Ginseng is a perennial plant that belongs to the Araliaceae family. It can reach fifty centimeters in height. This plant is a perennial. Its roots are yellow, slightly branched. Flowers with a corolla are white, inconspicuous and small in appearance. This plant has single, straight stems with very long leaves.

Ginseng fruit is a deep red drupe, which consists of 1, 2 or 3 seeds. Ginseng flowers in July and its fruits ripen in September. The plant reproduces only by seed. At the same time, seed germination is possible only two years after the plant is planted. Ginseng is a long-liver that can exist for 1.5 centuries.
Ginseng (the beneficial properties and contraindications of this plant will be described in detail in the article) can be seen in the wild in Primorsk, Khabarovsk, China, Manchuria and Korea. It mainly grows in forests with broad-leaved trees and cedar, as well as in mixed forests on fertilizer-rich and loose soils. The main condition is that the earth should be moderately moist. Ginseng avoids direct sunlight,therefore, it grows exclusively in places covered with trees.
Useful qualities
About the healing properties of the root of the plant once even composed legends, from which it is known that it relieves various diseases, and can also put a person who is dying on his feet.
Due to the variety of chemicals it contains, it is considered a medicinal plant. It has been used since ancient times in folk medicine. The root of the plant contains resins, alkaloids, vitamin C, phosphorus and sulfur, tannins, macro- and microelements.

Toning and pain relief - this is the effect that ginseng has on the body. Medicinal properties and contraindications have been of interest to mankind for many centuries. The plant increases efficiency, improves gas exchange in the lungs and removes bile. Due to the medicinal effect, ginseng normalizes blood pressure, lowers blood sugar levels, and improves the functions of the endocrine system.
The plant has a calming effect on stress and neuroses. It is used for physical and mental overexertion, hypotension and depression.
Ginseng: benefits for men
Many, most likely, have heard about the healing effects of the plant in question on men. Its root has special properties. This plant contains saponins, which have a healing effect on the body of men, stimulating sexual activity.
Men very rarely themselves admit that they have problems in the genital area, and with themdo not want to fight. The treatment is very simple. You can simply take ginseng root for two months, which will lead to the greatest sperm motility and improved sexual function. When using the plant, it is better for men not to drink coffee, as this can lead to excitability and excessive sexual stimulation.

Ginseng, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are described in this article, improves memory and blood formation, normalizes heart function and metabolic processes. The plant heals wounds, improves vision, calms the nervous system and relieves pain.
Drugs from it are used for Botkin's disease, as they have a beneficial effect on the patient. Ginseng prevents the body from aging, promotes the active breakdown of fats, improves immunity.
In traditional medicine, the plant is used in the form of ointments, tinctures, powders, teas and decoctions.
Ginseng honey extract
Take a kilogram of linden honey, pour fifty grams of crushed plant root into it. Put the jar in a dark place for several weeks. After insisting, it is necessary to remove all the remnants of the roots from the honey. Taking a teaspoon of this medicine daily, a person completely forgets about pain in the head, about fatigue, while becoming protected from colds. Ginseng has such amazing properties. We consider useful properties and contraindications for the use of this gift of nature in the article.

Ginseng spirit tincture
To prepare it, you need to take 100 g of ginseng roots. They should be cut into small pieces, put into a jar, then pour 800 ml of vodka and leave for half a month. Then you need to strain the tincture through cheesecloth. This remedy is used before meals, 10 drops. We take it for 2 weeks, take a week break, then repeat the course twice more.
Tonic tincture
We continue to consider ginseng. Useful properties for women are toning the body. Take 50 g of crushed dry roots of the plant, pour them with vodka (0.5 l). Leave to infuse for 3 weeks in a warm room. Periodically do not forget to shake the composition. This medicine is taken by a teaspoon before meals.
Ginseng for runny nose and cough
To prepare this remedy, you need to take a large radish, make a recess in it and put it in a double boiler for two hours. Place a ginseng root nearby. After the specified time, you need to put the ginseng root in the deepening of the radish and pour everything with alcohol and honey. We cover the recess in the root crop, remove the infusion for a day, after which we take the liquid secreted in the radish, three times a day, 1 spoonful. During the day of treatment, a runny nose and cough will pass.
Miracle drink
Ginseng tea has an amazing effect. The beneficial properties of the drink will be described below. To prepare this tea, powder from the dried ginseng root should be poured with boiling water, left to infuse for 10 minutes, then strain. Teause 1 spoon three times a day for a month. After a thirty-day break, the course of treatment is repeated.

This drink has a tonic, stimulating, tonic properties. The active substances of this plant stimulate the nervous system, reduce physical and mental fatigue, improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, appetite, regulate blood pressure, increase efficiency.
Healing tincture of such a plant as ginseng (we consider in detail the beneficial properties and contraindications) is an excellent medicine that can cope with overwork, neurosis, mental and physical stress. This herbal preparation has an adaptogenic, metabolic, general tonic, antiemetic and biostimulating effect on the human body. Regular use of this tincture helps to stimulate the appetite.
The composition of the product includes the following valuable components: saponin glucosides, ginsenoids, minerals, peptides, essential and fatty oils, vitamins. Tincture stimulates the nervous system, reduces general weakness. It should also be noted that this remedy fights high cholesterol and perfectly stimulates sexual function.
We looked at what ginseng has useful properties and contraindications. Children can also use this gift of nature for medicinal purposes. Ginseng extract is a unique medicinal product intended foreliminate overwork, increase efficiency, stimulate and improve memory. Specialists prescribe this drug for weakened immunity, hypotension, and also to stimulate sexual function. It is also effective for high mental stress.

After past illnesses, the extract is able to quickly restore the body's strength. With heart disease, this remedy is contraindicated. Also, its use should be abandoned for epilepsy and convulsive conditions. Experts do not advise using it for sleep disorders. This drug is contraindicated for children under 12.
Ginseng root
The roots of a plant such as ginseng (see reviews below) contain large amounts of the following valuable components: panaxic acid, panaxosides, panaquilon, essential oils. It has also been proven that its roots are rich in phytosterol, alkaloids, resins, mucus, ascorbic acid, sugars, manganese, vitamins, iron and other trace elements. The root is widely used in traditional medicine for the treatment of various diseases.
It can be taken by he althy people as a general stimulant and tonic. In comparison with other modern stimulants of mental and physical performance, it is characterized by mild action. Regular use of the roots of the plant in old age will help prolong life.
It should be noted that ginseng has contraindications for use. Among them, there is an excessexcitability, bleeding, various inflammations and pregnancy. Of course, when using ginseng, there will be no irreversible consequences, but it is a strong stimulant and can cause headaches, and in hypertensive patients, worsen well-being. Some people may also experience nausea, vomiting, and high blood pressure. If at least one of these symptoms is observed, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Ginseng reviews
Reading reviews about the use of ginseng and preparations based on it, we can conclude that it helps to increase activity, restore sexual function in men, and helps to concentrate. Of the negative reviews, those expressing dissatisfaction with the existing contraindications, as well as the long process of preparing medicinal products from the considered plant, stand out.