Acute prostatitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Acute prostatitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features
Acute prostatitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Acute prostatitis is a common pathology that is accompanied by inflammation of the prostate gland. The defeat of this organ affects the work of the reproductive and urinary systems and causes the appearance of extremely unpleasant symptoms. In the absence of therapy, the disease can lead to the development of dangerous complications.

Therefore, many representatives of the stronger sex are interested in additional information about what constitutes acute prostatitis in men. Symptoms, treatment, causes, possible complications - points that should be analyzed in more detail.

Brief information about the pathology

Acute prostatitis: symptoms treatment
Acute prostatitis: symptoms treatment

Acute prostatitis (ICD code N 41.0) is a pathology accompanied by an inflammatory process in the lobules of the prostate gland. This organ is located under the bladder and, accordingly, its inflammation affects the functioning of the urinary system.

According to statistics, prostatitis is the most common male ailment. About 30-58% of the stronger sexface such a problem. Patients of reproductive age (30-50 years) often suffer.

What causes inflammation?

Inflammation of the prostate gland is associated with the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi and viruses. In most cases, the culprit is a non-specific infection, in particular E. coli, streptococci, enterococci, staphylococci, candida fungi and other representatives of opportunistic microflora, which are most often activated against the background of a local or general decrease in the activity of the immune system.

Acute chronic prostatitis
Acute chronic prostatitis

In addition, infection of tissues with gonococci, chlamydia, ureaplasmas and other microorganisms that are transmitted through sexual intercourse can lead to inflammation.

Possible and hematogenous spread of infection. For example, pathogenic bacteria, along with the blood flow, enter the prostate tissues from other foci of inflammation. Prostatitis is often a complication of chronic tonsillitis, bronchitis, pyoderma, sinusitis, cholecystitis.

Common risk factors

Of course, there are factors, the presence or impact of which increases the likelihood of inflammation in the tissues of the prostate. Their list includes:

  • promiscuous sex, failure to use barrier contraceptives;
  • irregular sex life (leads to fluid retention);
  • sedentary work, lack of physical activity (causes the same blood stasis, which increases the likelihood of developinginflammatory process);
  • hypothermia (both one-time and permanent, which is associated, for example, with the use of out-of-season clothing, working conditions, extreme sports);
  • physical and mental exhaustion;
  • chronic sleep deprivation;
  • constant stress;
  • groin injuries, pelvic surgery, radiation;
  • pathological changes in hormonal levels;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • decreased activity of the immune system;
  • inflammatory diseases in the kidneys, intestines and other nearby organs.

Phases of disease development

Today, there are three stages of the inflammatory process in the prostate gland.

Acute prostatitis
Acute prostatitis

Each of them has its own characteristics.

  • Catarrhal inflammation is accompanied by damage and changes in the mucous and submucosal layer of the ducts that remove the secret from the lobules of the prostate gland.
  • Gradually, the walls of the ducts swell, resulting in the accumulation of mucous and purulent masses in the follicles of the prostate. In such cases, acute follicular prostatitis develops - pus accumulates in individual lobules.
  • The next stage is parenchymal. The purulent-inflammatory process affects a large number of lobules, after which it spreads to interstitial and parenchymal tissues. If small abscesses merge with each other by the edges, then an abscess is formed. If untreated, the abscess may burst, its contents enter the bladder, perineal tissues, rectum,urethral canal.

Acute prostatitis: symptoms

Acute prostatitis symptoms
Acute prostatitis symptoms

The clinical picture of this disease has very characteristic features.

  • Acute prostatitis starts suddenly. At first, patients report only an increase in temperature. Gradually, other symptoms of intoxication appear, in particular headaches, weakness, pain throughout the body, nausea.
  • The act of urination is accompanied by pain. The urge to go to the toilet becomes more frequent, especially at night. Possible urinary retention.
  • Patients often complain of pain in the groin, as well as in the pelvis and lower abdomen. Sometimes the pain extends to the lower back as well.
  • Purulent impurities and traces of blood sometimes appear in urine and semen.
  • Sexual intercourse is also often accompanied by pain and discomfort. Men report a decrease in libido and the inability to achieve orgasm.
  • There are also problems with bowel movements. The very act of defecation is accompanied by pain.

Complications due to inflammation

Of course, acute prostatitis is an extremely unpleasant disease. In the absence of therapy, the inflammatory process becomes chronic. Pathology affects the quality of sexual life, causes problems with erection and ejaculation. This, as well as constant discomfort, in turn, affects the emotional state of the patient - men become more irritable, withdrawn, nervous.

