In our time, such a disease as thrush is very common. 75% of women have experienced it at least once. Among pregnant women, this figure is even higher. Although the disease is not very dangerous, it is extremely unpleasant, so it is necessary to treat it, and do it efficiently. It is not difficult to recognize the disease, it is easy to confirm it with tests. But then the question becomes an edge: sometimes doctors prescribe completely different drugs.

And I would also like that drugs for thrush were inexpensive, since in our time treatment has long been associated with a lot of money.
What is this disease?
Thrush is a disease of the mucous membranes caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. These fungi are conditionally pathogenic (that is, they cause inflammatory processes only under certain conditions and in a certain amount). In most cases, these microorganisms live quietly on the surface of the mucous membranes and are part of the normal he althy human microflora. However, under certain conditions Candidabegins to actively multiply, while destroying cells and destroying beneficial microorganisms. In this case, we are talking about the thrush. Of course, there are antifungal drugs inexpensive, but effective. Thrush, being a fungal disease, can be cured with just such drugs.
Why does she appear?
From a biological point of view, mushrooms begin to suppress the main microflora in cases where beneficial bacteria for some reason stop multiplying or are destroyed. Therefore, it is no wonder that one of the main causes of thrush is the use of antibiotics.

Unfortunately, antibiotics kill not only pathogenic bacteria, but also the natural microflora. If a disease occurs for this reason, you should take not only inexpensive drugs for thrush, but also drugs that will restore the bacterial balance in the body. By the way, such drugs are also available in the budget version. Another cause of the disease is stress or a sharp change in climatic conditions (which, in turn, is the same stress for the body). And again, in such a case, you first need to remove the cause of the occurrence, establish a he althy sleep, take vitamins, and then proceed to treatment.
An equally common cause is a change in hormonal levels (pregnancy or taking hormonal drugs). In the case of an artificial change in the background, hormones should be canceled. If thrush occurs as a result of pregnancy, immediately begin treatment. Knowing how expectant mothersthey care about the he alth of the baby, it immediately seems that this contingent of patients will overpay without hesitation. But pharmacies have effective and inexpensive drugs for thrush, which are also indicated during pregnancy, so this is completely unnecessary spending.
How to treat?
Treatment of thrush is a simple matter, but a must, even if the discomfort it creates is minimal or not noticeable at all. Consider inexpensive drugs for thrush and compare them. First of all, all medicines should be divided according to the principle of their use. There is an oral and genital way to administer these drugs.
Vaginal suppositories are the most common and popular way to treat this disease.

But candles are different candles. What are the inexpensive drugs for thrush in this section?
1. Candles that are administered once ("Lomexin" and "Zaloin")
"Lomexin" costs 430 rubles on average. "Zaloin" - 530-600 rubles. They have a very high efficiency. Pluses "Lomexin" - price, minus - contraindication during pregnancy. "Zaloin" is not contraindicated, but it is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation.
2. Candles that are administered up to three times. ("Pimafucin", "Livarol")
The cost of "Pimafucin" is 400 rubles for three candles. The biggest plus is the possibility of use during pregnancy. The cost of "Livarol" is 500 rubles for five pieces. Plus - very fast effect. Minus - contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy.
3. Candles that require short-term use ("Nystatin", "Clotrimazole", "Terzhinan", "Betadine").
The most inexpensive drugs for thrush among those listed are Nystatin and Clotrimazole. Their cost is approximately 80 rubles. But their minus is obvious - not the greatest efficiency. These medications are more likely to be taken as prophylactic, during antibiotic treatment or hormone intake. The cost of "Terzhinan" and "Betadin" is over 700 rubles. Pros: "Terzhinan" is a broad-spectrum drug that is allowed during pregnancy (it is used in cases where not only thrush is found among infections). "Betadine" is perhaps the only drug that can be used during menstruation.
After studying this list, we can already conclude that it is possible to find inexpensive drugs for thrush. Which ones specifically - depends directly on the purpose and condition of the patient. You also need to consider the timing of treatment.
In addition to suppositories, tablets are used to treat this disease. Consider tablet preparations for thrush (inexpensive, but able to solve the problem).

