Acupuncture for smoking. Coding from smoking by acupuncture. Treatment of smoking with acupuncture, reviews

Acupuncture for smoking. Coding from smoking by acupuncture. Treatment of smoking with acupuncture, reviews
Acupuncture for smoking. Coding from smoking by acupuncture. Treatment of smoking with acupuncture, reviews

Today we will talk about what acupuncture for smoking is, consider its specifics, rules for conducting and the effectiveness of the procedure. However, before that, general information about acupuncture should be given, because not everyone knows this method of treating many diseases.

acupuncture for smoking
acupuncture for smoking

General information

Acupuncture, or so-called acupuncture, is a non-traditional therapy based on Chinese medicine. Specialists who carry out such procedures are sure that there are many active points on the human body, with which certain organs, systems and structures of the body are directly connected. By influencing them in a certain way, one can treat diseases, anesthetize, relax muscles, etc.

Treatment of smoking with acupuncture

The use of the presented method is quite common among those who want to permanently get rid of this addiction, but are not able to do it on their own. Of course, the maina certain role in the effectiveness of this method is played by the suggestibility of the person who decided to use it (the placebo effect). In addition, it is very important to carry out this procedure correctly. In this regard, it is imperative to find a highly qualified and experienced specialist who skillfully owns traditional Chinese medicine, or rather the method of acupuncture. It should also be noted that before resorting to this method, doctors recommend trying to get rid of a bad habit on your own. And if several attempts were unsuccessful, then you can safely use the presented technique.

Why is the method not officially recognized?

smoking acupuncture coding
smoking acupuncture coding

Acupuncture for smoking cessation is not an officially recognized way to rid a person of this habit. But today there are still courses where doctors are trained in the speci alty "reflexology". So why is acupuncture for smoking not official? And this is due to the fact that at the moment there is no evidence base and randomized trials on this topic. Moreover, it is very difficult to determine what exactly led to a positive result and how pronounced in this case the placebo effect. In other words, acupuncture smoking cessation coding cannot be officially recognized due to lack of sound methodological grounds.

It should also be noted that, despite the fact that the presented procedure is carried out by quite experienced specialists, eachEach individual patient requires an individual approach. After all, in the process of acupuncture, a doctor can randomly influence unfavorable points, even if there is a standard scheme indicating the location of all acupunctures on the human body.

Specific method

acupuncture treatment for smoking
acupuncture treatment for smoking

Acupuncture for smoking has some specifics. Let's take a closer look at these points.

Firstly, the presented procedure most of all helps those who do not yet have a strong dependence and psychological attachment to this bad habit. In other words, acupuncture coding to stop smoking is likely to help only those people who have a relatively short experience (up to 5-6 years).

Secondly, the duration of such therapy is set by a specialist only on an individual basis. Therefore, if someone told you that you can get rid of an addiction in one or two sessions, do not believe it. As practice shows, for a complete cure, two or even three courses of acupuncture may be required, each of which consists of 15-20 visits to a specialist. As a rule, the first sessions are carried out every day, and the subsequent ones - in a day or even more.

Effectiveness of treatment and process of procedures

The desire to quit smoking of the patient himself plays a huge role in the effectiveness of such procedures. After all, forced acupuncture never leads to positive results.

acupuncture for smoking prices
acupuncture for smoking prices

All acupuncture sessions are held intreatment room with careful observance of the rules of antisepsis and asepsis. During such events, disposable or reusable needles are used (in the latter case, medical devices undergo pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization itself).

Before this procedure, sensitivity tests to the material from which the needles are made are mandatory. After all, no one has yet canceled allergic reactions to intolerance.

Acupuncture for smoking, reviews of which are very diverse, is carried out in a comfortable position for the patient. The places where the needles will be inserted are first processed, and only then, in accordance with all the rules, reflexology is carried out. Patients may experience some minor pain during this procedure, which many of them describe as a sensation of being hit by a rather weak current.

It should be noted that anti-smoking needles are placed for both 15 minutes and an hour and a half. During the sessions, an addicted person may experience tingling, burning, and so on. However, it is recommended that any sensations be reported to the doctor immediately, as they may indicate an allergic reaction or erroneous administration, which may lead to serious complications.

Contraindications of the method

acupuncture for smoking reviews
acupuncture for smoking reviews

Acupuncture for smoking, the prices of which vary between 3-7 thousand rubles, has a number of contraindications. These include the following:

  • Acute period of any infectious or viral diseases that occur withfever, severe cough and general weakness.
  • Acute period of myocardial infarction or stroke.
  • Any chronic and acute diseases.
  • Presence of oncology.

Among other things, it is strictly forbidden to use acupuncture measures against smoking in case of violations of the integrity of the skin in places where needles will be installed, as well as in the presence of generalized skin diseases that occur both in chronic and in acute form.
