Testicular cyst in men: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Testicular cyst in men: symptoms, treatment and consequences
Testicular cyst in men: symptoms, treatment and consequences

A testicular cyst is a tumor-like formation with a dense fibrous membrane and liquid contents. Despite the fact that this structure is benign, treatment is still required for men. The ever-growing cyst compresses other tissues of the scrotum, leading to dangerous complications.

It is quite natural that many members of the stronger sex are looking for additional information about the pathology. Why do testicular cysts form in men? What symptoms accompany the disease? What treatments are considered the most effective?

What is a cyst?

what is a cyst
what is a cyst

A testicular cyst is a small structure with a dense fibrous membrane and liquid contents. The structure is benign and grows slowly, and the initial stages of its development are completely asymptomatic.

Such a neoplasm can be both acquired and congenital. The congenital structure, as a rule, appears at the initial stages of intrauterine development (up to 20 weeks), which is often associated witha violation of the hormonal background of the mother and injuries to the woman's abdomen during pregnancy.

Pathology can be either unilateral (often a cyst of the right or left testicle is diagnosed) or bilateral. In addition, such a neoplasm may have a different structure and content:

  • single-chamber cyst consists of one cavity (there are no partitions inside);
  • there are septa inside the multilocular cyst;
  • spermatocele - a cyst inside which seminal fluid accumulates.

Reasons for education

If we are talking about an acquired (secondary) testicular cyst, then the reasons may be different. In fact, to this day, scientists have not been able to find out the exact mechanisms for the formation of such a structure. However, some risk factors are still known.

  • According to statistics, cysts are most often diagnosed in men aged 40 to 60.
  • The disease often develops against the background of expansion of the testicular membranes, appendages, as well as tissues in the area of the spermatic cord.
  • Infectious diseases are also considered risk factors. Inflammation, which appeared against the background of the activity of pathogenic microflora (including venereal infections), often leads to the formation of cavities in which serous fluid accumulates, purulent masses, etc.
  • Potentially dangerous are toxins that enter the body.
  • Injury to the scrotum (for example, from a blow, a fall, etc.) often leads to impaired blood circulation and tissue trophism.

During the diagnosis, the doctor will try tofind out the causes of the neoplasm, since the treatment regimen will depend on this.

What are the symptoms of pathology?

Pain during testicular cyst growth
Pain during testicular cyst growth

As already mentioned, in the initial stages, pathology is rarely accompanied by any specific symptoms. Tangible disturbances appear if the cyst increases in size.

  • On palpation of the scrotum, you can find a slight seal of a rounded shape.
  • Possible swelling of the scrotum, resulting in constant discomfort during walking or physical activity.
  • As the disease progresses, pain appears. Unpleasant sensations are accompanied by palpation of the scrotum. The skin becomes hot to the touch. Sometimes patients complain of pulling pains in the lower abdomen.
  • If there is an inflammatory process, fever, weakness, chills, body aches may occur.
  • Sometimes there is bloating, men complain of a constant feeling of pressure and fullness.
  • Coitus, erection are also often accompanied by pain.
  • Sometimes you can observe intense growth of hair on the body, in particular in the groin area - this is due to a violation of the synthesis of sex hormones.
  • If the cyst is significantly enlarged, it can put pressure on the bladder, which is accompanied by urinary retention or, conversely, frequent urination, discomfort during emptying.

Testicular cyst: consequences

Testicular cyst consequences
Testicular cyst consequences

Even though it'sbenign structure, complications against the background of the disease are still possible. Their list is worth exploring.

  • The fluid in the cyst cavity stagnates, which creates good conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Risk factors in this case include hypothermia and a decrease in immune activity. The inflammatory process is accompanied by the formation of purulent masses that accumulate in the neoplasm cavity. The scrotum on the affected side swells (for example, if there is a cyst of the left ovary, then the left side swells), the skin on it acquires a reddish tint, becomes hot to the touch. Many patients complain of nagging pain and discomfort while walking.
  • There is a possibility of testicular cyst rupture. This, as a rule, is the result of an injury to the scrotum, a strong blow. The contents of the neoplasm enters the tissues of the scrotum, which sometimes leads to inflammation of the testicles and appendages.
  • Sometimes the cyst enlarges, constricting the vas deferens. This disrupts the normal passage of sperm, which in turn leads to secondary infertility.
  • A growing neoplasm sometimes compresses nerve fibers and blood vessels, which leads to disruption of trophism and innervation of the scrotum. This condition is accompanied by acute pain and serious metabolic failures.

Of course, all these pathologies should be treated in a timely manner.