Here the situation is much simpler: all oral tablets have the same active substance in their composition: flucanosole. The difference is only in the production names andproducing countries. So:
- "Fluconazole" - 17-65 rubles.
- "Forkan" - 300 rubles.
- "Flukostat" - 450 rubles.
- "Diflazon" - 650 rubles.
- "Mikosist" - 750 rubles.
- "Diflucan" - 950 rubles.
How to choose the best option?
All of the above tablets have the same active ingredient in the same amount. So, to be objective, choosing inexpensive drugs for thrush in women from this list, you save finances, but you do not lose anything in return. It is worth noting that the instructions for the use of these drugs indicate that a single dose is sufficient to achieve the effect. Experienced experts recommend using them three times, every three days. but if the indicated price is multiplied by three, the difference already becomes very noticeable for the pocket. It can be easily seen that it is easy to choose inexpensive drugs for thrush. Which ones - the choice remains with the buyer, because the list of even financially easily accessible drugs is very large.
Granny experience
Thrush is a long-standing disease of all female generations. Medicine has reached the level of mass treatment relatively recently. Considering the treatment of thrush with inexpensive drugs, I would like to pay attention not only to drugs. So what other remedies are suitable for getting rid of this ailment?

Oregano oil - 250 rubles. Thanks to the phenols included in the composition, which haveantifungal action, this pharmaceutical product is an alternative treatment for thrush.
Iodine, s alt and soda - 60 rubles. The oldest method. In this case, this composition is applied vaginally, by squirting or washing with a solution in which the above ingredients are diluted.
Herbal water tinctures: if you do not buy them at a pharmacy, but prepare plants in advance in spring and summer - 0 rubles. The composition of such decoctions can include any herbs that have antiseptic properties. If we consider an inexpensive remedy for thrush, the cheapest are folk remedies. Even if a woman has never encountered this problem, picking up chamomile, sage or other useful plants will never be superfluous. They are means not only for the treatment of this disease, but also excellent and useful additions to tea. In our case, we are talking about washing with infusions and decoctions.
It is believed that you should not eat sweets with thrush. But there are foods that help fight this disease.

Carrot juice, sauerkraut, lemon, pomegranate, garlic. Proper nutrition, in principle, can save a person from meeting with candidiasis. But if the disease nevertheless overtook, then along with the fact that a person takes effective and inexpensive drugs for thrush, it is worth thinking about nutrition. These products, in combination with medicines, will speed up the process of recovery and getting rid of unpleasant symptoms.
First symptoms
An important and alarming sign of the appearance of thrush is the characteristic itching. The degree of it is different for everyone, but basically it is a very unpleasant feeling, which in itself requires a solution to the problem. It happens that instead of itching, a kind of discomfort is created, which, in general, is quite tolerable. In this case, attention should be paid to another distinguishing feature of thrush - curdled discharge. It is also important not to diagnose yourself, knowing that you can get rid of thrush inexpensively, but be sure to undergo an examination. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment can and should begin immediately. Despite the instructions for the selected drug, it is necessary to pass the analysis again after completing the course. Thrush is rarely chronic, so with a reverent attitude towards yourself, it can be easily avoided in the future.
Be he althy
Every woman wants to be loved and desired. And every woman certainly deserves it. And how unpleasant it is when thrush overshadows everything at the most important moments of life. Taking care of your he alth is not just a duty of any woman, but also a social obligation.

Being the prolongation of the race of mankind, girls are obliged to monitor their he alth, because the gene pool of the next generation depends on this. Be he althy, and take care of yourself, if not for the present, but for the future. Maybe someday there will be neither diseases nor sick people, but for now medicine has been given to us - a faithful assistant in the complex modern