Acute prostatitis in men
Acute prostatitis in men

But more serious complications are possible, including:

  • abscess formation requiring surgery;
  • transition of the inflammatory process to neighboring organs (most often the bladder and kidneys suffer);
  • impotence;
  • inflammation of the prostate sometimes leads to male infertility.

It should be understood that with adequate and timely therapy, all of the above problems can be avoided.

Diagnostic procedures

The appearance of characteristic symptoms in a patient is sufficient reason to suspect the presence of prostatitis.

Some further research in progress:

  • A patient submits blood, urine and semen samples for analysis. A laboratory study of these fluids confirms the presence of an inflammatory process.
  • The doctor palpates the prostate through the rectum.
  • An ultrasound of the prostate is also carried out, which allows the specialist to identify the presence of cysts and neoplasms, to assess the size and structure of the organ.
  • Important and scraping from the urethra, followed by bacterial culture.

In the process of diagnosis, the doctor determines the cause of the inflammatory process, finds out the nature of the pathogen, as well as its reaction to certain medications.

Treatment of acute prostatitis with medication

Many men face this problem. What should a patient diagnosed with acute prostatitis do?

Treatment of acute prostatitis drugs
Treatment of acute prostatitis drugs

Drugs are selected individually, as therapy depends on the causes, symptoms andstages of development of the inflammatory process.

  • An essential component of therapy are antibiotics to help suppress the activity of the pathogen. If a fungal infection occurs, then antifungal agents (Fluconazole) are required.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs are used (Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol). Glucocorticosteroids also help to manage inflammation, but they are used in severe cases (for example, in the presence of autoimmune diseases).
  • Anspasmodics and analgesics help to cope with pain and eliminate problems with urination.
  • Vitamins and immunomodulators help restore the immune system, speed up the healing process and prevent the spread of the inflammatory process.
  • After the symptoms of prostatitis begin to disappear, the treatment regimen includes physiotherapy, in particular UHF, prostate massage, electrophoresis.

When is surgery needed?

Treatment of acute prostatitis with drugs in most cases ends successfully. Surgery is very rare and only if indicated:

  • the occurrence of an abscess in the tissues of the prostate (requires urgent opening and cleaning);
  • therapy with drugs and physiotherapy does not work;
  • blood in urine;
  • prostatitis led to the formation of stones in the kidneys, bladder;
  • acute urinary retention;
  • suspicion of malignanteducation;
  • inflammation and accumulation of purulent masses in the tissues of the rectum.

It is worth noting that surgical excision of the prostate gland (even partial) often leads to unpleasant consequences, including problems with urination, erectile dysfunction. That is why the operation is carried out only in extreme cases.

Effective folk remedies

Treatment of acute prostatitis is possible with the help of traditional medicine. Medicinal herbs such as chamomile, celandine, sage, motherwort, St. John's wort and nettle are considered useful. Dry raw materials can be purchased at any pharmacy. Properly prepared decoctions of these herbs have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic properties.

In addition, decoction and juice from fresh parsley will help to cope with prostatitis. Herbalists practice treatment with a decoction of hazel and aspen bark. Natural honey and walnuts are beneficial for the state of the immune system. Of course, before using these medicines, you should ask your doctor for advice.

Proper diet

Acute and chronic prostatitis respond well to drug therapy. An important part of treatment, however, is proper diet. Patients with inflammation of the prostate gland are recommended to include boiled vegetables, nuts, fresh herbs, milk and dairy products, baked fruits in the diet.

The amount of protein should be limited for a while - it is allowed to consume low-fat varieties of fish and meat (boiled and baked), eggs (but not more than two per day). importantthe water regime is also - for normal functioning, the body needs to receive at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day.

At the same time, spices, fatty and fried foods, mushrooms, canned food, legumes, smoked meats, offal, and pastries should be excluded from the diet. Tea, coffee, cocoa, alcohol are also contraindicated.

Prevention measures

It is much easier to prevent the development of acute prostatitis than to undergo treatment later. There are no specific preventive measures, but following some rules will significantly reduce the likelihood of an inflammatory process:

  • It is extremely important to maintain personal hygiene and use the right cosmetics.
  • Promiscuous sex increases the risk of infection. If casual sexual contacts take place, then do not forget about protective equipment.
  • Men are encouraged to keep fit, engage in feasible sports - this will help prevent congestion.
  • Don't miss your scheduled medical checkups.
Physical exercise
Physical exercise

When warning signs appear, you need to contact a specialist - delay is sometimes very dangerous.

Forecasts: what can patients expect?

Acute prostatitis in men is diagnosed quite often. In most cases, the disease responds well to treatment - therapy ends with complete recovery without any consequences. Nevertheless, with untimely diagnosis, acute inflammation becomes chronic. It takes some time for an abscess to form, so these complications are rare.
