most often, discomfort occurs in the perineum, in the lower abdomen. During exacerbation, the phenomena of intoxication of the body are observed - an increase in body temperature, malaise. If the disease has developed recently, and the inflammation is not yet very pronounced, asymptomatic chronic congestive prostatitis occurs. BPH 1-2 tbsp. differs in that the main clinical manifestation of the pathology is frequent (often nocturnal) urination. Minor prostate hyperplasia is rarely accompanied by pain and erectile dysfunction. Most older patients have both BPH and chronic inflammation of the prostate.

congestive congestive prostatitis
congestive congestive prostatitis

Diagnostic criteria for prostatitis

The diagnosis of "congestive prostatitis" is made on the basis of clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations. You can suspect this disease by symptoms such as pain during urination and ejaculation, discomfort in the lower abdomen. It is also important to pay attention to the consistency of the ejaculate. With congestive prostatitis, the seminal fluid becomes thick, collects in lumps. One of the diagnostic methods is a digital examination of the prostate gland. Isolation of prostate secretion during a rectal examination indicates the presence of stagnation of seminal fluid. Laboratory diagnostics includes: KLA, OAM,sperm study. An informative method is ultrasound of the prostate gland. Transrectal ultrasound is recommended to improve visualization. With inflammatory and congestive phenomena, an increase in the size of the organ is observed due to the thickening of the walls of the gland.

congestive prostatitis symptoms
congestive prostatitis symptoms

Congestive prostatitis: treatment of the disease

The main treatment for congestive prostatitis is drug therapy. In case of bacterial inflammation, it is necessary to conduct an antibiogram. According to the results of this study, the necessary medications are prescribed. The most commonly used drugs are Cefazolin, Tsiprolet, Summamed. In addition to antibiotics, it is necessary to carry out anti-inflammatory treatment. To reduce swelling of the prostate, prescribe medications "Nise", "Prostamol Uno". Physiotherapeutic procedures are effective methods of treatment. They help improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Prostate massage is also indicated to combat congestion.

Folk remedies for congestive prostatitis

Folk remedies are ineffective in the treatment of congestive prostatitis. However, they help eliminate the symptoms of the disease. For this purpose, anti-inflammatory and diuretic herbal preparations are used. For the treatment of prostatitis, it is recommended to use decoctions of celandine and honey, oats, infusion of hazel. Also, pumpkin seeds, plantain have an anti-inflammatory effect. To eliminate swelling, it is recommended to drink kidney tea.

In addition,it is necessary to follow a diet (exclusion of smoked, fatty and spicy foods), perform physical exercises to improve blood circulation in the small pelvis (squats, leg swings).

signs of congestive prostatitis
signs of congestive prostatitis

Prevention of congestive prostatitis

To avoid congestive prostatitis, risk factors must be eliminated. To do this, it is recommended to lead an active lifestyle, monitor body weight, eliminate bad habits. It is also important to visit a urologist in order to prevent pathologies of the genitourinary system. It should be remembered that congestive prostatitis often develops with an irregular sexual life. Sexual contact should not be too long, it is also not recommended to interrupt it. With frequent changes of partners, barrier methods of contraception should be used to avoid the addition of a bacterial infection.
