Momordica is a tropical plant native to Asia. In our country, such a plant is very rare, but has already gained popularity due to its exquisite exotic taste and beneficial properties. People have long noticed that if you use the momordica plant for certain diseases, the treatment will always be effective.
It grows on a twisting vine, has beautiful carved leaves and fragrant flowers. Gradually ripening, the flowers turn into fruits that open to reveal bright orange flesh.
The taste of the fruit simultaneously resembles several plants, which is why they call it differently: balsamic pear, Chinese bitter melon, and Indian cucumber.

The leaves are rich in folic acid, which is responsible for the supply of oxygen to the bone marrow, therefore, with regular use of the medicinal plant, the risk of oxygen starvation of the brain is reduced and the risk of developing tumor processes is reduced. In addition, in addition to leaves and shoots, the curative properties of the momordica plant have a root,stem, fruits and berries.

Healing substances have a truly unique effect on the he alth of people suffering from heart disease, stomach ulcers, malignant neoplasms, and diabetes. Among other things, now on the shelves of pharmacies you can see a large assortment of medicines made from the momordica plant, the treatment of which is prescribed to destroy various kinds of infections, with hypertension, chronic and acute hemorrhoidal process, as painkillers that strengthen the body, as well as to reduce weight.
As for the seeds and fruits, they too must be given their due. They perfectly reduce the level of cholesterol in the circulatory system, thereby purifying the blood and reducing the likelihood of diseases such as atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, and stroke.
The plant improves the condition of patients with seemingly difficult to treat diseases such as leukemia and rheumatoid arthritis. Thanks to the beneficial properties of the momordica plant, the treatment of many diseases has a positive effect. It is also indispensable in cosmetology: it reduces the number of wrinkles, smoothes and tightens the skin.

From generation to generation, non-traditional medicine of the East passes on the accumulated knowledge about the amazing momordica plant. Recipes for treatment are very simple and easy to implement at home.
Chop the fruits of the plant finely and put them tightly in a three-litercapacity. Then pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Insist in a dark place. Consume half an hour before meals. The tool effectively treats colds, helps with psoriasis and rheumatic pains, tones the body.
Grind 15 g of seeds and pour 250 ml of hot water. Boil over low heat for up to 10 minutes. After insisting, the broth must be filtered. Use 0.25 ml 4 times a day. Used as a diuretic and also in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
The momordica plant, the treatment of which can have a healing effect on people, should not be used by pregnant women, as there is a high probability of abortion, as well as by people with individual intolerance to certain substances of this plant.