Diagnostic measures

Testicular cyst diagnosis
Testicular cyst diagnosis

If the above symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.

  • To begin with, the doctor collects information for anamnesis, is interested in the presence of certain symptoms in patients, studies information about the way of life of a man, etc.
  • A general inspection is also being carried out. During palpation of the scrotum, the doctor may find a small mass above the testicle. The specialist can assess the size of the neoplasm, determine the presence of pain, determine the degree of mobility of the cyst, etc.
  • Patient donates blood and urine samples. Testing for STDs is also being done.
  • Ultrasound of the scrotum organs is mandatory. During the procedure, the doctor can detect a neoplasm, accurately determine its size and location. By the way, according to statistics, the cyst of the left testicle is more common, which is associated with the anatomical features of the male reproductive system.
  • Sometimes patients are referred for diaphanoscopy. The scrotum is translucent with a special light source, evaluating the features of the passage of light rays through the tissues. If it is indeed a fluid-filled cyst, it will begin to glow pink.
  • Sometimes additional computed or magnetic resonance imaging is performed. Such procedures give the doctor more information about the structure and shape of the neoplasm.
  • If there is a suspicion of cancer, then a testicular biopsy is performed with further histological examination. Sometimes the patient additionally donates blood samples to check for the presence of tumor markers.

Cyst puncture

testicular cyst: puncture
testicular cyst: puncture

Medication for testicular cysts in men is notexists. Sometimes patients are advised to puncture the cyst. Using a special needle, the doctor pierces the neoplasm and extracts its liquid contents. Then the cyst cavity can be treated with antiseptic solutions and antibiotics. The fluid obtained during the procedure is sent to the laboratory for analysis. This is a temporary measure as the cyst cavity remains and in most cases fills with fluid again.

Sclerotherapy: features of the procedure

Sclerotherapy is a fairly popular treatment for testicular cysts. According to the mechanism of conduction, it is similar to a puncture. First, the doctor removes the contents of the tumor, and then fills the cavity with a special sclerosant. This chemical destroys the cells that line the cavity of the cyst, after which it causes the walls to “glue” together. Thus, the structure cannot be filled with liquid. The procedure is effective if a small cystic neoplasm is found in the tissues of the scrotum.

Laparoscopic testicular cyst surgery

Testicular cyst treatment methods
Testicular cyst treatment methods

The most effective today is laparoscopic removal of the cyst. The procedure is carried out using special optical equipment and does not require surgical dissection of superficial tissues - the instruments are inserted into the scrotum through small punctures in the skin. During the operation, the doctor carefully removes the cyst, cauterizes the damaged vessels.

Rehabilitation after laparoscopy

Laparoscopic removal of a testicular cyst is usually uneventful andcomplications. Nevertheless, the patient needs rehabilitation, as the reproductive system, as well as the entire body, needs time to recover.

  • In the first few days, the patient is recommended bed rest. If the scrotum is in a horizontal position, then the risk of edema is lower.
  • At the initial stages of rehabilitation, cold compresses are recommended, which also prevent the development of edema or relieve existing ones.
  • After a man can already stand and walk, a special pad is attached to the scrotum, which maintains the organs in the desired position, eliminates injuries while walking, and ensures rapid healing of tissues.
  • In the first 2-3 weeks, exercise and sexual activity are contraindicated.

Diet after laparoscopic cyst removal

fruits, vegetables, vitamins
fruits, vegetables, vitamins

After surgery, patients are advised to follow some dietary rules, as this helps the body recover faster. The principles are:

  • diet should be sparing;
  • you should include fruits and vegetables in your diet, which will saturate the body with vitamins and fiber;
  • fresh juices and cereals will be useful;
  • you can’t overeat, you need to eat often, but in small portions;
  • during rehabilitation, alcohol is contraindicated.

Treatment with folk remedies

decoction of sage
decoction of sage

Of course, traditional medicine offers a lot of recipes that are effective for testicular cysts. Worth it right awayIt should also be noted that home remedies are not able to eliminate an already existing neoplasm - with their help, you can only facilitate the process of restoring the body.

  • Folk healers recommend a decoction of sage. A teaspoon of raw materials is poured with boiling water, insisted, filtered. You need to take two tablespoons three or four times a day.
  • You can also prepare an ointment for external use. Fresh juice from toadflax grass is mixed with butter in a ratio of 2: 5. The mixture is placed in a water bath and heated until the liquid evaporates. The resulting product is then cooled - it is suitable for treating the skin of the scrotum.

Of course, it is impossible to use such drugs without the knowledge of the doctor. Do not refuse the help of doctors or ignore the symptoms of the disease - the likelihood of complications is high.
